Despite abundant evidence that an increase in college costs will probably force students to take smaller course loads, FAMU’s Board of Trustees decided to hike tuition and fees anyway.
Trustees voted to implement a 7 percent differential option on top of the 8 percent tuition bump approved by the Florida Legislature.
In-state students pursuing graduate and law degrees will have to pay 15 percent more. Their out-of-state peers will face a 19 percent price jump.
While the legislature estimated that FAMU could raise $4.4 million from tuition and fee increases (for a total of $57.1M), President James Ammons said that number is not realistic.
The legislature projects that every student will take a full course load. However, most FAMU students actually take fewer credit hours when college costs go up. Pell Grant increases have not reversed this trend.
With the price increases, FAMU is likely to stay on top of the State University System’s student debt list. FAMU students graduate with about $30,000 in debt each – the largest reported number among Florida’s public universities.
Trustees voted to implement a 7 percent differential option on top of the 8 percent tuition bump approved by the Florida Legislature.
In-state students pursuing graduate and law degrees will have to pay 15 percent more. Their out-of-state peers will face a 19 percent price jump.
While the legislature estimated that FAMU could raise $4.4 million from tuition and fee increases (for a total of $57.1M), President James Ammons said that number is not realistic.
The legislature projects that every student will take a full course load. However, most FAMU students actually take fewer credit hours when college costs go up. Pell Grant increases have not reversed this trend.
With the price increases, FAMU is likely to stay on top of the State University System’s student debt list. FAMU students graduate with about $30,000 in debt each – the largest reported number among Florida’s public universities.
FAMU trustees did not consider any major fee breaks despite the fact that other state universities have adopted fee breaks as a way to generate new revenue.
The board also awarded Ammons a bonus of about $113,750. His base salary is $325,000.
Some news reports pointed out that the presidents of Florida Atlantic and Florida State turned down bonuses due to budget constraints.
Ammons’ bonus, though, was based on his success in navigating FAMU through crises that FAU and FSU did not face. They include getting FAMU’s re-accreditation processes for law, pharmacy, journalism, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools back on track.
Ammons--you are really too much. This is beyond the pale. Are you or anyone else in your administration really interested in education, or is FAMU just a "get rich quick" scheme?
ReplyDeleteThat's hardly getting rich. I do hope that this money will find its way to our students, but this is no reason to jeer Dr. Ammons. Remember how we paid much less capable administrators.
ReplyDeleteAmmons give the BONUS BACK!!!! WOW!!!! These trustees suck too!!! They are going to close FAMU down and the Trustees and the Administration is helping them do it!!!
ReplyDeleteAn even more pressing question, where the hell are these faithful alumni, when such nonsense ravage the halls of this ONCE great institution? Ammons, your 2 short years here have yielded trivial accomplishments, and more dirty business, When will someone who actually gives a damn about the well being of the faculty, and student body lead FAMU out of mediocrity. And when will the student bodies of all state institutions realize that these fat cats only want a trophy and a paycheck?
ReplyDeleteFAMU's tuition is still the lowest priced in the country. If these student's think education is expensive, then try ignorance!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember reading that Dr. Ammons accepted this bonus. Knowing Dr. Ammons like I do, this bonus will find its way back to FAMU.
ReplyDeleteLike he has a choice... He don't give it back hell will come down on him and the staff/faculty will have no respect for him. You can't tell people they going to lose jobs and have pay cuts and you take a bonus like that.
I think Ammons should show some spine and consideration for the university and DECLINE the bonus. He obviously isn't suffering the same as others with an already high salary before the bonus!
ReplyDeleteHe needs to decline the bonus. That is ridiculous. He's done a great job, of course, but that is incomprehensible that he wpuld take it.
ReplyDeleteI stated long before Ammons got hired at FAMU. That when the newness were off, Ammons will show his true colors. Just ask the Administration at NCCU. Ammons came to FAMU with a goal in mind, to work for that bonus.Because Ammons attended FAMU. That doesn't mean you had to hire him. FSU has a President that graduated from University of Florida.So far FSU has no complaints.
ReplyDeleteExactly, so we should move on to things that actually build and further FAMU. Thanks for the heads up RN! This won't be your weapon to tear us down HATERS. If you care about the state of Florida, you'd want FAMU to be the best it can be. Not scour for weaknesses to prey on instead of improve upon them.
