FAMU grad's endorsement among the elite

da rattler
When it comes to picking the next U.S. President, the Washington Post suggests that U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek's endorsement is very important to Democratic candidates that hope to be around for the November '08 presidential show-down. As the Post sees it, with Florida moving its primary from March to January 2008, Mr. Meek's endorsement is critical to helping pick the next Democratic nomineee.

Here's what the Post had to say, "Meek, who won his mother's Miami-area 17th District when she retired in 1992, is a comer both in Florida and in Washington. He earns a spot on our list (of elite endorsers) thanks to his real-world experience in statewide campaigns. In 2002, Meek was the driving force behind a successful ballot initiative that sought to limit the number of students per classroom across Florida; it was strongly opposed by Gov. Jeb Bush (R). Then in 2004, Meek served as Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.) Florida campaign chairman. In other words, he knows the state top to bottom."

Continue reading: Florida's five key endorsements

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  1. dat's my freshman brother, represent!

  2. He's a good politician, however, he didn't necessarily "win" his mother's district/seat. when his mom decided not to seek re-election, she did so at the very last minute, literally, thus preventing anyone else from opposing her son. Smart move, but the clarification is needed in the context of the article.

  3. Meek did indeed win the seat. He was properly elected accordingly to state and federal election guidelines.

    Yes, Meek did use his mother's good name and reputation to help him just like the Kennedy and Bush families have been doing for generations. Since no candidate has emerged to launch a successful drive to unseat him, it's clear that the majority of voters in his district appreciate the quality of representation they're receiving from him.

  4. 1:05pm,

    Quit hating!

    He won his seat fair and square. And, he's successfully won reelection. He works hard for his consituents, FAMU, and is establing a NATIONAL reputation on his own.

  5. We're very proud of you Meek. Keep up the good work.

    Go Rattlers!!

  6. damn, nobody's hating. just making a point. i didn't say the man didn't use what he had to get what he wanted. i just said he and his mom did what they did, point of fact, and no, no one's dismissing what he did in parallel to what the kennedys and bushes did. no one's emerged because the name is powerful and it speaks for itself. that's all. no big deal and no great big debate here. goodness.

  7. I can tell that the RN bolosphere is getting pretty testy up in the house. We need some juice up in this mother. We miss the ol' Castell-bashing, don't we?

  8. 1:05-I agree with you! Apparently, the people up here tend to get thair panties in a bunch when folks speak the truth. Carrie Meek knew what to do when it came time to pass her seat to Kendrick, as she is a very smart politician. She knew that he may not have won had someone filed to run for her seat (had she given them the time). But, he has represented well, thus giving folks a sense of security with him. But, 1:05, you are right on!

  9. I'm one of his constituents and am happy with his representation of our district. What I'm most impressed with him is how he's never forgotten where he's come from. He still has a firm handshake, hug, and conversation for those who are life long friends and acquaintances, as well as those who he meet for the first time.

    Despite his position, he's never had the "better than" syndrome that a lot of our people seem to get after bettering their lot in life. For a man of his stature, I've found him to be humble and accommodating. I remember wanting to make an appointment to stop by his office to talk with him about issues, and his aide said to "just drop on by". Now, that's accessibility!

  10. Mr. Meek can't deliver north florida or for that matter central florida, and south florida is iffy. Did his last presidential candidate win Florida
    in the presidential race. Think not.

    The question is, what have you done for us lately. Nothing.

  11. Outside of Miami-Dade and probably Broward County, the name Meek only means mild manner. In other words, it doesn't carry much weight in most of Florida and it sure as hell does not deliver votes.

  12. The Meek name certainly did not save Cast-hell. So how can he deliver anything other than, perhaps, his own district. This is not a heavy weight name, perhaps, South of the Border in Miami, but no where else.

  13. Hey, RN! What happened to my comment about Meek's "accessibility"? The comment wasn't ugly or mean-spirited. In fact, the tone was simply sarcastic. Did you hang me out to dry b/c of a one-line bit of sarcasm?

  14. Self hatred. No one is good enough. You are only a prophet without honor in your own land. FAMUans love to hate on FAMUans. My people, my people.

    Kendrick will have a long career if he keeps it up. He is well respected on the Hill and by his colleagues. He needs to be nfluential with the other 500+ Congressmen. He does not need to know every Joe Blow in Florida who lves outside the state to make decisions on what is in the best interest of all Floridians and Americans.

  15. He needs to know the differences among North, West, East, Central and South Florida. The World does not revolve around Washington, DC or Miami-Dade. That what many politicians refuse to understand.

  16. Go Kendrick! Go Kendrick Go!

    We're proud to call you a Rattler and a son of FAMU!

  17. learn the political process

  18. Anonymous said...
    We're very proud of you Meek. Keep up the good work.

    Go Rattlers!!

    6/02/2007 5:38 PM

    Here, Here...

  19. Sticking to politics, there is over $65,000,000,000.00., available through at least 100 Federal programs. Just one example: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security [DHS] makes Tens of Millions of dollars available [for computer technology training], via the U.S. Department of Commerce.

    This guy has traveled to Iraq at least 3 times on behalf of Congressional committees. I would expect to see more some government cheese come back to Miami through any number of federal programs.


    It's time to come clean, in 17.

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