Vice-Chairman Kelvin Lawson moved “to terminate the contract
of President Mangum due to incurable cause.” He accepted a friendly amendment
from Student Body President Tonnette Graham for the motion to go into effect at
midnight in the event it passed.
The motion failed by a 5-7 vote.
Faculty Senate President Bettye Grable, Kelvin Lawson, Spurgeon McWilliams, Chairman Rufus Montgomery, and Robert Woody voted “yes.”
Torey Alston, Student Body President Tonnette Graham,
Kimberly Moore, Belinda Shannon, Cleve Warren, Nicole Washington, and Karl
White voted “no.”
Robert Woody then moved to terminate Mangum’s contract “without
cause” and with “no confidence.”
The motion failed with a 6-6 split on the board.
The only difference between the results of that vote and
previous one was the fact that Alston decided to vote “yes” on the motion,
which led to the 6-6 outcome.