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da rattler
Hellooooooooo Diane!
Once again the Tallahassee Democrat is following-up on a story that you read here first on Rattler Nation: FAMU gets $5M grant It's all good though, next time give a mf a shout out!

See RN: Physics Dept. Wins $5M grant

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  1. People writing for the Democrat are all over this site. Check the comments under the last story on Roosevelt Wilson and you'll see that even Wilbert Hobbs has joined the blogging community here.

    That's right. Mr. See No Evil-Hear No Evil-Speak No Evil himself is here to spew more "Castell Bryant is the Messiah" nonsense. Next, the inarticulate, mumbling, ghettofabulous Joseph Wright himself will probably be here to tell us that God will send us to hell for opposing Bryant.

    If Hobbs and Wright deliver Sunday Sermons that are as poorly reasoned as Democrat letters and op-eds, then it's nothing short of a miracle that there are still people in their congregations. Perhaps divine intervention is actually at work in their careers.

    But what's even more amazing is that the Bryant administration is trying to tell the public that Hobbs and Wright are important, influential leaders within Rattler Country. What a joke! Hobbs and Wright are laughing-stocks.

    Where is the real ministerial leadership when it comes to FAMU? It is non-existant. Most local pastors are silent and refuse to challenge anything that Bryant is doing. R.B. Holmes is the only one who actually speaking out against her on a consistent, public basis. Bryant thinks she can counter this by putting Hobbs and Wright up as her spokesmen.

    The people who believe Hobbs and Wright are credible clerical leaders are probably the same type that think Henry Lyons is innocent or that Benny Hinn is a legitimate healer.

  2. What is Wilbert Hobbs' explanation for the flagrant denial of due process to Percy Luney and the SBI Eight? Does he really believe that this is the Christian way to treat people?

    Maybe Hobbs needs to open up his Bible and read the passage about treating others the way you want to be treating. That would be a great message to give to Bryant administration. However, he's too busy spin-doctoring for the interim president to actually preach anything of substance.

    Where did Hobbs study Biblical interpretation? Maybe he also took a correspondence, mail-order degree course from Nova like his heroine. Another mere, minister-on-paper.

  3. If Hobbs likes Bryant's management tactics so much, then why doesn't he apply them at his church? Why doesn't he try losing 2,000+ congregation members?

    If that happens, then Hobbs will be as jobless as the SBI Eight. He'll be on the street corner with a big cardboard sign that says: "Will Preach and Write Stupidity for food."

  4. What church does Wilbert Hobbs pastor?

  5. He pastors a church close to Tally. Here's his previous post inviting everyone to come and see him:

    Pastorhobbs said...
    Wilbert Hobbs does have a problem. It is with those who would sacrifice the good of the University and our children by trying to create a cataract of sympathy to go back to the old days of do nothing and change nothing.

    We have been forced, whether we like it or not, into a new day. Given the improvident
    drivel from those whose posts are "Anonymous", and the statements of hope that the students of this institution are expressing, I find it incredible that 8 people have gained a foothold to influence so many.

    To the anonymous poster who suggested that I am as "clueless as an Eskimo in Japan." I ask that you say why. Identify yourself and let us discuss the issues.

    Let me end with this admission. I was at a point "clueless" about SBI. In fact, I did not know that it was , with all the corporate support, and excellent work done by Dean Mobley, headed for a parlous time because of a lack of accreditation. With all my parent might, I tried to persuade my only male child to stay in the program and get his MBA.

    I failed, but he did not. He is now a Harvard MBA graduate.
    There was a strange thing that happened when I sent him the message that some of his instructors were being let go.

    He emailed me back saying "now they can make real money" Rather than seeing my articles as those of opprobrium, maybe, just maybe, those who read this blog will see that they are articles of reason.

    Someone please tell me what is the real problem? The Interim President is certainly not. Oh yes, please identify yourself with your Alumni number.

    Wilbert O. Hobbs

    PS. I invite you to hear what my congregation hears. then judge. We worship every Sunday at 11:00 am in the Chaires Community -- Call me!

    9/23/2006 4:34 AM

  6. I know Wilbert Hobbs because I am from Tallahassee. I knew him from the days at Old Lincoln High School and afterwards. I am pleased to know that he has been called to minister to the Loss: Castell. I am ever so proud that he has been redeemed from his addiction to the alcohol &&&. I believe he identifies with Cast-hell because of his prior abuse of people. To God be the Glory for redeeming Pastor Hobbs from his former path of destruction. We hope he prays that God will give Cast-hell the same anointment. We know that "God will not see the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread". Pastor Hobbs has a responsibility from above to tell the honest truth because we all must stand before the real Judge and account for our lives on this earth. We are also required to love our "neighbors as ourselves", and to do unto others as you would have it done unto you. The U.S. Constitution guarantees its citizens a right to due process under the law. If he agrees that Castell has carried out that due process, he is a communist living and enjoying our great democracy here in the USA. What is mis-fit dummy?

  7. Bryant has resorted to pulling an old, confused country bumpkin preacher out of the woods to defend her. Hobbs doesn't know left from right when it comes to FAMU. All he knows is how to spout off complacent plantation sermons urging slaves to dutifully obey their masters.

    He's telling all the slaves working out the hot burning sun and taking lashes everyday that we have no rights and that ole Massa's justice is always correct. Hobbs is a loyal pet of the Big House who gets a few extra scraps in exchange for working against his own people.

    "Preach 'em good. Preach em' down and obedient!" said Massa Bryant.

    "Yessum. Yessum. Wilbert be good an do what ya say always," answered the boot-licking pulpit charlatan.

  8. LOL!

    I think Wilbert Hobbs is more in line with Morgan Freeman's character in "Driving Miss Daisy." Just give him the little chauffeur uniform and cap and let him go.

    "Oh, scuze me Miss Cassie. I got to go make water."

  9. Better be careful, before the good pastor invites the full wrath of God upon thee!!!

  10. Yeah, God is watching all of this, including castell and her golden rule.

  11. False preachers are alive and well in Rattler Country. There are individuals who wish to tell us that what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong.

    Hobbs is a wolf-in-sheep's clothing.

  12. Did anyone see Rev. Wright on Tally news last night? He's another supporter of Castell.

  13. Rev. Joseph Wright has trouble even putting together a correct sentence. Why are people actually paying him to speak to them every Sunday?

    He alluded to RN at the last Homecoming Convocation by saying: "Don't spread negativity about our university."

    Obviously, this man has never read the Biblical passage that teaches the "truth shall set you free." RN is only spreading the truth. Maybe the problem is that Wright is too small-minded to be able to actually comprehend what the truth is.

    Wright is another stouge that the Bryant administration is trying to pass off as a legitimite and credible FAMU leader. Please!

  14. Man, you guys are rough on the preachers.

  15. Well you know wherever R. B Holmes goes Rev. Wright follows.

    To think today, we have all of these bootlegged pastors sitting and giving benedictions and prayers at FAMU when there are so many FAMUans (pastors) educated and articulated. This is definitely Castell and Corbin's legacy. And to think that one of our greatest DM and spiritual leaders is being pulled into this black hole.

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