
da rattler

Remember that welcoming FAMU lounge at the Tallahassee Municipal Airport that greeted tens of thousands of visitors to the Florida Capital each year? Well, it's no more. Yesterday, interim president Castell Bryant ordered the place emptied, even the throw rugs were taken. It seems Mrs. Bryant felt that FAMU no longer needed the space and it wasn't worthwhile.

We're not sure what the problem was, the furniture in FAMU welcome room was donated by Badcock. We were told by airport workers that the space may now become an FSU welcome room.

Interestingly enough, the Tallahassee Airport is managed by Provost Debra Austin's husband Ken.

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  1. Dang! Just how mad is Castell? What is the real scoop on why this happened? How much did such a thing cost, contract-wise? So folks who come to the city will not be greeted by the Orange and the Green? That's cold-bloodied. But seriously, what's going on with that and why did it happen? Was having a FAMU lounge out there bad publicity for the airport or what? I'm sure the reasons, according to CVB, are sinister.

  2. This is crazy. She is one vindictive, evil woman. Those of you who work for her better lay low.

  3. This he she is not crazy,he she's mentally ill it need to be taken out in the wood shed with cooking oil poured all over her and burn the hell out of it, this thing has more hell in it than the devil himself.

  4. Man, I haven't flown out of Tallahasse in awhile now and it made me proud seeing the beautiful orange and green FAMU set-up whenever I flew out of the Tallahassee Airport. I'm almost certain FSU will jump on this ASAP. Castell you are what you are. And what that may be can't be posted on this website.

  5. You know the first thing that New BOT needs to do is limit the power of a interm President cause this is crazy how can someone temporary have this much power to do this much to a school in such a short period of time and not even be permanent to even see it thru. We need of have a investigation for her and TK cause some thing very foul going on between those two. All I keep seeing is giving to FSU everything she can give, what payoff is she getting. As for FSU damn can't ya come up with your on original ideal once in your life..

  6. The bitch done lost her mind! The BOT needs to order her to have it restored AT ONCE!!!!!!

  7. Please contact Provost Debra Austin's husband Ken Austin. He played a major role in taking away the FAMU Welcome Room.

    Kenneth Austin, Director of Tallahassee Regional Airport, 3300 Capital Circle SW, Ste 1 Tallahassee, FL 32310-8700, Phone: (850) 891-7800 Fax: (850) 891-7837 Email: austink@talgov.com

  8. Well, I guess if SOMEONE planned to destroy FAMU there was no need to welcome anyone. After all, who needs to come to an institution that won't be in existence?

  9. what ought to be in that room .... just as it is now ... with the grate locked in the closed position .... is CASTELL

  10. You gotta admit, that is so
    T-R-I-F-L-I-N-G, it's funny! We should probably expect Lee Hall to go up in flames sometime tonight. Then, bulldozers will be ordered in to rip the eternal flame out of the ground.

    Go 'head Castell, withcho bad self!
    I can't wait to sit down and have a drink with my new best friend.

    Hell hath no fury like Castell scorned

  11. Castell is a disgrace to the FAMU family. If I hired someone that caused that much damage to my company, I would've been fired on the spot!!


  12. RN, can you give us some solid information on why this happened? I'm sure that CVB didn't simply have the FAMU Room evacuated becuase she's "angry" or any silly thing like that or simply because she wanted to continue to throw her weight around since she's under the gun. What really happened? Was this a BOT decision? Did she simply operate on her own in terms of the decision to have the room shut down? Who gave her permission to do this? I know that the provost's husband is director of the airport, but what, if any did either of them, Debra Austin and/or Ken, play in the termination of the Famu Room?

  13. Here's more info. We learned this afternoon that contract has conme up for renewal, and Castell didn't want to renew it. The City was letting us have the space for minimal cost and after FAMU folks have been blowing up the airports phone lines. They are willing to let us still have the space.

    No this wasnt a BOT decision. In fact, we understand that CVB isn't even returning Board members calls.

  14. Keep up the good work Rattlers. Now lets pay for the room and make it special. Interactive and informative for middle schoolers as well as recruiters and visitors.

  15. Yall making me use up all my dang daytime minutes! LOL

  16. Although I have no information, I am sure this was a gift to Debra Austin's husband. I have not been in the Tallahassee Airport in a decade, but I remember the FAMU Welcome area being in a Large area in Prime real estate in the airport. If we were paying minimal cost, I am sure he wanted to lease the space out to a vendor to generate more revenue.

  17. RN, this is 2:19, again. One last question: what was it costing us to maintain the space if the city was letting us have it for minimal dollars? I mean, surely whatever these minimal costs were was something that CVB could even live with (and the FAMU budget could withstand). So I'm thinking that if and when CVB comes back into Tallahassee (for whatever reason) via the airport, she simply doesn't want to be greeted or see the likes of anything remotely associated with the university that, as she is so likely to claim once she's departed, treated her so badly. How much could the FAMU Room cost for it to be relegated to the dustbin of memories? Thanks for the previous repsonse to my earlier concerns. I love RN.

  18. Ticket prices are up and traffic is down at the Tallahassee Airport since AirTran left town two years ago.

    So that can't be it.

