Castell testifies before Legislative Audit Committee

da rattler
Here's the weblink to the live broadcast. You can watch it now:

Florida Senate webcast

Be sure to click on the Joint Legislative Audit Committe link.

We'll recap what went down in a few. The hearing was scheduled from 12noon- 2:00 p.m.

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  1. RN you are a bad MF!!!! Love ya!

  2. Castell and Grace Ali were bobbing and weaving like Mike Malone in a fight with Mike Tyson, during Tyson's hey day!

  3. what happened?

  4. yeah, can we get an update of what went down

  5. Castell was backpeddling faster than a unicyclist on a steep slope!!!

  6. The hearing was a failure. Castell had the auditing committee chair, Gwen Margolis, in her backpocket. Margolis deflected all pertinent criticisms from Castell, especially those inquiries surrounding the delayed audit, which Margolis insisted would be dealt with later.

  7. 2:19 pm --- not ture.

    I think they were just pressed for time today with a very a full agenda.

  8. No, the problem is that Rattler Nation is a fake. There was no raking Castell over the coals because there is nothing to rake her about...Rattler Nation is nothing but "chicken little" screaming about the sky is falling...You people need to get jobs and be about something other than gossip mongering...

  9. No, the problem is that Rattler Nation is a fake.

    Before you complain about the splinter in my eye, remove the plank from yours.

    ...Castell over the coals because there is nothing to rake her about...

    You know, crack is a horrible drug, right?

  10. 8:27--We see that YOU'RE here reading all this "fake" stuff. And not only are you reading it, you're commenting as well. And also, it's apparent that you've BEEN reading it to know so much about where the site is "fake" or not. I bet you know more about what's posted here than a you-know-what. And of course, this is certainly not your first time posting. Give us a break. Apparently YOU don't have enough to keep you busy if you've found time to come here, read AND write. Hello? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  11. Whether anything comes out of the legislative hearings or not, Castell V. Bryant was called to account for her administrative mismanagement deeds. And she brought her incompetent posse with her for backup. I bet girlF was hee-ing and haw-ing all the way through.

  12. Anonymous said...
    No, the problem is that Rattler Nation is a fake. There was no raking Castell over the coals because there is nothing to rake her about...Rattler Nation is nothing but "chicken little" screaming about the sky is falling...You people need to get jobs and be about something other than gossip mongering...

    3/05/2007 8:27 PM

    You sound like one of those that will getting some walking papers come June 15 *ROLFMBAO*

  13. What's fake is all ya'll under Cast-hell's administration that have been faking work for all of these years and getting a paycheck. Enjoy the last lil dollas ya'll are stealing from my school because come June 15, there will be a new sheriff in town...and his name is Dr. James Ammons and you and the rest of Castell's croonies will be letting the door hit cha where the good Lord split cha *smiling from ear to ear*

  14. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee RattlerNation....

  15. Actually, Castell got jacked up soooo bad on the payroll mess, that the committee said they will table the audit because the still had not dealt with the VA.

    Can you believe that Castell and her crew took up almost 40 minutes of a 2 hr meeting that was agenda to get through 5 agencies.

    The JLAC spent so much time tag teaming Castell and watching her dance/duck/bob and weave around the payroll issues that they could not get to the audit.

    Don't worry there will be a part II.

  16. When Barbara Thompson said Castell and her administrators shouldn't get paid until everyone is paid, Castell almost threw up in her mouth.

  17. Of course Cast-Hell and her cast of cronies aren't the problem. The school has virtually gone to hell in a hand basket, but what does Cast-Hell say, "It ain't my fault."

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