Julian White out as Band Director as Governor asks FDLE to Investigate Band Hazing

da rattler
FAMU has decided to seek new leadership for its music and band programs, Julian White who had led the program since 1998 has been dismissed.  His termination comes four days after the death of drum major Robert Champion, who investigators say was hazed following the university’s Florida Classic football game in Orlando.
FAMU President James H. Ammons said, “I admire and respect Dr. White for his body of work. He is a distinguished musician, teacher and administrator. But as director of bands, I just didn’t think that we had the kind of controls and accountability that we need to have in those bands and those organizations under his supervision.”
Ammons said he has not yet named a successor to White.
White, a FAMU music graduate, began teaching at the university in 1972. He has been placed on administrative leave until December 22.  
The same year he became director, Ivery Luckey, a clarinet player said he was hazed. In 2004, the Board of Trustees settled a lawsuit with Luckey  for $50,000, who had been paddled 300 times resulting in him being hospitalized. 
In 2001, the university paid $1.8 million to Marcus Parker, a trumpet player who was beaten so badly one of his kidneys temporarily failed.
Gov. Rick Scott has asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to assist with the investigation of Robert Champion's death.

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