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da rattler
Rattler loses bid to chair UMass Trustees
Karl E. White, who studied pharmacy and graduated in 1985 graduate, had (temporarily) been serving as Chair of the University of Massachusetts System Board of Trustees lost his bid to hold on to the position on a permanent basis yesterday.

Mr. White, lives in Boston, is widely considered an investment whiz, and until recently managed the $1.6 billion retirement fund of the workers of the Boston transit system.

Though the Monticello, FL, native won't get to serve as chair, he will continue to serve as vice chair.

Here's the UMass press release: Tocco elected chair

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  1. Maybe we can get Karl to be chair of the FAMU Board?

    I hope they don't hold the fact the he's a Kappa against him.

  2. MAYBE SO 12:07AM.

    ***I sure wish that they would have printed ALL of Karl's work history in the article as well.

  3. He couldn't be worst than Challis Lowe.

  4. Couldn't possibly be worse...

  5. With the sarcasm noted at the end of the 12:07 remark, Karl would be excellent for FAMU.

    He pledged with Keith Clinkscales and that particular Kappa line was as sharp as they will ever come.

    The Reality is that folks like Karl are loyal FAMU graduates but pretty disgusted by all the actions taken recently in the name of FAMU.

    Excellence with caring is nothing more than a catch phase that loosely affilates one with the past and has nothing to do with the diabolical machinations of those whose ego's are allowed to fester.

    Karl is totally without ego or agenda and that folks is what is needed but not sought in the BOT

  6. To those of you who don't know Karl White here is little history for you. Karl White is one of the sharpest individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I watched this young man from boyhood to manhood. His accomplishments and accolades didn't just come to him after leaving FAMU. This young man has been achieving from the time he was born.

    Granted I am not riding his jock, as his accolades speak for themselves. He has made not only the city of Monticello, Florida proud, but the FAMU community as well.

  7. Amen to the last comment.

    I am a proud fraternity brother of Karl's.

    I watched as he served in the fraternity's highest office as an undergraduate and subsequently won the highest award that an undergraduate can earn.

    A lot of people are real proud of our homeboy.

  8. Props to Carl. I know he's doing the town Monticello proud.

  9. I see Karl has many supporters. Therefore, my opinion won't sound out of context. Karl is everything that has been said in this blog, I felt I needed to add that he is also a well-traveled and globally highly-connected individual, his personality forces to everyone’s respect.

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