BOT Emergency Meeting Tomorrow

da rattler
0 minute read
+ RN has learned that the FAMU Board of Trustees will hold an "Emergency Meeting" at 10 a.m. tomorrow via phone, to discuss the University's financial performance, 2006-2007 operating budget, the Inspector General situation, and problems with the audit.

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  1. OMG!! Look at the SPIN DOCTORS work their magic. This is absolutely ridiculous!!

  2. Only 1 1/2 hour long meeting. Sounds more like a press conference to me. I wonder if Castell and Lowe got RN bookmarked in their web browsers. :)

  3. So Dr. Bryant, NOT the IG, makes the presentation about the IG's investigation? THAT sure does sound fair and unbiased, doesn't it!

  4. A few questions:

    * Why was Joan Hart, a 4-year IG office employee and CPA also placed on leave? Couldn't she have completed the "investigation?"

    * As acting inspector general and FAMU employee since May 2006 , what are Larry Tromly's qualifications? (Does he even have a CPA?)

    * Does the president really believe the subject investigation should have been listed in an AUDIT workplan approved almost a year ago? (P.S. No university or other IG office workplan lists investigations...they list PLANNED Audits.)

  5. Unless the Prez states it today, it seems to me that the IG will eventually need to divulge just what he was indeed investigating ... And he can do that without divulging his whistleblower.

    Somewhere down the line that issue IS going to have to come up.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Unless the Prez states it today, it seems to me that the IG will eventually need to divulge just what he was indeed investigating ... And he can do that without divulging his whistleblower.
    7/14/2006 10:36 AM

    Looks like the whistle-blower texted message the BOT members today, but only one had the guts to read his text message into the minutes.

    Damn, Corey Alston got some big kahunnas. You can bet "that" Challis and Castell are sharpening their fangs/killer nails, cause I know they are pissed and want to spank that fanny.

    Sad part about all of this is that Castell knew from day one what was going on because of the snitch in the IG's office. She personally hired this boy two months ago. With the snitch and Rufus "Scooter Libby" Little stabbing his frat in the back like there was no tomorrow, the IG didn't stand a chance.

    His reward from snitching, his former boss/IG's job. Damn shame and I bet he ain't even qualified.

  7. Your bet would be a sure thing...the "snitch" has neither a CPA nor CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) designation as required by the BOT approved Charter, underwhich the Inspector General operates.

    Lowe was quoted in the Outlook as saying Tromly has even better credentials than Michael Brown. Does she really believe this or is this another attempt at deceiving the public?

    Consider: Brown has public accounting and Fortune 500 company experience as a CPA. In addition to an Accounting degree from an small, unaccredited business school in Tallahassee, Brown has a master's degree in Public Administration and several years experience managing audit functions in state agencies prior to coming to FAMU. Wakeup Challis, Tromly is no Mike Brown!

  8. Does "Scooter" Little realize that he's being set-up by Bryant to take the fall? If not, he's more oblivious than Gainous was when he signed off on the Cunningham law chair scandal.

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