Marching 100 Super Bowl T-Shirts

da rattler
0 minute read

The Marching 100 Alumni Band Association has a unique way for Rattlers to show their pride and memorialize the 100's fourth Super Bowl apperance this year with "Marching 100 Commemorative" Superbowl T-Shirts. The shirts are available for pre-ordering now at: Band Alumni

Proceeds from T-shirt sales support scholarships for Band members and help send students to band camp.

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  1. this is a great idea, but the last time I wore a 100 t-shirt, which was many years ago, I almost got beat down by members of the 100 because I was not in the band. will this be the same thing?

  2. Please don't take the pillows and towels this time!

  3. ^^^^

    bytch shut up! don't you steal the towels and pillows!

  4. To 1/24/2007 10:48 AM

    The shirts are designed so that anyone can wear them and show their support for the "100." There were also shirts for the 2005 Superbowl, and I didn't hear any problems with non-band members wearing them.

    To 1/24/2007 10:50 AM:

    The band and specific members were punished in September for their involvement in that incident. We've talked to them, the staff has talked to them, and they understand the position that they are in as members of the FAMU Band program.

    When you are young, you do young things. That's not to excuse what they did, though.

    They have grown up (quickly) and have moved on to be more productive citizens of our communities, and I'm proud of them for taking responsibility for their actions and working on improving themselves both as individuals, and as a band.

    Buy a shirt, and show your support!


    Victor R. Gaines, President
    Marching 100 Alumni Band Association, Inc.

  5. Thanks for the response Mr. Gaines about the T-Shirt, I will be sure to support the 100.

  6. already ordered mine. too bad you guys don't have extra-medium as a size. I'm kinda going for that look nowadays.

  7. Are there shirts being sold for MEMBERS too?

  8. There's only one shirt that is being made at this time to my knowledge. The 2005 Superbowl shirt was the same way.

  9. I just finished watching that incomparable 100 hold it down at the superbowl. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE MORE T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE. SSSSSSSSSS!!!!

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