Resident SACS expert not a part of FAMU team

da rattler
It seems that resident SACS expert Walter Mercer is not a part of the FAMU accreditation team. The Interim President claims she's surprised and Vivian Hobbs accreditation liason claims he was invited to participate via email, however the invite must have gotten lost in cyberspace. Hmmm.

See the full Capital Outlook story here: Mercer a SACS guru. Mrs. Bryant's and Mrs. Hobbs' account about why Mr. Mercer's expertise and institutional knowlege are not being tapped sound awfully fishy.

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  1. Cast-hell and Vivy are full of it, they never intended to seek Mr. Mercer's help!!

  2. It is what it is. Who in their right mind would believe that pack of lies. Its not like Dr. Mercer is in another state. You send me an email that mysteriously disappears in cyberspace. If you did send it and recieved no reply, why didn't you follow up with a phone call. Just how stupid do these folks think we are. Man oh man, when will the drama end?

  3. If they (CVB & VH) were truly interested in helping FAMU to retain re-accreditation, then they would of sought him out. Bu then again, that's the right thing to do and it doesn't follow D. Whyteman's (Jeb Bush's) agenda...

  4. Castell politely, while insulting Dr. Mercer at a Senate meeting announced that she was appointing Vivy as chair of SACS.

    Although Dr. Mercer was sitting in the audience, she never acknowledged his presence or informed him that he would not have any role in SACS. A faculty member did ask what about Dr. Mercer during this announcement, but as usual, she turned a deaf ear and moved on.

    What do you expect from a person who has proven over and over again, that she could care less about appearances, tact, protocol or just common courtesies?

  5. Damn is this a lady a compulsive liar or what?

  6. Why in hell would you send someone a damn e-mail on such an important issue? Should a correspondence of this nature been formally addressed to Dr. Mercer on FAMU letterhead, no less? Yeah, folks love to put shit on cyberspace losses. I bet if you dismantled every computer on that campus, you couldn't find an e-mail to Dr. Mercer that was supposedly sent. CVB, VH, DB and the rest of the mfing crew need to go on home, 'cause they have no intentin of doing the correct thing. CVB & VH go WAY BACK, like to dinosaur days. Buddy-appointing, that's all everything ever was, is, and until CVB leaves, hopefully in March 07, that's all that's it's going to be. EW is a dinosaur buddy as well. Well, to see them, they're all fossils, whether they're in Lee Hall or Foot-Hilyer. Why would you not utilize the expertise of a professional like Dr. Mercer, who's been there and done that, oh, how many times? Because CVB just don't give a damn. They all should have been at the feet of Dr. Mercer, if what they truly want is for the university to be accredited in 2008. They'd rather take a chance on VH, who, I'm told, don't know jack about what she's doing. CVB would rather give her buddies a raise than do the right thing. Apparently she knows nothing about Spike Lee's movie, "Do the Right Thing." The movie title is applicable to a host of shit.

  7. As we speak, CastHell is seeking others to step in and assist Vivy with the SACS runaway train. Some people across Florida has been offered as much as $200,000 to come in as consultants.

    Who says CastHell doesn't know what she's doing?

  8. Where will she get the funds? I thought that the University was low on resources?? If they have funds available now, maybe they would best be used to catch-up on the University's utility bills with the City of Tallahassee. Have they paid the arrears from last Spring yet?

  9. I AM SOOOOOO VERY TIRED OF VIVIAN HOBBS AND HER PRACTICES! First of all, when did Viv learn how to send e-mails? That, in itself, could be the problem. She is NOT computer savvy. Does she even know how to turn a computer on? She lies. She gossips about everyone at the University. OH?! Does she even come to work anymore? When she first got that SACS position, she would go home throughout the day (to take naps, smoke herself silly, take more naps), and then return to campus to try to pretend that she is important. Don't forget that Castell GAVE her tenure when the committee did not grant it, after she had tried, tried, tried and tried again. She had to be dismissed from one of her previous positions as the faculty advisor to the FAMU Court because she cursed the Queen and her court
    A L L T H E T I M E ! ! ! !

    And CB said in a meeting last year to Dr. Mercer, in front of faculty, "I've got something special for you, and we will get together later." She knew last year that Dr. Mercer was no longer a part of the SACS committee - yes! 2005! DO YOU HAVE TO LIE SO MUCH CASSIE?

  10. consultants??? When we have been passing SACS with ease for decades?

    Man, we better pass that damn SACS stuff, or we're done.

  11. I know that VH don't know zippo about computers. Well, maybe. She probably knows that the one in her office has dust on it from never being used. And all this $$ for some damn consultants to do what Dr. Mercer already knows? And can do for FREE? Where all this damn money coming from that CastHell claims the university ought not be spending? Oops! My bad. I forgot about that $8 million stachel of money stashed God-knows-where. Castell needs to be Cas-trated. Any takers?

  12. For those of you who are still living in the dark ages, one of Spike Lee's charactes also said "Wake up!" in Skool Daze. E-mail is an accepted form of business communication. This is especially true of an organization's internal communications. Mercer's old age (the picture in the paper is very outdated) is no excuse for not knowing how to open e-mails.

  13. Who said he couldn't open email? And why would you send email to an FAMU account, when the man has all but retired from the University. Hell, I could send you mail to your college address, but does that mean you should get it if you no longer reside there.

    What happened to picking up the damn phone for something as important as this? A formal letter on letterhead and/or a personal phone call would have sufficed in this instance.

    By the way, I sent a pretty sizable contribution to the Foundation, five figures. As of today, I have not received an acknowledgement by email, snail mail or otherwise. This is certainly not acceptable since I have sent Castell numerous emails inquiring about this gift and some other issues I have encountered.

    Do you think she had the courtesy to email? No! As a matter of fact, she pointedly informed the parents of a student we recruited to attend FAMU that she does not answer her emails, she just has an email address because she was told to. What kind of response is that to give to parents who drove across three states to get a response from the university and her office, they were denied by numerous phone calls to FAMU, FEDEX mail, and faxes?

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