Interviews for Dean of the College Law begin Today

da rattler
FAMU will begin interviewing candidates for Dean of the FAMU College of Law today. The finalist the search committee will interview are Frederic White, Dean, College of Law at Golden Gate University College in San Francisco, , Raymond Diamond, The John Koerner Professor of Law at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA, and Linda R. Crane, Associate Dean for Faculty Development at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, IL.

Take a look at the bios for:

Frederic White

Raymond Diamond

Linda R. Crane

Fredric White will be interviewed today, while Raymond Diamond is scheduled to be interview on Tuesday. Linda Crane will be the final candidate to be interviewed, she is scheduled for Wednesday (Aug. 16th).

FAMU recently extended the contract of Interim Law Dean James Douglas to run through January. (see: Crisis adverted)

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  1. Hallelujah! Thank God! Now will all baby mamas, paramours, and girlfriends please exit the faculty lounge?

  2. TO 10:03 AM:

    It is interesting that someone in their good senses would apply for such an important position under such horrible conditions which exist at FAMU under CVB. I hope the Provost and others tell these individuals that the University has more than 100 ++ lawsuits pending in the courts. Furthermore, if you had any experience in the higher education arena, you would guess that these applicants must have ulterior motives or cannot move forward in their present jobs. Most of the higher education scholars are waiting until a permanent president is seated. Of course, there will be lots of vacancies when the University seats a President.

  3. That's not true. All 3 candidates have stellar legal backgrounds w/ experience in some of largest law firms in the county. Truly hard workers w/ national reputations among legal scholars. FAMU would be a labor of love. Current FAMU COL faculty better get it together and start working. The dysfunction is ova!

  4. Excuse me? Yale (Diamond), Columbia (White), and NW (Crane). They either wrote the law book or have a chapter in it. Current faculty better tighten up on their research and publishing. These boyz (& sista girl) got it going on- testimony before Congress, large law firm experience, Federal Trade Commission, MBA Kellogg, Crit Theory, you name it. There are no ghetto fab credentials in this lot.

  5. And they want to work for the "Ghetto Queen of the Nation", Castell? You wonder why such legal scholars want to put a mark on their proposed "stellar careers". You are just joking, aren't you?

  6. To Anon @ 10:47 Today's candidate practiced law for more than 5 years and taught at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law for more than 25 years. I think that he could get a job. With 25 years at the same place of employment, you think he could get his old job back, huh? And regarding the 100 ++ lawsuits. That ain't his/her job. The dean does the law school. Chief counsel does the lawsuits. Just admit Castel knows what she's doing.

  7. Castell knows what she's doing? Like when she shut down the Center for Urban Policy without any legal authorization? Or, when she botched FAMU's relationship with NSF, forcing us to renegotiate an issue that was already settled? Or, when she claimed the NCAA lawsuit was not a public record (which resulted in a public records lawsuit and court loss for FAMU)?

    Please. Bryant has no credibility. There is a clear record of poor decision-making.

  8. You know when I sit and ponder the state of my beloved alma mater and the one who is at the helm, I get dismayed and baffled. But then I always go back to the words of my Grandma and they are indeed most appropriate when it concerns CVB. "If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all."

  9. Can we keep this conversation about the law school and the candidates for dean? So whatup w/ the original faculty picked by the former dean?

  10. New Dean + faculty w/ no tenure =
    no job........

    You do the math

  11. Question: The original faculty picked by the former dean number how many law review articles have they produced since since the school opened= 0. There's some math for you.

  12. My point exactly.

    0 X 0 = 0
    0 + 0 = 0
    0 - 0 = 0

    Hence New Dean + faculty w/o tenure = 0

  13. Do badly written op ed. pieces in the Orlando Sentinel and Find Law count?

  14. Dang,
    You must have received a really bad grade in that Professor's class. Stop spending your time on this and start studying for the Feb. bar exam.

  15. im actually very excited about these prospects. I wish them the best and I know they came here because they believe in the law school and what it will eventually become. We cant go wrong with either of the candidates. I wish them the best.

  16. Exactly. We have to be positive now. The only hope is for new leadership to come here and save the school from those who want UCF to take over. Actually, it's some of the tenured faculty like the ones who have been outed here who want that dream to come true. Free the law school!

  17. Hello Rufus,
    We all know you are the one doing the responding on the behalf of Castell. The permanent president should be the one to hire a dean for the Law School and all the other colleges and schools. Rufus, we expect you to continue the next few days to support Castell. She should be gone by September 5th.

  18. I haven't seen their full bios but as an attorney I'm not really impressed.

  19. To Anon @ 12:18 AM. Obviously you're not a good attorney. Fall asleep during 1L classes? Your opinion must be fact based. Since you have not read the full bios (you can start at Martindale-Hubbell) or done any additional research on the candidates (maybe a Google search will do), then your impressions are not rationally based. You do not have all of the facts. Yale, Columbia, NW. Private practice at one of the largest law firms in Ohio. Kellogg School of Business. Just read this blog. Anon @ 12:30 put it out there for us. You got to hone up on your fact finding and reading skills.

  20. Rufus,

    When are you going to pay your frat dues and support your frat. After all you did take that oath or again was that just mere words only spoken for the moment.

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