Lowe & Co. move into Hurry Up Offense

da rattler
FAMU BOT Chair Challis Lowe and the presidential search committee have now moved into a "hurry up offense" (two minute drill), and annouced today that the university's board of trustees has hired the Hollins Group Inc. to find a permanent president by August 2007. This is a big departure from Mrs. Lowe's previous statements, that the process would take 12 to 18 months.

It seems that after being put on "blast" by National Alumn Association President Dr. Alvin Bryant today who called for the university to hire a permanent president by the end of 2006.

Interestingly enough, we have heard that Challis & Co. were intentionally slowing down the search in order to hire former SUS Chancellor and outgoing Indiana University President Adam Herbert who's contract expires in January 2008.

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  1. The Hollins Group??? Damn, has any one seen the sign of their incompetence from the Dean Searches? Hasn't anyone ever heard of negotiation?

  2. Jeb for President of FAMU!

  3. The Hollins Group owner is a close friend of Challis Lowe!

  4. Jeb is already president of FAMU.

  5. 5 dollars says that 4 of the 6 presidential candidates will be from the Tallahassee area.

  6. They need to "hurry up" and get her a-- OUTTA HERE!

  7. The full BOT still needs to approve the recommendation to hire the Hollins Group.

  8. Please don't hire the Hollins Group

  9. "Indiana University President Adam Herbert announced publicly for the first time this week that he may not serve out the remaining two years of his five-year contract at Indiana. Herbert says he has encouraged the board to start the search for a new president as early as this fall, which could result in a new President for the University by next July. . ."

  10. http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/3663.html

    IU Trustees name presidential search and faculty advisory committees

    June 27, 2006

    INDIANAPOLIS -- The Indiana University Board of Trustees today (June 27) appointed a 12-member committee to begin the search for a new university president.

    Trustee Sue H. Talbot will chair the panel, which includes representation from all major university constituencies, including faculty, alumni, donors, community leaders and students. The panel will formally begin work in September, but trustees will work on the search this summer, determining criteria to select a new president and selecting a search consultant.

    The board also appointed a 12-member faculty advisory panel to work with the search committee. The panel was chosen to ensure a broad cross-section of representation from the various campuses and schools that make up Indiana University. The panel will help the search committee formulate selection criteria, review dossiers and recommend candidates for interviews.

    IU President Adam W. Herbert has two years remaining on his five-year contract, but he recommended that the search for his replacement get under way this year because presidential searches can be time-consuming and do not always bear fruit on the first attempt. Herbert has said that if a new president is identified before his tenure ends, he may step down as president and serve the university in another capacity.

  11. You can't tell Lowe who to befriend and hook up with FAMU's money.

    She just ain't listening.

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