ReplyDeleteFAMU's trustees are just setting these students up for even more debt. Sending grads off with $30,000 in debt is an embarrassment. How high do they want the average student to rise: $60,000?
ReplyDeleteOur board members are not thinking.
12:32 P.M.
ReplyDeleteWhile I understand the point you attempt to make regarding having a "home grown" leader of the university - and I agree, please know that T.K. Wetherell, FSU's President earned ALL of his degrees from his beloved FSU.
Well I guess you know what the President can do the next time he ask anyone and especially an alum to give money to the university.....
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to make calls now to all my classmates
Alums aren't giving much money anyway, so all yall can kiss ass
ReplyDeleteHmmm....okay. Ammons' salary is 325,000. The legislature caps university president's salary at 225,000. The university makes up the difference. And that money comes out of the foundation account, which is supported by alumni. So, Ammons is not touching any state money. And, the man earned his bonus. As far as the tuition hike,
ReplyDeleteIve said it before and I'll say it again- Even with the tuition hike, FAMU still has the lowest tuition rate in the state that has the lowest tuition rate in the nation. You can't fund education for the cheap and expect quality. Nothing worth having in life comes free or for the cheap.
In the time of severe budget cuts and constraints, Dr. Ammons should refuse the bonus. It will be very demoralizing for those who are being let go and/or asked to take cuts in their base salary; let alone not receiving a bonus. Dr. Ammons did what he was hired to do. He did his job... I am not sure we can say at the bonus level people are proposing. We are still running a $4M deficit in athletics. Have you seen a real fundraising campaign from the VP he hired? It has been mediocre at best. We still need to hire permanent deans in many of our key areas. When will that happen. We have several dorms still closed, what is the plan for getting them operational again. Although FAMU is progressing, I am not sure he has gone above and beyond. That is what a bonus should be for, not just meeting your basic obectives.
ReplyDeleteI feel everything Dr. Ammons has done is status quo. Nothing exceptional which is what a bonus is for. If he had not gotten us reaccreditated, would we still want him as our president. He did his job, nothing more, nothing less.
Give the $35000 to the Save-A-Student loan program to keep FAMU students in school.
FAMU students on average are $30000 in debt. Whose fault is this? FAMU and the state of Florida have almost the lowest tuition in the United States. Maybe students should try to stop trying to maintain a lifestyle in college and focus on their schoolwork. Save the designer clothes, car rims, spring break trips, and even cars for after graduation.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to college in the 70's I wore the same funky jeans a couple times of week. I purchased my first car when I graduated from college. I cooked rather than eating out all of the time and Spring Break, I stayed home and slept.
Students need to readjust their priorities.
2:24 p.m. I hope you are not employed by the university. Clearly this type or comment won't bring about a change in giving!
ReplyDeleteWhy would alum give when they aren't being asked, they're input, request and suggestions are not acknowledged let alone implemented, can't get a transcript request processed, the person hired to head the division is less than qualified, we see no return on our investments to the university, and the monies are used to further line the President's pockets and hire is incompetent friends to run the university!
For every poster that as commented on "Ammons just doing is job" you are absolutely correct - nothing stellar has been accomplished and furthermore it's the staffers, faculty and students that are performing!!!
@3:31 p.m
ReplyDeleteWhat are you smoking? He earned his bonus. The staff/Faculty have been earned a pay raise and bonus, but do you see them getting anything NO. They being asked to work harder for less pay, less supporting staff, and potentially have to deal with more students. Person should lead by example he shouldn't take a pay raise or bonus till he has given his employees one first. People are sick and tired of working their butt off and only seeing the administration get any reward for it. FAMU is nothing without good Staff and Faculty and the best of those are looking for employment else where cause they not being rewarded for their hard work. FSU and FAU president declines and FAMU's president don't ... yea that will go over well in this state during these times. We get enough bad press as is and we sure don't need more...
That "outfit" down there is a bunch of country bumpkins trying to round up as many "wallerminons" as they can.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most preposterous example of leadership that has ever been seen, and it's appalling how many blindly loyal Rattlers can't see it.
