A blast from the past...

da rattler

Humphries sighting.
We spotted former FAMU President Fredrick Humphries in town today. And, it brought back reminders of his now famous "Rattler Chant".

We get goose bumps just thinking about it.

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  1. Question: would FAMU be better off with hump still at the helm?

  2. IN RESPONSE TO 6:06 p.m. - YOU BET WE WOULD BE BETTER OFF! Dr. "H" may have had some a few problems, but these were N O T H I N G like what is going on now at FAMU.

    Dr. Humphries would NEVAH have gotten rid of an entire state mandated institute. Dr. Humphries would NEVAH have put so many people in the streets without jobs!

    Dr. Humphries would NEVAH have hired so many doggone young gay males in administrative positions! (To be honest with you though, he never hired too many females in top positions either.)

    Dr. Humphries would not have given up his role at Commencement of giving the green folder (that one day hopefully would hold the candidate for graduation's degree). Dr. Bryant decided not to pass out the degrees, but left that up to the Provost. She does hang around and shakes the candidates' hands.

    Dr. Humphries would NEVAH, NEVAH, NEVER have allowed enrollment to drop so drastically! He called students' homes in the evenings, he took trips to visit their families, he gave out plenty of $$$$ to help students come to FAMU - Life Gets Better Scholarship, etc.

    And even though we read things about FAMU from time to time in the newspaper, Dr. Humphries pretty much kept the University's business OUT OF THE HEADLINES!

    Now what was the question? The response is: YOU BET!

  3. You know that man call "HUMP". Dr. Humphries loves FAMU and gave his all to make it a great institution of higher learning. I believe he would still do what he could to straighten out this mess that Castell has made of "Our Dear Ole Alma Mater".

  4. Dang, I thought I saw him strolling downtown.

  5. Dr. Frederick S. Humphries: A real leader. A real visionary. A real Rattler.

  6. I love(d) Dr. Humphries. True, a lot of things needed fixing under his watch, but overall, I think we can all agree that Dr. Humphries loved FAMU. It showed in every aspect of everthing he did. I agree with everything that Anonymous 6:16 says. The man was an walking billboard for FAMU. Plus, he was nice, friendly, gracious, personal, generous, gregarious, smart, academic, charismatic, funny and an all-around good guy. He would never, ever, never, ever have done all of the heartless, cold-blooded, condescending, disrespectful things that Castell Bryant has done in her 18 months at the helm. During Dr. Humphries' tenure at FAMU, it was a great place to work, learn, come to, and be centered around. He was the best. And I wish he'd throw his hat in the ring to return. I know that it troubles his heart greatly to see all of the good work undone that he worked so hard and valiantly for during his days as president. Plus, no one, during halftime, could say, "Strike, Strike and Strike again" like Dr. Humphries. Heck, I only went to the games to hear him say that on the field.

  7. I had my differences with Dr. Humphries; but in all my dealings with him, he was always an honorable man. Humphries loved FAMU and treated all employees with respect. Bryant is a charlatan who seeks to destroy FAMU.

  8. IMO, the difference between the gang (literally) in charge now and when Dr. H. was in charge is that- all that Dr. H. did was for FAMU, and not for selfish gain. He had argubly the most competent staffers and deans in all of Black college, if not all of college. They built FAMU into not only a nationally recognized institution, but an internationally known place of higher learning. We'll be hard-pressed to see another like him.

  9. Dang, I thought I saw him strolling downtown.

    9/23/2006 1:47 AM

    Cause you did!

    Yeah, Humphries was a lot of things, but fair, honest, loyal and always for FAMU was right at the TOP of his agenda. That man truly loves people and he wanted to see succeed and prosper in life. Under Dr. Hump, "Life did get Better!"

  10. My internship at FSU was on hold and I was able to go to Dr. Hump office. He made one telephone call to FSU president and everything was cleared up. FSU paid for my whole year. Dr. Hump will always be a special President to me.

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