Maupin, Suber too arrogant and disrespectful toward faculty to provide quality leadership

big rattler
1 minute read
If John E. Maupin, Jr. had decided to go ahead and call in for his scheduled FAMU interview today, he would have been greeted with the following Rattler Nation headline:

“Maupin received vote of no confidence from Meharry Faculty Senate in 2003.”

According to the Tennessee Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP): “One June 4th, [2003] the Faculty Senate voted no confidence in President John Maupin by a margin of 45 to 5 with 15 abstentions. The vote came after 13 professors were terminated and a number of others found their contracts restructured with substantial reductions in salaries.”

An investigating committee of the AAUP later accused Maupin of effectively eliminating the tenure system at Meharry Medical College during his presidency at that school. There were also allegations that he used intimidation tactics to pressure faculty members into publicly supporting that overhaul.

Maupin withdrew his application for the FAMU presidency on Sunday. News of his decision came just hours after another candidate, St. Augustine University President Dianne Boardley-Suber, also withdrew her name from consideration.

Logan Delany, who formerly served as the chairman of the St. Augustine's University Board of Trustees, said he resigned from that position shortly after Boardley-Suber dissolved the institution’s faculty senate.

Maupin and Boardley-Suber did not make those anti-faculty decisions to help their respective schools become stronger. They took those actions to weaken key parts of the system of internal accountability (e.g.: due process and shared governance) so they could then push professors around much like immature K-12 bullies.

FAMU doesn’t need an insecure, power-desperate president who thinks faculty members should be treated like “The Help.” It needs a leader who understands and respects the central role that professors play at a research university.

Maupin and Boardley-Suber weren’t up to that task. 

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