Body Shot!

da rattler
We warned a couple of weeks of the repercussions that were sure to come as a result of our interim president's column in the Capital Outlook. We know, from experience, that a wise person never goes and kicks over a live hornets nest. By the same token, you don't get in to a pissing match with someone who buys ink by the barrell.

Once again, Mr. Wilson taken has off the gloves with his latest column and delivered a punch right to the gut. Read for yourself: Shared governance higher-ed asset

Here's a sample:
I know how difficult and frustrating it is at times to be a faculty member who feels disrespected, unappreciated and underpaid - and most of all, insulted by the unknowing and inexperienced who think teaching is easy and teachers don’t deserve the respect accorded high-salaried administrators.

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  1. Rosey makes several points that are as basic to management, and I can hear Professor George Clark's lectures ringing in my ear about 14 principles of management:


    Although it is true in any organization that some people go through the motions, the best way to alienate your people is to assume they don't care about their job as much as you do as their manager.

    The best way to gain their support, as Wilson states, is to engage them in a conversation about the vision for the organization, listen to what they have to say, seek clarity and consensus, then allow creative people to create. A manager's primary job is to remove the barriers that prevent subordinates from acheiving their goals.

    Here's hoping the next FAMU president thinks like Hazel O'Leary.

  2. I have been reading Mr. Wilson's articles since I was in college and this is the first time that I have walked away 100% in agreement with what he said. This should be the number one question asked by the BOT when they interview for our next president.

  3. You are right. This question should be asked and elaborated on by any candidate for president, but we have board members that do not believe in shared governance and spoke out on this issue at the last board meeting.

  4. Just let Rosie & Castell know they have until SEPTEMBER 1ST to keep up with this "Point / Counterpoint" they want to play in the press ... So they have about three weeks to work their "philosophical differences" out and get them squashed and resolved ...

    Because after we step on that field in D-Troit to kick DSU's teeth in, ain't nobody gonna be caring to hear mucha this s*** between them after that!

  5. I seriously doubt all will be forgotten once football season starts. I remember the cold reception Fred Gainous got at the 2004 Atlanta Classic, shortly before he was fired.

    Rattlers who care about their institution do not take a break from holding senior officials accountable for their actions.
    We'll still be discussing the latest breaking information about the presidential search, FAMU's finances, SACS, enrollment, shared governance, deanship vacancies, personnel hiring/firing, and lawsuits.

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