Castell and 'nim playing dirty pool, when it comes to search

da rattler
The Capital Outlook writes that it has it on good authority that someone very high in the Florida A&M University interim administration has been calling selected members of the FAMU Board of Trustees, selected members of the FAMU National Alumni Association and selected members of the community trying to influence the presidential search process and, more significant, help determine who will NOT be appointed FAMU’s 10th president.

Certainly, trustees can expect to be lobbied by a variety of individuals and even groups, but the line should be drawn when it comes to upper-level personnel in an outgoing interim administration.

Read more: Don't extend search

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  1. Go ahead Wilson.

  2. just remember everyone has an agenda including wilson. his own opinion/agenda may not be best for famu either, being political or not! more of the same in house administrators or someone from outside rattler nation, what is it going to be?

  3. That is true

  4. Roosevelt Wilson has his own agenda. For him to be some kind of newspaperman or journalist, he writes very subjectively under, of course the banner of being objective. Yeah, right. I reckon he thinks that just because it's his newspaper, he should say whatever. If he's a true newspaperman who wants to present an objective view of the issues, he's done a piss poor job of disguising what he's been doing during the last several months. Does anyone remember how he tore that fellow, what's his name...oh, yeah, Fred Gainous to smithereens? yeha, he was REAL objective then. When I get my own newspaper, I reckon I can be as subjective as I want, huh, never mind that I'm suppose to be serving a public function in reporting the news.

  5. Not that Rosie needs defending on the issue but isn't an OP ed piece where he spills his rhetoric?

    Nonetheless, back to the subject...pick the most qualified person for the job. THAT IS AMMONS!!!

  6. What's Mr. Wilson's devious political agenda? Getting FAMU a strong president? Demanding that the trustees keep this search clean after the last two were clearly rigged?

    We need to keep the corruption characteristic of the last two Jim Corbin presidential searches out! Too many FAMU trustees were voting based on which president would let them put their hands farthest in university's pigggy bank.

    There are efforts right now to try and throw this current presidential search off-track by resorting to the politics of personal destruction. FAMUans must ask why there are trustees and university administrators who are trying to hurt the process by spreading lies, rumors, and innuendos about a specific candidate.

    Mr. Wilson is right on point! Let's not permit this presidential search to be derailed by the same type of manipulation and political manuevering that killed the last two searches!

  7. All Wilson's doing is telling the truth. It's a shame that there are some Rattlers who refuse to draw conclusion based upon the facts. You Castell cheerleaders probably still think there's an $8M surplus, even though the state auditors said there's a deficit.

    It's time to get your heads out the sand and get in touch with reality.

  8. The Outlook is a shame.

  9. Did anything like this happen with the law dean search?

  10. RN and the Capital Outlook are the best sources for hard-hitting, truthful FAMU news. Castell's supporters can't defend her miserable record, so they resort to attacking the messengers who give accurate information to Rattlers.

  11. You really don't know how accurate something is, truth be told. RattlerNation or no RattlerNation. Capital Outlook or no Capital Outlook.

  12. You really don't know how accurate something is, truth be told. RattlerNation or no RattlerNation. Capital Outlook or no Capital Outlook.

    We know exactly how accurate a source is when it consistently supplies correct information.

    RN broke the stories about the bad auditor general report, the inspector general's firing, and Castell's efforts to block the Marching 100 from participating in the SuperBowl and gubernatorial inauguration (just to name a few).

    The Capital Outlook has a positive reputation that stretches decades. Most recently, the Outlook broke the stories about Castell's reckless cuts to the recruitment program, Vincent June's desire to limit black student enrollment in order to bring in more white students, and Challis Lowe's questionable relationship with the Hollins Group (just to name a few).

    We also know that Castell is not a reliable source. She lied about the university having a surplus. She lied about Phyllis Gray-Ray's firing being a "joint decision." She lied about the reasons that NSF almost pulled the plug on FAMU's research funding. She lied about the SACS standards for faculty.

    In short, RN and the Capital Outlook have credibility. The Bryant administration does not.

  13. What are those two phony ministers, Joseph Wright and Wilbert Hobbs, preaching about Castell now? Are they telling their flocks that it's okay for administrators to spread lies and innuendos? Do they welcome the politics of personal destruction?

    It's said that Castell left Bethel Missionary Baptist Church (where R.B. Holmes is pastor) and has gone to Wright's church now. Seems like Wright is continuing his clown sermons about Bryant being the Second Coming.

    It looks like the good "reverend" can't read and comprehend state audits or enrollment decline figures.

    Go on you old charlatan! Keep on impersonating a real minister who's actually committed to helping the hundreds of FAMUans whose lives Bryant has tormented.

  14. Which candidate is most likely to bring the alumni, faculty and students together, buy-in to common goals and move the university forward? There is only ONE answer and that's why Cast-Hell, Challis, Corbin and Co. are lobbying so hard against him.

  15. my wish for FAMU is to lead the nation in research, but fresh ideas are required. FAMU has all the assets, beautiful campus, excellent location, best view in tallahassee, great college town, etc. etc.. it is high time to let things go under the bridge and quit the in fighting and get the community back behind FAMU. bring the energy back! bring fresh ideas! bring in the best and brightest of all color! extend the famu back into the neighborhoods with a grass roots effort to get people involved...

  16. anonymous Gov. Crist 1/13 10/29am
    That is such a nice thing to say about FAMU and as soon as YOU get cASS and company out of there the sooner all of that can happen. Nothing is perfect but damn look at where we are

  17. The "Outlook" should be renamed to the "Look Out". The "Rattler Nation" is ruination.

  18. ^^^^ Vince June, is that you? ^^^^^

    Shouldn't you be out continuing to bad mouth one of the candidates like Castell instructed you to?

  19. Yelp he sho said that in his last meeting he was going to the RN and badmouth Ammons.

  20. Vincent June has absolutely no sense of integrity. All he cares about is his own job. He just blindly does anything and everything that Castell tells him to do.

    The worst kept secret on campus is that June has been told that Thelma Thompson will permit him to stay on in his current job. It's said that the price of this underhanded deal is that he has start slinging mud against James Ammons.

    June knows that if a strong president is hired, he has no chance of keeping his job. He wasn't even qualified for a vice-presidential position at FAMU in the first place. June knows that if he's kicked to the curb, no one will hire him to similar position making the same type of money he's getting from FAMU.

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