ReplyDeleteYou really nailed it 12:32 PM. Stevie Wonder can see what's going on here. Your "favorite son" could care less about any of you--faculty, staff or students!
The original story is the saddest piece of lame-brain, lightweight reporting the has ever appeared on this blog. Less serious transgressors have been vilified on this site.
ReplyDeleteWhat gives, RN? Ammons deserves the same amount of scrutiny and accountability as any other FAMU administrator.
FAMU has more students in work study than several other state universities that are much bigger. There is no way we can expect these students to graduate on time or avoid high debt when college keeps on getting more and more expensive.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, and again, this is perhaps, so don't take out the hickory switch on me but...
ReplyDeleteLet's just assume that he has to fiscally "receive" the bonus before he can give it back. Perhaps this is what has to be done so the money can go back to FAMU.
What happens if he declines the bonus BEFORE he fiscally "receives" the bonus? What pot of funds do the bonus come from? Is it possible to conceive that if he declines before he "receives" the funds, that it may NOT go to FAMU? Perhaps, and again PERHAPS, the bonus funds may be redirected away from FAMU if he does not take fiscal possession first.
Now if this was the case, would you all be ready to rip him to shreads? You can't always make a knee-jerk action every time something happens; sometimes the greater good shows up at the end. I can understand some of the comments, since we all have been burnt up on things like this before (hey, ya'll remember Enron, right?)
By now, you all have read/heard about what other university presidents have done to return their bonus, but NO ONE has offered HOW they did it.
At this point, it's a wait an see period on the next steps. But it would be interesting to find out about what strings are attached to bonus funds, and the how the bonus fund operate if you don't do certain things.
Ammons will do the right thing, but take into consideration WHAT it may take to do the right thing. Things aren't always cut and dry. Also remember the BOT voted on this just yesterday. I'm sure funds were not electronically transferred last night or even today.
Not a sermon, just a thought.
ReplyDeletePS...and I did mean to say fiscally, not physically!
What ignorance 6:34 PM! Didn't you read that the funds are to come from the FAMU Foundation--a unit that has barely raised a cent that was not previously committed?
ReplyDeleteWake up, wise up! THINK (if you can) before you post dimwitted comments!
Face it, Ammons, the BOT and the PR folks all blew this one. There's no way around it now. This is a massive screw up of maximum proportions. The cat is out of the bag. Whatever they come up with at this point will be sheer BS.
This whole mess stinks, and nobody except a few dimwits has been fooled. True colors? You see them; they are the colors of greed and callous concern for the dedicated people at FAMU.
Ammons is the PR King. He has someone going over this site right now to get a sense of how you all feel. Now that he says that many of you may think bad of hiem, he is going to deny the bonus to look noble. It's all about the image.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, this demonstrates the fundamental selfishness of Ammons and his administration. They are paying themselves hugh salaries, taking big pieces of the FAMU operational budget, and sending crumbs to academics. The BOT is just a shill for Ammons. The faculty senate is worthless and just pretends to represent faculty interests while Ammons runs roughshod over the faculty.
ReplyDeleteDearest 7:44...
ReplyDeleteI guess it takes one to know one. Get a grip and grow up!
The writer @ 6:34 did say they were speculating. Perhaps you are in the inner cirle. I can see your point, but was the nastiness necessary?
According to the Tally Dixiecrat, his SALARY comes from two sources: the State and the FAMU Foundation.
WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT THE BONUS COMES FROM THE FOUNDATION? I can see where the error could be made, and so should you.
Anyway, back to my original post...the other University presidents did not really say they were giving back their bonuses; they said they were not accepting them at this point. Trust me, they will be compensated another way. You'll never know.
Dr. Ammons will do the right thing, or this will become a nightmare he does not want to deal with.
Who cares where the money comes from we know its coming from FAMU cause the BOT has to approve it. According to these same people FAMU has no money hence 4 day week, layoffs, and not filling needed positions. We all know FAMU having money problems so they shouldn't have no money to give for no bonus. Also these fools should have known better than bring this up now after all this AIG bonus crap and 2 percent cuts in pay. Folks in no mood to hear somebody say we need money cause we can't do this and that then turn around and say oh yea we giving you a bonus. I wish somebody at FAMU learn to be proactive in not causing controversy at FAMU and putting us back in the papers for nonsense. It one thing when outside people start bad press about us, but its another when we do it to ourselves. This not a matter of if he deserves it or not its a matter of this is the WRONG time to bring it up in the first place....
