FAMU candidates come to campus for inspection

da rattler
The presidential search that seemingly never would start picks up more steam next week at Florida A&M University. Not only will the three finalists each spend a day of meet, greet and inspection, the yearlong search also has FAMU trustees on track for a March 8 decision from among: Thelma Thompson, president of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Howard Johnson, provost of the University of North Texas; and James Ammons, chancellor of North Carolina Central University.

While not saying none of those will do, at least one member of the faculty is saying that FAMU might have done better. "I thought the competition should have been much stiffer," said William Tucker, a member of the faculty senate, citing what he considers the original 36 candidates' lack of overall strength. "We're basically recycling black leaders from the various campuses" of the nation's historically black universities.

Continue reading: Close up time for search candidates

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  1. I thought Bill Tucker was gone! Damn, talking about recycling. Can't the union find someone else to represent them?

  2. Bill Tucker is basically saying that we hoped we had some additional candidates in addition to Ammons b/c the other two ain't hittin it.

  3. i agree with tucker, famu needs fresh ideas from outside the hbcu box. famu can expect more of the same while losing ground to fsu, uf, etc. on minority recruitment. the writing is on the wall, but famu refuses to see and when it does finally come to acknowledge it, it might be to late

  4. i agree with tucker, famu needs fresh ideas from outside the hbcu box. famu can expect more of the same while losing ground to fsu, uf, etc. on minority recruitment. the writing is on the wall, but famu refuses to see and when it does finally come to acknowledge it, it might be to late

  5. What the hell would make you think FAMU would be stagnant with Ammons. Have you looked at the growth on all levels that Ammons has shown at NCCU. Is the white man' ice better. Sometime MF say some ignoract schitt. Anon 9:22 you take the cake.

  6. I agree with Tucker, a better pool of applicants shouldve been the order of the day.This is FAMU people. Ammons will be good for us for about five years. Then after that we need new blood.

  7. I see you Anti-Ammons folks must not have taken your meds prior to posting, so I won't comment on the tomfoolery that you've posted...

  8. LOL at Tomfoolery!

  9. I teach at FAMU and have been teaching at FAMU for over 15 years. I was there during the Humphries/Ammons years, and it was a mess. Much of the mess that the university is not enjoying now is a direct cause of that administration's ineptitude, complacency, passivness and general horrendous and callous attitude toward faculty, staff and other important people that are an integral part of the university. I agree with most of the posters here: There never was a really strong candidate pool in the first place, and now, we're left with the likes of James Ammons, who, by the way, got out of Dodge when his tail was on fire. Geting out of Dodge when he did was, by the way, no "coincidence." But, of course, people don't want to hear truth. Folk love to hear whatever is in their own head. And sometimes, the sound in your head is nothing but quiet air passing from one port to the other.

  10. If true, then what's in your head. Tunes of the doom left by Humphries and Ammons? Give me a break.

  11. As a 28 year faculty member at the university and having seen all of the recent former leaders (still living) in action, I must disagree.

    The university administration's current ineptitude, complacency, passiveness and general horrendous and callous attitude toward faculty and staff and other important people can not be even partially blamed on James Ammons.

    Hiring "play" presidents has been the university's main problem. They all have come in trying to "tweek" some plan that Dr. Humphries had in his head. Not one has succeeded.

    Fred Humphries was "fresh" ideas. Ammons has taken some of the same plans and ideas and seemingly made them work for him at NCCU.

    "James Ammons, who, by the way, got out of Dodge when his tail was on fire. Geting out of Dodge when he did was, by the way, no "coincidence." But, of course, people don't want to hear truth."

    Walter Smith, Fred Humphries, Henry Lewis, Fred Gainous and Castelle Bryant's tails were or are on fire.

    James Ammons left with a promotion" and has done well.

  12. famu will continue to slowly decline until major changes occur. tcc has a better academic reputation than famu. ammons is more of the same and things will continue to be a black and white thing at famu further relegating it to the bottom of the academic barrel. recruit the best of all colors, get out in the community black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. and let them know how famu makes tallahassee better, florida better, etc.

  13. James Ammons has a proven team following the sound tried and true "Increase" plan.

    Increase enrollment
    Increase quality of students
    Increase course offerings
    Increase graduation rates
    Increase retention rates
    Increase research funding
    Increase corporate giving
    Increase university capacity
    Increase state funding

    The fear among many naysayers is that James Ammons "will" succeed. Following his plan, the university can't go wrong.

  14. Did this fool say that TCC had a better academic reputation that FAMU. Get the funk out of here!!

    Although, I think that Ammons is the right man for the job I did expect a more distinguish pool of applicants. I was disappointed to know that FAMU did not command a greater pool of applicants on its name alone.

  15. To 7:29 PM

    ...I did expect a more distinguish pool of applicants.

    Consider the group doing the search... For what they were paid, and only returning with 30 applicant, is near criminal. I could of gotten us 30 applicants out of a high-rise office building downtown for a quarter of the money they paid Hollins...

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