Breaking News...

da rattler
We understand that FAMU's Inspector General, Michael Brown may have been placed on Administrative Leave today, after asking the Interim President for the Financial Statement. We are waiting for a few more of our campus news Bureaus to chime in to veryify.

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  1. This is nothing more than chickens coming home to roost.
    Michael Brown was her go-to hatchet man and now he's being azz raped by Castell-IF this "report" is true.
    This is what happens when you try and screw another dude who has a bigger penis than you do Michael.
    Maybe you should work for someone who is a better crook like George Bush.

  2. DAMN! Was he in like Flynn as well?

  3. Yes, chile he was. Castell is a stone cold trip on some 1970's angel dust with crack and LSD mixed together. SHE WILL REAP WHAT SHE has SOWN.

  4. Isn't the inspector generals office responsible for investigating wrong-doing and fraud.

    Why have a hot line to report these type of activities if this person can not investigate?

    I guess Vance and Johnson have been fired or placed on leave as well.

    What about the white guy that likes visiting certain "websites" on university computers?

    Is he still there? John or something....

  5. an inspector general by design should operate with a certain level of autonomy. if the IG requests documents, and is placed on admin leave for having made the request, it raises serious doubts about the person authorized to discharge those duties.

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