ReplyDeleteCome on people, stop beating up on our president. Legally the bonus is his to accept or reject. Dr. Ammons is a very honorable man and will do what's in the best intereset of FAMU. It's not his character to accept a bonus when students and employees are being asked to sacrifice. Give the man a chance to breathe. I'm just thankful that he became our president and delivered us from the choke holds of SACS, BOG, & those blood thirsty republican state legislators.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dr. Ammons for a job WELL DONE!!
I'm personally not beating on the man but I'm not going to say everything he does is correct neither. For the most part he done a good job even though I question some people he has underneath him *cough Robert Seniors* *cough Sterlin Adams* ... As much as he done for this school their is always room for improvement. I'm loyal to the school not the individual. How about giving some props to the hard working staff and faculty for a change they are the ones that keep FAMU going. They are the soldiers carrying out the orders and falling on the sword day in and out.
ReplyDeleteAmmons needs to give the bonus up for student scholarships or bonuses to faculty and staff
ReplyDeleteAll you people defending Ammons remind me of similar noise from the likes of you in defense of the previous FAMU presidential recipient of BOT bonuses. It sounds like dejavu all over again.
ReplyDeleteProfessors have not seen a raise in eons! As one of the posters said, it's all about Ammons' image. For the university to claim it has no $$, it has been spending like hell (and hiring like the dickens!) since Ammons has been on board. Despite what a lot of folks think, there are professors at the university who have worked there for years and still make little to nothing and are always fighting the higher-ups for a measely crumb. Ammons is about making himself look good. He cares nothing, absolutely nothing about the faculty. I know. I am one of those faculty members about which he cares nothing. When you're on the inside, you see a whole lot of what the public doesn't see or know. It's all about glamour and glimmer and shine and sparkles.
ReplyDelete4:48AM, Hit the road Jack!! If it wasn't for Dr. Ammons, you'd be in the soup line. And if you're that miserable, leave. I have two daughters at FAMU and they are thrilled with Dr. Ammons' leadership and the quality of education at FAMU. People complain about their bosses everyday, including me. You either live with it or go work for one of those racist schools that regard you as less than a dog.
ReplyDeleteFor all of you defending Ammons -
ReplyDeletePlease note that he TOO received the measly $1,000 bonus that was pandered to the university community (as well as the 4 day work week - which is a joke) just to set up him receiving this bonus!! This is not noble, nor honorable and definitely not the type of leadership FAMU deserves.
To the poster who told the other poster to hit the road: Are you serious?
ReplyDeleteJimmy Ammons is just a figure head. The work that is being done from Sacs to teaching, is being done by faculty and staff.
Ammons just gets all the glory and all the money from the looks of it.
If he's not going to take the bonus, then why did the foundation have to pay his lawyers that negotiated the contract so he COULD get the bonus???? Can someone explain that?
ReplyDeleteIm sure if there is enough PR backlash, he won't take it, but please....let's not act like he wasn't going to....that's laughable!!!
Why don't yall give him credit. Everyone knows that the staff does the work. Aren't they getting paid to do their jobs? He provided the leadership. Success or failure comes from the top down. In Ammons' case we have been successful. Way more than his predecessors. Don't hate. Congratulate.
ReplyDelete@ 12:45pm
ReplyDeleteNo they not getting paid for what they do compared what the to the people with the same jobs at other Florida Universities. For the 5 years of hell FAMU was going through with all the leadership changes the staff was the ones keeping that school together. It was the administration that was screwing up for all those years. The staff and faculty was the ones keep the school above water and fighting the administrations that wanted to bring that school down. Most of them still doing the same job they been doing before and after Ammons with no change. His job at the in of the day is to bring in the money, best students, and help return some of schools back to their glory days. Well some of that still up in the air cause SBI and Engineering still a shadow of what they was and I'm not going to even talk about the money cause of all this mess with the economy going on. We still have a Athletics department that still bleeding money and causing bad press. Yes he brought stability to the school and fend it off from our enemys and I'm not saying that he don't deserver something. The whole point is this IS NOT THE BEST TIME TO BRING IT UP. The same folks that force Humphreys out will be looking to do the same to him and most the people in this state black or white will not look positively on FAMU president taking a bonus when so many other folks including his own employees are hurting. Politically it would be stupid for him to do it and it would hurt him with the staff and Faculty at FAMU. And yes that does matter cause remember it was the same Staff and Faculty that eventually help get rid of Castell one way or the other. They can hurt him if they want to so that one bridge he does not need to burn...
