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da rattler
Enrollment still a problem
The Tallahassee Democrat has determined that FAMU is good at convincing students to come to enroll, but that we are horrible in getting them to come back come back after their first year. See: FAMU working to hold on to students. During yesterday's BOT meeting fall enrollment was reported to be 11,715, down by 410 students from the 12,125 enrollment at this time last fall.

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  1. Actually, I am a bit relieved by the numbers. A 3.4% decline is not as drastic as, say 10%, and the freshman class is only down less than 2% year-over-year.

    Despite the turmoil, students still want to attend FAMU. But a 7% tuition increase will undermine that faster that anything an inept administration can do.

  2. Are these figures based upon the last day to pay tuition and fees? If not, there could be more leaving FAMU before the semester really gets started.

  3. Since Dr. Bryant stopped all recruitment, both enrollment and average SAT scores have fallen. It appears that the real drop in enrollment is at the sophomore level. Hmm, makes one wonder if it's not because she enrolled weaker freshmen last year to try to minimize the scale of the disaster she caused. That could be critical, because if SATs are still down, the retention problem will only worsen. And that could work right into her plan to find excuses to whittle down the faculty and cover all the classes with day laborers.

    Of course, in an institution where the president and her administration are open and in communication with faculty, staff, and students, we wouldn't have to wonder about this year's SAT scores, or learn about enrollment numbers, firings, new regulations and procedures, investigations, etc. from the Tallahassee Democrat and the street committee, would we?

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