With the commitment and razor-sharp focus often associated with an athletic competition, FAMU's Honda Campus All-Star Challenge team is preparing to defend its 2005 National Title at at the 17th annual Honda Campus All-Star Challenge (HCASC), March 31 through April 3, 2006, in Orlando, Fla.
During the four-day competition more than 300 of the best and brightest students will put their knowledge through the paces as they handle questions on topics ranging from world history to popular culture. FAMU and the 63 other HBCU teams will be competing for the coveted national championship trophy and a $50,000 grant for their school.

During the four-day tournament, teams of four students compete in a modified round robin format. The top two teams from each of eight divisions advance to the "Sweet 16," a single-elimination playoff. The final two teams then compete for the National Champion title in a best 2-out-of-3 finals series. More than $300,000 in institutional grants is awarded to participating schools.
Throughout the program's 17-year history, FAMU has won been crowned national champs six times. HCASC graduates have gone on to make an impact in the fields of science, medicine, aeronautics, industry,education and government, among others. For more information on HCASC click here ---> HCASC