This is proof that WE need to get together MORE OFTEN. This is a place to offer ideas to solutions, innovations, and voice to things that can improve OUR University. This is not your personal business, so some things will not always go the way you'd personally like. There is SO MUCH HATE here and I'm not surprised anymore. If there are experts out there, get into the room with the right people so WE can benefit from your expertise. Opinions are worth a hill of beans if you can't apply what you claim to know. Right now, the ignorant content of this thread may cost us more than what we may pay Dr. Ammons. And then you trust to be anonymous lol. Think people, when did you last send someone to FAMU? Be an example. When in doubt check the Alma Mater, if you KNOW it. I'm definitely not suggesting that you be passive, but let's do things the way we should. I know that if I'm not financial, I don't have a say. Get financial, get in the room and get to working for who and what you love and that which loves US. We can do this without coming to blows and this is HARDLY anything to shake our Rattles about. We've got fish to fry and this oil 'aint even HOT! This is ssSMOKEssSCREEN!
ReplyDeleteThere has always been hate on this board, hate for Gainous, hate for Castell and now hate for Ammons
ReplyDeleteWell said @3:05 PM.
ReplyDelete9:25, you're stupid. Just because an employee complains -- which, certainly one has th eright to do, you want to offer some asine comment about 'hitting the road.' If if were not for the professors, who would teach the students? YOU? Yeah, right. Professors should not be ill-treated simply because they elect to stay at the university and teach. They still have a right to decent treatment. And like so many other bloggers here have said, Ammons has done a godd job, but he is still, for the most part, a figure head who has his own best interest at heart and not the faculty.
ReplyDeleteTO POSTER: 9:25, While you have "two daughters at FAMU," what does that mean? Your two daughters, like the thousands of other students at the university, are just that: students. They hardly know the ins & outs of what is REALLY happening at the institution. In other words, they may be, I reckon, pleased with the school, but they don't -- as obviously YOU don't, know jack about anything except what's in front of you -- and probably hardly that. Go fly a kite.
ReplyDeleteI think that the entire executive staff needs their salaries reviewed. I don't believe any of them have any interest other than their bank accounts. I too thought that Dr. Ammons would bring about a change. But its the same old back door policies going on over there. Things will never improve there until you bring in some outside blood for the VP's especially technology. The VP for IT has to be the most underqualified VP in the nation. How does a 4 year degree from FAMU and a doctored up management experience equal VP. Enquiring minds would like to know. I say Ammons buddy list. What about you?
ReplyDeletefor famu to keep saying that it has no $$, it is still hiring people at huge salaries. point in case: the sister of the university's chief financial officer was recently hired by in the EIT/technology division. RN, you need to report on this kind of stuff and provide your readers with some real copies of the 'paperwork.' all this "Andrew Gillun getting married" stuff is NOT IMPORTANT. We do not care about that. we want some REAL university news!
ReplyDeleteI agree 4:33am, its those types of practices that prevent other qualified folks that could provide contributions to the university as well as a different perspective that is much needed. I wonder how many people had their time wasted by attending the interview that never had a chance to get the job. How long are they going to continue to pay people that need to be fired. For instance Wayne Dunwoody director of Network Services. That guy has been demonstrating incompetance for years yet he manages to keep a high paying job.
ReplyDelete1:01 AM,
ReplyDeleteNo, you’re stupid if you think the world revolves around YOU. What does complaining accomplish? You have two choices; (1). Leave and find you a job at Wal-Mart, if you’re qualified or (2). Become creative and change things for the better. After all, you are a college professor, so don’t just sit there and do nothing. So what are you going to do? Are you ill treated are is that just an excuse to sit on your ass and do nothing?
When you change, the university will change.
