Hold the phones!

da rattler
The FAMUAN sheds a little light on how contentious Wednesday's presidential search conference call was. Lined up on one side was Lowe Challis, and her good friend Laura "Rubber Stamp" Branker and Liz "I can't/won't answer a mf question (aka Driving Miz Diasy)" McBride, against Rev. R.B. Holmes, Mary "stick to her guns" Diallo, and Phillip "Little Louie Farrakhan" Agnew.

The phone call was much more heated than the FAMUAN alluded too.

At one point in the call I thought Rev. Holmes was going to "lay hands" on Mrs. McBride, but he opted instead to say, "why is it everytime we ask you a question we can't get a straight answer? All we get from you is lawyering."

Liz had a great deal of difficulty explaining Roberts Rules of Order in plain english to Trustees (I guess that's hard to do when you're trying to interpet rules the way you want to ). She didn't even sound convincing. As an aside, is it me or, does Mrs. McBride sound like she gargles with razor blades and smokes a carton of Newports everyday?

Read more here: Hold the Phones

Trustees on the line

Liz drives

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  1. Is it me or does Attorney McBride sound like a man?

  2. Liz and Lowe trying to stack the deck in their favor.

  3. Attorney McBride bungled the Dean Search for the law school. Today the Provost and the Dean of the Law School are begging the ABA to not take the provisional accreditation. Pay attention to the law school. This is one of Castell Byrant's biggest problems!

  4. Liz McBride is highly incompetent. She hides behind her other incompetent friends such as Cassie, Altha, and Janie Greenleaf. They are just a group of "want-to-be's".

  5. rb holmes is a preacher with no business running a university. the reverend gives no crediblilty to famu or the search. in fact he reminds me of a certain character in the bonfire of vanities! famu is sinking fast! and no fault but it's own....

  6. During this time of BOT stupidity, he is one of a few voices of reason at this juncture.

    Thank God he did not fall into cohorts with Lowe and Branker and derail this process. Stay strong Rev the devil is trying to getcha!

    As it has been said time and time again, Rufus, June, Chuck go to work.

  7. devil....when did he shop up? next someone is going to say that the pearly gates are openning up.
    famu is a school not a church. or maybe it is the other way around! famu is the best soap opera running!

  8. ^^^^^^^^

    You got that right and you have the leading role casted by CastHell!

  9. did anybody tell June and them that they are anonymous, but not really?

  10. Anonymous said...

    Is it me or does Attorney McBride sound like a man?

    Y'all haven't gotten it yet, have you?


  11. ^^^^^
    So are you saying that Vince & Rufus are lesbians also?

  12. It's not lesbianism that causes them to behave the way that they do. They are just a bunch of frustrated individuals who want to lord oversomebody.....anybody....

    this crowd would run a Girl's Scout troop with the same heavyhandedness,insensitivity and lack of accomplishment

  13. As a "lipstick lesbian", i take exception to your calling Castell and McBride lesbians. They are not lesbians, they are dykes!

  14. OMG!!! Blinking eyes!!!

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