Robinson concludes tenure with humility at final commencement

da rattler
3 minute read

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sprawling campus of FAMU, the air was thick with anticipation. It was the day of commencement, a day that marked the end of an era for President Larry Robinson, who had led the university with a steady hand for nearly seven years. The Al Lawson Center was filled with graduates, faculty, staff, and proud families, all gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion.


President Robinson stood at the podium, his eyes scanning the sea of faces before him. He had always been a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak louder than any speech could. Today, however, was different. It was his final commencement as president, and he knew that his words would carry the weight of his legacy.


For much of the evening, it was a typical FAMU graduation ceremony, with no mention of this being, perhaps, Robinson’s last as president. Then late in the ceremony, Curtis Johnson, President of the FAMU National Alumni Association, a charismatic and passionate alumnus, unexpectedly veered off script.


"Before I continue," Johnson said, his voice steady and commanding, "I must take a moment to honor a man who has done so much for this university. President Larry Robinson, your leadership has been nothing short of transformative. Under your guidance, FAMU has not only been recognized as a Top 100 public university but has also catapulted to the third best overall HBCU, and has held the title of No. 1 public HBCU for five consecutive years. Your humility and dedication to excellence have set a standard that we will all strive to uphold."


The crowd erupted into applause, but Robinson, ever the humble leader, simply nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes betraying a hint of emotion.


When it was his turn to speak, Robinson took a deep breath, his gaze sweeping over the graduates before him. "I just want to get this back to where it's supposed to be," he began, his voice soft yet firm. "This is about y'all right now, not about me."


He continued, "every day, as we like to say at FAMU, 'Great things happen every day here on the highest of seven hills.' And for me, commencement stands out as one of those splendid moments of celebration and achievement."


Robinson's words were heartfelt, his pride in the university's accomplishments evident, yet his focus remained on the graduates and their futures. "As the 12th president of Florida A&M University, I've had the privilege of being part of this extraordinary journey, one that today sees its last chapter in my tenure as president. This moment is bittersweet, but filled with gratitude for the collective of dedication of these students and this great faculty that have helped to propel us  forward. It's been a great journey, but I know that our work is not yet done. Certainly yours isn't. Yours is really just beginning."


As President Robinson concluded his speech, the Lawson Center was filled with a standing ovation. It was a tribute not just to his leadership, but to the collective spirit of FAMU, a testament to the great things that happen when a community comes together with a shared vision and unwavering dedication.


As the ceremony came to a close, President Robinson stepped down from the podium, and exited stage left, his tenure as president came to an end. His legacy will live on, not just in the rankings and accolades, but in the hearts and minds of every graduate who walked across that stage, ready to embark on their own journey, inspired by the man who had led their university to new heights.


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