Please provide more information about the CFO's sister being hired in IT and Bill Hays son/soninlaw hired in athletics. What is really going on??????
ReplyDelete5/29/09 @ 9:59 AM.
It's Friday and he still hasn't given the money back or donated it to scholarships/faculty and staff bonuses? Real leadership at work
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't operate on YOUR schedule.
ReplyDeletewow! a bit testy about other folks' money, eh?
ReplyDeleteThis mimics so much the the national recession that we are all in. We are "outraged" by bonuses given out to already highly paid executives because those bonuses were negotiated in contracts upon them being hired. I can understand that.....its a legal issue. Those execs not getting their bonuses is a suable offense. The reason why people are outraged is how are bonuses given out for subpar performances???? I mean, if anyone deserved bonuses you would think their companies would be operating in surpluses....not needing bailouts.....right????
ReplyDeleteMy point is, and its my opinion, is contracts are OFTEN renegotiated on both ends. Im sure Ammons did not accomplish everything he was supposed to do this past year. I can see from the legal standpoint giving Ammons his bonus (maybe), but why did the board approve his HIGHEST bonus potential?!?!?!? That makes NO sense. Ammons actually did not have to get approved for his maxed out bonus of 35%.....he could have gotten approved for 20% (which in these times, I still see as ridiculous). How about 1%?????
This is a compounded problem. 1) OUR BOARD IS HORRIBLE!!!! But that's when you get a bunch of nobodies and locals instead of national achievers that are supposed to be leading the university i directions they couldn't attain on their own. They are all YES people and provide NO oversight. Realize this: THEY WERE HERE WHEN WE GOT PUT ON PROBATION!!!!! That means they FAILED as a board. 2) Ammons is doing what his predecessors did. Surrounding himself with friends first and talent second (if not ever). Its funny how FAMU is the disputed No.1 HBCU, but we need all these people from North Carolina and NCCU to lead us to the promise land. HA...where does NCCU rank????? If they were so great then why could they never compete with us before....HMMMMM????
I really wanted change at the university. I hate that the good workers get overlooked constantly that have no relatives that work on the leadership team, no hook-ups.....just good old plain hard work to stand on. I hate the fact that many had to start their career tracks all over again because of the ineptness of past administrations. I hate that every time I give money now, I don't feel it fulfilling a true purpose. I hate that every time I here of a new hire here at the university from north carolina.....its at two, three and sometimes four times their previous salaries, while only maybe one or two previous employees have seen any type of financial recognition. I hate the fact that I thought we had true leadership now, but I see that its been days since this story broke, and there has been no word from our leader. I hope that he looks at Obaa as an example of true leadership, because he hasn't let two days go past without informing the nation, whenever a touchy subject has come about.
The longer it takes for the President Ammons to speak on returning the bonus or declining the bonus.
*for the people on the outside looking in at the university He (Ammons) want you to think everything looks good. But for the people on the inside looking out. THEY KNOW THE REAL DEAL.*8
The last two posts are so correct. Leadership is seriously lacking, nepotism has run rampant, and only a few loyalist insiders think that all is fine. The rest of the world knows what a mess we have on our hands. The Board is inept. How else would they have awarded the maximum bonus? Other than to achieve SACS reaffirmation (and it was the faculty and staff that actually did that!), how well did Ammons do on achieving his other objectives? To date only a few have even asked that question (Thanks 2:05 AM).
ReplyDeleteWhat was he to accomplish? Did anyone research that? Well, here's the answer. You tell me, were these 100% accomplished?
. Update the university’s strategic plan;
• Increase enrollment as well as retention and graduation rates by improving the quality of the student experience;
• Secure reaffirmation of the SACS-COC and move FAMU’s accredited disciplines toward compliance with the standards of their respective accrediting bodies;
• Develop new degree programs and increase research productivity to be competitive with our peers;
• Implement policies, processes and procedures that continue to enhance and strengthen the University’s financial and operational systems;
• Implement new strategies to meet fund-raising goals;
• Implement marketing and public relations strategies that will enhance the image; of the University and increase membership in the National Alumni Association;
• Secure the full accreditation for the FAMU College of Law
I'd like the Board to address how they came up with 35% based on his performance on these objectives.