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da rattler

It's our birthday!

One year ago today, six hundred ninety four postings later, and over 250,000 visitors later, Rattler Nation has become one of the newest Rattler traditions. The past year has been wonderful. We've exceeded all of our expectations for this site, which we began as a project for grad school.

It's an honor and a privilege that so many folks have embraced us and made us a part of their daily reading. We appreciate all the love. Once again, many thanks. Please tell other Rattlers about us.

Here's a look back at our first story: Alumni to meet

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  1. Happy first birthday RN. We love you.

  2. You have done an awesome job! Please keep up the great work for the readers and supporters of FAMU. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats!! Keep up the good work.

  4. Rattler Nation sucks!!!!

  5. Congratulations, Rattlernation!

  6. Rattler Nation sucks!!!!

    Rufus, get back to work!

  7. I really hope that is not Rufus making that comment...Big Brother doesn't like that....

  8. Congrats RN. Keep up the good work.

  9. Thank you for all the hard work!

  10. Happy Anniversary! Most of the rattlernation appreciates the heads-up.

  11. 9:49--Apparently RN doesn't stink enough for you to come here and post such a stupid comment, and apparently it doesn't stink enough for you to know enough about it to be, probably a regular reader. If you like it here, DO NOT COME HERE. Contrary to the popular notion that if they build it, you will come, you really don't have to visit here if you don't want to. Go to the sites that don't stink, or, better yet, build your own site and go there.

  12. Thank God for the Internet and RN! Without it these George W and Jeb Bush supporting negroes would pulled another scam over the Rattler Nation like when they selected the last permanent president of FAMU, remember. But access to information helped us find out that UMES is really a large high school with virtually no endowment; that there's hardly any African-American faculty at UNT and the faculty has no confidence in one of our presidential finalists and that our former provost left here, went to NC, replicated what he learned and has positioned NCCU to be one of the up and coming HBCU's in the nation. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. FAMU has paid dearly these last few years for making ignorant decisions. Thank you RN for utilizing the web and opening up access!

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