Some highlights from the audit are:
FAMU has lost a considerable amount of institutional knowledge, which has compromised its ability to operate at an effective level. The loss of employees in key positions, such as vice president of finance and administration, controller, associate controller, accounting coordinators and internal auditors were cited in this audit. Remember readers these are the key personnel that were on Castell and Corbin’s hit list. The AG office believes that this may have contributed to inadequate separation of duties as discussed in finding #8. It seems currently, Grace Ali (hired by Castell) has both recording responsibility and custody of assets.
FAMU reported a cash deficit of $3,132,341 which Castell presented as a temporary cash overdraft on the statement of net assets. The cause, Castell did not ensure that periodic bank account reconciliations were performed for FAMU’s operating bank account. Castell claimed that this account was reconciled before the fiscal year ended, however, the AG office was not provided with adequate documentation to support these claims. Consequently, the AG has reported even this $3M deficit/overdraft is suspect/erroneous and could be greater than what was reported.
Per the AG’s audit, as of June 30, 2005 following Castell’s announcement that FAMU’s was in the black there were some $3,310,527 in outstanding checks. The AG’s review disclosed $44,184 of these checks as having cleared by August 30, 2005. By October 11, 2005, Castell sent a letter under her signature to alumni, friends and supporters of FAMU claiming an $11M turnaround. Remember Gainous had a $3M income loss. The reality is Castell, as the CEO of FAMU (as well as the BOT audit chair) was fully aware of issues dealing with our financial statements. Mounting questions from meetings held with and communications from the AG office raised questions and sounded the alarm as far back as October 2005.
Castell’s claim that she got the contracts and grants in order is questionable after the AG did a random sampling of contract and grants and revealed that the allowable rates established for indirect cost by the grantor agencies did not agree and as such were incorrect, expenses did not reconcile with the draw downs from these agencies, and there still is an unreconciled difference of about $8M reported as bank deposits by the assistant director of sponsored research. Is this why NSF set up the 1 800 fraud hotline?
Net tuition and fees changed by -6.1% (-$2.3M); grants and contracts changed by -26.4% (-$20.9M); other changed by -36.7% (-$5.7M) and sales and services -5.5% (-$1.2M). Total revenues changed by -19.1% (-$29.7M).
Compensation and benefits up by 5% ($7.4M); utilities up by 82.3% ($6.1M) and depreciation by 9.5% ($1.3M).
Difference between revenues and expenses is -$140,575,884. After nonoperating revenues were applied (state appropriations - $103,459,956; federal and state financial aid; investment income, etc.) the difference is -$10,418,252.
Net Assets, Beginning of the Year - $371,356,031
Adjustments to beginning Net Assets – ($5,435,950)
Net Assets, Beginning of Year, as Restated - $365,920,081
Net Assets, End of Year - $368,656,200 (this includes Castell’s elusive “2.7M Surplus”)
So we (FAMU) was never in the red? As Castell Stated...
ReplyDeleteWe don't know what we were (red or black).
ReplyDeleteThis is just so confusing and its all because Castell made it such with all of the lies, letters and speeches to alumni, the media, faculty and students that FAMU was f-up and she fixed it.
Well the chickens are coming home to roost.
Thank-you this has finally cleared things up for me with respect to this operating revenue.
ReplyDeleteDo most public schools operate with a deficit prior to state appropriations?
ALL of them do ... From "TK's Playhouse" across Gaines Street down to the ones down in Miami!!
ReplyDelete"Operating" losses are pretty much a given ... But it's once NON-Operating Revenues are factored in where you see how far your school is moving forward - or backward.
Unfortunately, we have been running in the BURGANDY for at least the three years posted on the AG Reports Website ... With the 2006's records yet to come!
"Don't think you all can blame her for red on our books in 2003 & 2004 ... Although I'm sure some of you will try!"
Question ... "What was all your 'Institutional Knowldedge' doing back THEN?"
The institutional knowledge was fired by G-Man (gainous). Hit list formulated by Castell and Corbin from day one. These two people are unbelievable and they are still playing games with FAMU and trying to manipulate all the stakeholders through blackmail, retaliation, lies, threats, and bullying.
ReplyDeleteNothing has changed other than Gainous is no longer in the chair and Castell is.
If they "ALL" operate at a loss, then explain as a previous poster pointed out why UCF, UNF, UF and FSU show a gain?
ReplyDeleteA check of the FAMU website shows SIX job openings for "Coordinator, Accounting" that have been advertised and re-advertised since March. FAMU is looking for people with an MBA degree (or a Bachelor in accounting plus 2 years experience) willing to work for $27,321.03 per year.
ReplyDeleteI also looked at and they say that for the Tallahassee market, an "Accounting Clerk I" will typically earn $27,250. It says the typical qualifications are, "Requires a high school diploma or its equivalent with 0-3 years of experience in the field or in a related area."
Is it any wonder our books are in total dissarray? Eventually the people at the top have to learn that they are NOT the ONLY ones who deserve a fair wage for their work. If we divvied up all the money that's been lavished upon Castell's friends and consultants, maybe we could pay a decent wage and attract the people we need to operate the University properly.
More FAMU job opportunities:
ReplyDelete"Coordinator, Payroll"
Also Masters degree, etc.
