"Audit not as dire as it seems" Eh?

da rattler

FAMU Interim President Castell Bryant and former BOT Chair Challis Lowe's assertion, "this is the best audit response I've seen since I've been on the board. Things are not as dire as we thought in the preliminary audit'', rung very hollow yesterday. The university's explanations about missing money and questionable transactions failed to convince state auditors on even one of the 35 audit exceptions noted in the preliminary audit.

Castell & Co said the $39 million widely reported by some newspapers as "missing" was actually money from fees "that were collected and passed through the university. "We are on the road to greater fiscal accountability and responsibility," Mrs. Bryant also said at the time.

See: Not as bad as it seems

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  1. Dire my butt!

  2. Either Mrs. Lowe is just stupid, or she was mislead by Castell. Probably both!

  3. Challis Lowe knew what was going on. She decided to try and protect Castell anyway.

  4. How accountable will Cast-Hell be this weekend during WORD! I bet she doesn't show, except for graduation.

  5. Word on the streetz is that Cast-Hell took ten (10) years to graduate. Now she doesn't want anybody that needs remedial help to enroll in FAMU? Time to GO!

  6. WOTS--(Word on the Street) has the right info. Yes, Castell took an entire decade to get one undergraduate degree. Tell me she was busy trying to hang out in the big city, and, well, you know, that she's from the big city of BARTOW, and when she left her mama's house, well, Tallahassee seemed like NYC to her, and she just got, um, well, let's put it like this: Castell was a Girl Gone Wild. Hello?

  7. I wanna know how she and Vivian are still tight when Vivian stole her man in college.

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