Suspended Inspector General Speaks Out

da rattler

Interim Inspector General Michael E. Brown,CPA, has written FAMU Trustees regarding the University's abrupt decision to place him on paid leave on June 15th. (click the above screen shots to read the letter)

In suspending Mr. Brown, Castell & Co., issued him a trespass warning to stay away from Lee Hall & Foote-Hillyer Administration Center.

See: Inspector General on Admin. Leave

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  1. Man . . . at this point Bryant has lost all credibility, which means that even the most outlandish rumors about her actions now seem plausible.

  2. Once again, RN gets the goods!

    Go Rattler Nation Go!

  3. Why would she place the IG on leave?

    This does not make sense, especially because of her stance on rooting out the wrong-doers.

  4. Who knows why Castell does what she does?

    The woman is pure crazy.

  5. Castell has apparently stopped an investigation by the I.G. If the I.G. was investigating a complaint against Castell, it's understandable that she would stop it.

    Since the I.G. also reports to the BOT, shouldn't he have disobeyed Castell's order and forced the BOT to support Castell or the I.G's investigative authority?

  6. This is another reckless action that places our university in legal peril. The Florida Statues include a "Whistleblower" law. It prohibits employers from exacting reprisals against employees who report impropriety.

    This appears to be a clear-cut case of violating the "Whistleblower" law and possibly, an obstruction of justice.

    These are dark days for FAMU. Not only are we taking regular beatings in the press, we are being stomped in the court room as well.

    How much more can FAMU take?

  7. This is a travesty. This woman just steps on anyone who has the guts to challege her.

    But you know, her day is coming. And it will be sooner than she thinks

  8. It seems that R. B. Holmes is growing some balls and taking a stand as of lately.

    Calling on the Jeb to appoint an independent investigator. Come on, great idea, but I doubt if it was his original opinion.

  9. I am not sure I should applaud R. B. Holmes for calling for an independent investigator or not.

    It is widely known that this preacher man always has a motive and looks for a reward. Unlike the REAL MAN, JESUS, he did what was right and never expected anyone to reward him for tending to those in need.

    All of a sudden, R. B. has a conscience.

    Where was his conscience 18 months ago or while our beloved university lingered in the interim without a permanent president?

    His lack of leadership in expediting the presidential search is one of the major contributing factors of the events that took place this week.

    People have been getting fired left and right since Castell arrived on the seen.

    Shame on him for grandstanding, while almost a 100 other employees have lost their jobs as well as their good names because of this vicious animal he has unleashed and left unsupervised on innocent people just trying to do their jobs.

    Because of his negligence there are people who have lost their homes, families, access to medical care, and in some instances their minds.

    Where was he then?

    I applaud the action to call for an independent IG, but not the man behind the action.

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