High flying Rattlers sporting low flying website


As the Rattler football team continues to soar, the FAMU athletic department is still sporting a "low brow", "low tech" website, which FAMU fans hate.

The current site was supposed to be a temporary "place holder" until a new one was launched, but temporary is an elusive word and is approaching nearly ninety days.

Earlier this summer, FAMU athletics web presence hit a road block when the department was without a website for over two weeks.

Now with the fifth football game of the season rapidly approaching, Rattler fans are without a place to view team rosters or up to date information on their favorite sports team. "This is a sad commentary for a Division One school," wrote one fan. "What if I wanted to donate to the Athletic Department's 1,000 Strikes campaign, with no website how could I do that?"

Also see: Athletic website "jacked up"

Fans give website low marks

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  1. Our website is some hot ghetto mess.

  2. I just love "Wommens Tennisac" LOL

  3. The Athletic web page is an accurate reflection of the Booster Organization. The site along with all of the errors is pathetic. The Booster office told me that they had mailed parking decals and other literature prio to the first game. Needless to say, that was a lie. I had to stop by the Booster office the day of the first football game to pick up the parking decal "that they had already mailed". It was a very slow process. The Boosters need competent leadership. We can do a lot better than the leadership that is there right now. There's no reason that a university like FAMU shouldn't have competent people leading its Booster Organization.

    According to Mr. Gaines, FAMU will have a new and improved website in 3 or 4 weeks. Lets hope so.

  4. 3 or 4 weeks from when?

  5. 3 or 4 weeks from right now.

  6. ^^^They said the same thing back in July! ^^^

  7. Reflection of the Boosters? How about the sorry athletic director?

  8. We can pool our resources and make a site that either is a model or an alternative to the one that is up now. RattlerNation and Rattler Roundup has prompted an "official" counterpart.

  9. its amazing that we blame an auxillary support organization for the FLAWS of the athletic department.

    Are the Boosters in charge of the ATHLETICS WEBSITE, or is Athletics in charge?????

    The fault lands promptly in the lap of the Athletic Director. He is in charge of all athletics affairs. I guess this is the type of quality work FAMU gets when you double someones old salary. Ammons should be letting Hayes have it!!!!

    You double his salary, bring him here without any real tangible accolades and everything he touches turnes to dogsh*t!!!!!

    I guess we'll add this website debacle to his growing list of ineptitude.

    One day, FAMU will recruit based on talent......and not friendship. Come on Ammons, we can do better than Hayes. Let him retire, he's not fit for this.

  10. ...at least Ken Riley had a clue about what was going on and left us with a cool million dollars.

  11. I thought that we were looking for soulutions now. We know that the site is unacceptable.

  12. Te solution is get a real AD

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