Also $27,321.03
The Job description:
"Note: This position serves as Coordinator of Human Resources/Payroll and coordinates with the Assistant Director of Human Resources, Payroll Services Section. The position is responsible for processing the University Payroll accurately and timely in accordance with Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration reporting rules, regulations, procedures, Florida Statutes, Florida A&M University Board of Trustees and Florida Board of Governors. Apply accounting and audit concepts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), personal computer/mainframe systems knowledge and research skills. Verify, monitor, reconcile, audit and calculate the University Payroll taxes. Review fatal errors during payroll processing to determine if the payroll is processing within normal error tolerances. Resolve issues related to the Legacy and HRMS/Payroll System. Work closely with departmental personnel regarding payroll processing and audit procedures. Review and test the new HRMS/Payroll System by participating in test script and parallel that will ensure compliance with rules and regulations for payroll, garnishments, deductions and taxes. Research the federal tax code and draft legal interpretation of substantive issues, which may set precedents for pre and post audit."
It sounds like a pretty responsible and important position. has this for a "Payroll Administrator":
"Maintains production records, timesheets, and payroll system. May be responsible for computing, withholding, and deductions associated with net earnings. May require an associate's degree or its equivalent. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Works under general supervision. Typically reports to a payroll manager."
The median Tallahassee salary for this position? $44,720.
FAMU absolutely must quit looking upon its employees as second class citizens if it wants to get first class output!
Also, none of the other college presidents went screaming I have a surplus only to find out that the surplus was actually a deficit!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 8/01/2006 6:10 AM.....A check of the FAMU website shows SIX job openings for "Coordinator, Accounting" that have been advertised and re-advertised since March. FAMU is looking for people with an MBA degree (or a Bachelor in accounting plus 2 years experience) willing to work for $27,321.03 per year.
ReplyDeleteEventually the people at the top have to learn that they are NOT the ONLY ones who deserve a fair wage for their work. If we divvied up all the money that's been lavished upon Castell's friends and consultants, maybe we could pay a decent wage and attract the people we need to operate the University properly.
Does anyone remember the chair of the Legislative Auditing Committee and Al Lawson offering Madame Castell a line item in FAMU's budget for six CPA at the tune of $600,000 to get our finances in order?
Well she ran to Melanie Yeager and down in Tampa and Rosy and tried to paint Lawson and Wise as taking over FAMU's finances. Anyone with sense and a small understanding of the legislative process realizes the provisio language and F.S. does not allow any state employee to report to any legislative body and/or member.
Look where we are now. The now can't get $600,000 because I pissed the hell outta of the 2 people who could have assisted FAMU off is looking pretty damn appetizing now!
Why haven't we heard anything from
ReplyDeletethe President of the Alumni Association, Alvin Bryant?
Has he suddenly become silent?
What happened at the meeting between A. Bryant and Castell (the one that was mediated by Corbin)?
Any news on the investigation of a possible cover-up by senior administrative officials (Castell & Co.)that resulted in the Auditor (Micheal Brown) being placed on leave?
Inquiring minds want to know.
There needs to be some action REAL SOON!!
Re: The institutional knowledge was fired by G-Man (gainous).
ReplyDeleteJust when did this "institutional knowledge" actually leave?
The reason for asking is that it will play a large part in explaining why these books were so far off.
The end of Fall '02, the house was being cleared, by Spr '03 it was deserted.
ReplyDeleteThe point that has been cited in the last two financial audits, two operational audits, and tech audits by the Auditor General, William Munroe is that FAMU has lost its institutional knowledge (competent, qualified individuals) and has not hired qualified competent people to fill the vacancies and get our financial house in order.
While the AG stated that FAMU had indeed lost its institutional knowledge when V.K. Sharma, Marie Shetty, and Robert O'Kelley were fired, the auditors did believe that Larry Reese and Elwood McElhaney were turning things around. When Bryant kicked Reese and McElhaney to the curb, an article appeared in the Democrat that stated the state auditors were "shaking their heads."
ReplyDeleteThere has been far too much turn-over in FAMU's Fiscal Affairs.
Confusion: Everyone spends an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what is going. People fall all over themselves and one another trying to predict what will happen next and how to deal with it.
ReplyDeleteSelf-centerdness: Individuals, particularly “the leader,” making the self the center of the universe. Everything that happens is thus perceived as an assault on or affirmation of the self.
Dishonesty: Master liars perfect the “con” to a fine art by first lying to themselves in order to stay out of touch with what they are feeling and what they know and need. Then they lie to people around them, and by so doing, create a confusing and dishonest organizational system.
Perfectionism: Individuals in leadership positions always know the answers, are first with the solution, never make a mistake, and expect the impossible from everyone. Mistakes are unacceptable and when they do occur, they are quickly denied or covered up.
Illusion of Control: Individuals constantly preoccupied with preoccupied with controlling one another. Managers try to control employees; employees avoid being controlled, and everyone is going crazy. Control is an illusion because no one can truly control anything.
Ethical deterioration: Personal morality is comprised as a result of engaging in all the processes described above.
Do the characteristics described above sound familiar? If so, who or what do they describe?
FAMU's administration, the revolving door for stupocrity.
ReplyDeleteStupocrity - just when you think the senior administration, Castell and the BOT can't do anything to top the last stupid act.
State auditors -- shaking their heads, what about the stakeholders? We're suffering from "shaken baby" syndrome.
Carroll said Castell Bryant isn't backing off the $8 million figure because she had warned it was unaudited.
ReplyDeleteLaNedra Carroll is an idiot. What are her qualifications anyway?
ReplyDeleteDr. Bryant would do good to not bring up that imaginary surplus ever again. She was wrong...PERIOD.
To Dr. Bryant: STFU and get our books straight!!! You were brought in to get the books in order and you have failed miserably.