RN Poll: Hayes is running athletics in the ground

All it takes is one conversation with FAMU Athletic Director Bill Hayes to learn that he's not out to win any popularity contest. So it should come as no surprise that a recent Rattler Nation poll found that 64% of Rattlers had an unfavorable opinion of him and were dissatisfied with his handling of the FAMU Athletic Department.

Only 23% of poll respondents were satisfied with the direction the Athletic Department has been taking under Hayes' management, while 10% were neutral.

Among, the most recent gripes about Hayes is that he has hired his son-in-law at a hefty salary.

Hayes' management style has been compared to Castell Bryant's.

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  1. Man you are wild with that photo. The best in 2009!

  2. "Potty mouth" Hayes hasn't won many friends for FAMU.

  3. RN, you're the greatest!!! It's time for Bill Hayes to go. I hope FAMU'S Communications lady, Ms. Saunders is reading checking out this blog.

    Herb Rhinehard for AD!!!

  4. Great pic, RN. The numbers in the story don't compute with the poll posted. 64% had unfavorable opinion of Hayes, while only 23% (not 34%) were satisfied or somewhat satisfied with Bill.

  5. 4:32,

    Thanks. You are correct. It seems the raw numbers were added up instead of the percentages.

    The change has been made.

  6. RN, how much is he paying his son-in-law?

  7. Getting rid of Bill Hayes is a great start but in the end it won't do much without an examination of how FAMU got here in the first place.

    What I mean by this is the hire of a "Bill Hayes" shows the systematic flaws of our great institution. We don't hire those "best" for the job or even the best of those that usually apply for employment at the school. Now, in many cases, to be honest, we don't get great applicants to begin with. We trump them up to be something that they are not and wonder why, when it comes down to it, they do not cut the mustard.

    Bill Hayes is a relic in HBCU sports without an innovative, forward-thinking or progressive bone in his body. But why should he? He was given a ridiculous salary to come here so obviously he would think that he was hired for his track record. But what is his track record. Is it that of building championships, running a superb department, hell just being a great leader/boss? I say no, but others may differ.

    FAMU cannot move into the future without changing its hiring practices. We can't continue to hire our friends and families and expect success. I understand this tactic is widespread use outside FAMU as well, but this practice of cronyism does not work well for "our culture."

    Bill Hayes should have never been hired, let alone been paid that kind of salary. But more importantly, the entire athletic department should have been overhauled a long time ago. We are still operating with a knowledge base that only really encompasses that of previous generations. What knew ideas have the athletic department brought to the table. The website maybe, but that's not their creation. We all saw what they came up with! Even with all the flaws of the new site, it looks 1000 times better than what they have ever done. The information not being updated is purely their fault.

    At this point i'd rather outsource the entire department than let it go on the same as it has been. There is no marketing, no communications, no stories, nothing except legacy. A legacy we are disrespecting by only looking at HBCU and MEAC dinosaurs to lead us.

    I hope we not only do something about the athletic department, but every department on campus. We are at the crossroads of survival and demise. Let us stop hiring for favors or "likability" and only concentrate on "ability."

    We all know those on campus who are here because of how good they are at what they do. It' a shame those individuals are thoroughly outnumbered by those whose gross ineptness is leading us into a quagmire of underachievement. And that to me, can turn into a roman tragedy of epic proportions.

    So im glad we can put a Bill Hayes on blast...but he's just on nut on an infested acorn tree.

  8. 5:43,

    Next time you want to write a guess column just email to us at: rattler_nation@yahoo.com We'll print it. : )

  9. Coach Carl Goodman for AD!!!

  10. Rumor has it that the son-in-law is being paid $95,000.00 to do a job that he has no experience or training for. He is actually being trained by the very people that he supervises, and their salaries are said to be a third of his. It is also said that the son-in-law doesn't have a degree. Can RN research this for us?

  11. 95K and no degree? surely you jest! I've got three degrees and don't make half. Something's wrong, very wrong with this picture. Now, what exactly does he do? or is suppose to be doing, position-wise?

  12. He is the supervisor to the athletic academic advisors and runs the study hall (whenever he's there).

  13. Whether you agree or disagree with the way Bill Hayes is running the athletic program, this graphic TOO much....what happened to having some taste?

  14. Yeah. I'm sure this pic will be used against us and not just Hayes in the future when it's time for internet smack talk. Oh well.

  15. You should have seen him at the Moon Saturday...he was so full of it he smelled like a cesspool..Mickey get your head out of his ...

    Can't tell ya

  16. “SLOW YO ROLL IN 09”

    Well, since no one is saying anything, I decided to take pen in hand and write what some Rattlers are thinking. This message is to our Athletic Director, Mr. William Hayes. I sincerely think your intentions are very good for the Athletic Department and I think you have some very good ideas. Please, understand that I know that I am entitled to my own opinion but hear me out. I was in attendance at the Moon the first year you came, I listened to the wonderful things you stated you hope to bring to the Athletic Department. But if you looked around, you were speaking to a small crowd of Rattlers who were retired, professional, middle to upper class and who could support your efforts. The average income for “Black Folks” in Tallahassee is between 13-18 thousand dollars a year (not counting our minimum wage Rattlers, who make considerably less)

    For decades the only entertainment for “us” has been FAMU football. As I looked around the stadium in 08, the students side was full, but our reserve section has faltered. The first dissappointment was the jump in parking spaces prices. You were not here the year before to see the spaces filled in the stadium. We scrambled to beat the Gaines Family for the 20 “Hill” spots they have purchased for years. In speaking with one of them, they said they could not afford $250 for parking and 2-3 season tickets per family.

    Since you want to talk REVENUE…..We spend just as much money in the 5 Walmarts, drink as many sodas/water from Coke and Pepsi, beer from Budwiser, Car Dealerships, local businesses as our counterparts. How much are they contributing to FAMU? Do we have to do a Rosa Parks to get your attention? No harm intended but your Marketing Department needs renewing,revamping and revising…”Slow Yo Roll” or you will be rolling by “yo” self.

  17. so Bill's brother does NOTHING, and the other folk do all the work for little or nothing?? There has to be some kind of oversight of the oversight for this kind of madness. OMG.

  18. lmao@ da rattler...

    what's going on with you? we miss you....

  19. 1/11/2009 9:44 PM

    me too and I agree....

  20. What happened to the picture of Toilet Bill?????

  21. =======================
    FAMU vs Delaware State 9/05/10
    Section E- Seats#31&32- 50yd line
    850.544.0717 - 850.544.0732

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