Meek kicks off U.S. Senate campaign

big rattler
This morning, FAMU alumnus and Congressman Kendrick Meek officially announced his bid to become Florida’s junior U.S. senator in 2010.

Joined by his family outside his home in North Miami-Dade County, Meek laid out his vision for the future of Florida by emphasizing his commitment to alleviating current problems such as the increase of foreclosures throughout Florida, rising unemployment rates, the loss of senior citizens' retirement funds, ending the war in Iraq, and resolving healthcare inequalities.

He began his remarks by paying homage to the Florida institutions that prepared him for his career as a public servant, including Miami’s public schools, the Highway Patrol and FAMU.

"Public service and a commitment to make a better life for the people of Florida has been my mission” Meek said. "But never in my lifetime have the people of Florida been faced with so many big problems. Our state needs bold leadership at every level, and that is why I've made the decision to run as a candidate for the United States Senate. This race is not about me -- it is about Floridians. I am running for Florida, and I am asking Floridians to run with us in this race."

He added that he wants be an ally of President-elect Barack Obama, who carried Florida in last year’s general election.

"Thanks to the leadership of President-Elect Obama, change has come to Washington. But it won't be easy. There will be opposition from many powerful forces who have stopped us before. We cannot let obstructionists stand in the way of helping the people of Florida."

Meek is the first major candidate to officially enter the race to replace U.S. Senator Mel Martinez, who recently announced his retirement. Congressman Allen Boyd, another FAMU supporter, is also interested. Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink and state Senator Dan Gelber are said to be possible contenders, as well.

Potential GOP candidates include: Gov. Charlie Crist, Attorney General Bill McCollum, U.S. Congressman Connie Mack, former House Speaker Marco Rubio, and former House Speaker Allan Bense.

The official website for Meek’s campaign is also up-and-running.

Meek-for-Senate buzz grows

Two FAMU supporters consider running for U.S. Senate in 2010

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  1. Kendrick is the perfect man for this job. He has been a standup guy for Miami, and for the better education of all Floridians (as well as my football teammate at FAM. The Repubs are going to throw the kitchen sink at this seat. They don't want Obama to have that much power. I will do all I can to get Meek seated.

    Vaughn Wilson

  2. Canu you be specific on his record for Florida?

  3. This is Rattler Nation. Not some journal. Uh, can you be concerned enough to look for yourself.

  4. No guts, no Glory! Go For It Kendrick! We're with you!

  5. 8:25 PM, George W. Bush is not Obama either. Based on his failure as president, I suggest HWCU are insular & stagnant.

    Imagine that, the WORST president in American history attended a WHITE college. Meek has a chance after all. Thank god for HBCUs.

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