To our loyal readers...

da rattler
1 minute read
We realize that we have been awol for the past couple of days and neglected the blog. Between final exams, moving and the like, we've had a hard time updating on a regular basis. We all know, that the cable (DSL) folks never show up when they are supposed to and being without a dail tone coming into the new spot getting online has been hard.

As Rattler Nation has grown, we've always realized that we needed some help. To that end, we've added a trusted and able confidant to our team to help us out as guest editor and contributor from time-to-time. This Rattler is so plugged-in it is absoultely amazing. We'll simply call this new team member "DInsider". When DInsider informed us, yesterday, that VP President of Compliance, Rufus Little has be exiled from the University President's Office and is now working out of the University Commons Building (next door to the Orange Room) we simply fell out.

With the addition of a new team member, we hope not to miss a day without updating the blog. Thanks for your patience.

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