Grand Basileus David Marion, Ph.D., issued the moratorium via a letter to the fraternity's membership dated March 24, 2019. Dr. Marion further warned members that "any attempt to circumvent the moratorium could include expulsion from the fraternity and the revoking of a chapter."
According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Brandon Adams, a popular George Tech football player was practicing "stepping" while engaging in the Membership Selection Process (MSP) of Omega, on Sunday, March 24, 2019, when he collapsed during a water break and hit his head on the on a concrete floor at a townhouse near the campus. At around 1 a.m., friends took him to Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta, where he was later pronounced dead. According to the Atlanta Police Department, there was no indication of foul play, and investigators are awaiting autopsy results from the George Bureau of Investigation.