Antoinette Humphries Former FAMU First Lady Passes

da rattler
1 minute read

Mrs. Antoinette McTurner Humphries, wife of former FAMU President Frederick S. Humphries died this evening after a long illness. She was surrounded by her family. Mrs. Humphries was 64 years old. She served as FAMU's first lady for 17 years, from 1985-2002.

Mrs. Humphries served the FAMU community with grace, dignity, and concern. She was equally as kind and generous as she was quick witted. A regal woman she cared for and nutured a generation of FAMU students. We, at Rattler Nation, deeply mourn this great loss and know that God --and all his angels-- have met her at the pearly gates to welcome home one of his favorite children.

The Humphries' Family is very grateful to all of the individuals that have called and kept them in their prayers.

Mrs. Humphries leaves behind a loving husband and three grown children (Fred Jr., Tanya,and Laurence) and six grandchildren. She will be laid to rest in her hometown, Pittsburg, PA.

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  1. Sincere condolences to the Humphries family. May Mrs. Humphries rest in peace.

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