  19. da rattler said...
    Yall making me use up all my dang daytime minutes! LOL

    5/01/2007 2:50 PM

    We appreciate you RN/Da Rattler *big hugs*

  20. Anonymous said...3:24 PM

    "So I'm thinking that if and when CVB comes back into Tallahassee (for whatever reason) via the airport, she simply doesn't want to be greeted or see the likes of anything remotely associated with the university that, as she is so likely to claim once she's departed, treated her so badly."

    anon 3:24 PM .. That problem can quite easily be solved. Castell can purchase a Greyhound Bus Pass with the "performance bonus" received , thereby avoiding the airport entirely. It should be ONE WAY FROM TALLY, further insuring the possibility of the two ever meeting again.

  21. RN as someone who has raised funds for the University and donates money yearly, could you please post some numbers for the space of the room and find out if we can install some flat screens and also internet accsess for a bussiness center in the space? If at all possible can this be placed on the main page and not as a response so that all who come onto the site will see it and we can start to coordinate the funds? Please and thank you!

    I enjoy all the comments but I am about the action of moving FAMU forward and I know many of the readers of this site are as well and we can only move forward by talking with our money!

  22. And when I say numbers I am talking money/cost....thank You

  23. How much longer until she is gone????

  24. Tallahassee airport is trash anyway most people don't want to fly out of their cause it cost to damn much. I hear Panama City building a international airport .. let put a welcome room there :) ...

  25. It's time to step up Rattlers. Its time to get thru what we're going thru!
    Let's put our money where our mouth is I'm ready are you? WE NEED TO DO THIS NOW!!!!!!!

    Don't let CVB win.
    PS. I'm calling Tom Joyner on this one.

  26. castell has indeed been asked to resign but has refused, although an official appeal/request for her to do so was delivered to her via ol' cussing lizzie Mac. cvb refuses to do so, exercising the language in her contract that says she can give the board sixty days notice and then go on about her sorry-assed business. well, of course, the 60-day notice deal will be july 1st. james ammons spends weekends here and he will report to the university in a "consultant" capacity beginning june 1st. his presidency begins, as we all know, on july 1st. castell is an idiot, arrogant and just plain stupid.

  27. Has Liz McBride started her taxi service yet? Time for her ass to go, too!

  28. I know Ken Austin personally. He loves FAMU. We play golf together and he is a straight-shooter and won just about every award imaginable as director of operations for the Tallahassee airport. He actually found a way to save the city money when George W. imposed all those 9-11 requirements on the airport.

    Ken NEVER had a problem with the FAMU room to this point, so ask yourself, "Why would he now." This wreaks of CAST-Hell crap! I GUARANTEE, when the smoke clears, it will not be Ken, but more of Castell's ignorance.

  29. The latest is that W. George Allen is proposing that the University Commons be named the Castell V. Bryant Commons

  30. George Allen is an idiot. (A lot more can be said about this proposal of his, but there are so many flaws in the man's logic, until it easier to simply say that he has gone mad.)

  31. If Austin was smart and savvy, he'd land Southwest Airlines. Maybe the air strip of an airport would have some traffic. The city should write off the biggest room for being allowed to place that silly sign on campus, as if the city REALLY supports FAMU. Let alone have anyhting to do with the "Black Enterprise" distinction. The city needs to get the bus "system" together as well.

  32. Did you all hear that poem he dedicated to her at the Black History Convocation? It was called "Speak the Truth to the People."

    I gotta give it to them. They got each other's backs.

  33. Irreplaceable
    Dedicated to Castell & Co.
    By PJ & DST

    To the left
    To the left
    Everything you own in the box to the left
    It’s in the audit
    That’s our stuff
    If FAMU bought it
    Please don’t touch

    Keep talking that trash that’s fine
    But could you board your broom at the same time
    And it’s FAM’s name that’s on that Tag
    So get to steppin you triflin’ Hag

    Standing up in Lee Hall
    Tellin us how we just a fool
    Talking bout –
    we’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you

    You got us twisted

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We can have another Prez in a minute
    Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We will have another Prez by tomorrow
    So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
    You’re irreplaceable

    So go ahead and get gone
    Call up Challis and see if she home
    Oops I bet you thought that we didn’t know
    What you think we are firin’ your ass for
    Cause yall was untrue
    Lyin and stealin and doin what you want to

    So Casty drop off them keys
    And hurry up before yo broomstick leave

    Standing up in Lee Hall
    Tellin us how we just a fool
    Talking bout –
    We’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you

    You got us twisted

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We can have another Prez in a minute
    Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We will have another Prez by tomorrow
    So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
    You’re irreplaceable

    So you robbed FAMU of everything
    But how about she’s still something
    Though she’s nothing at all to you
    But we won’t shed a tear for you
    We won't lose a wink of sleep
    Cause the truth of the matter is
    Replacin you with James was so easy

    To the left
    to the left
    To the left
    to the left

  34. 8:47, WILL YOU JUST GIVE THE MFING SHIT UP? DAMN, WE GET IT. I bet you're an aggravating mf to be around.

  35. TO: 5/07/2007 5:22 PM

    Can't be no more aggravating than you are gonna after July 1.

  36. i have no idea what that means.

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