100rd campaigns with Obama

da rattler
The Marching 100 hit the campaign trail with Sen. Barack Obama yesterday, as 2,000 turned out at a Tampa Rally to hear the Senator speak and the 100rd play.

continue reading: Obama Rally

Presidential hopeful likes band

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  1. This was AWESOME! People of all colors were standing in line. It was very nice of Sen. Obama to be inclusive with the $25 ticket price.

  2. anon 11:07,

    that is great! when is famu going to be for people of all color!

    bring on obama!

    bring on diversity!

    bring on change at famu!

  3. Well there are diverse colors in the band, diverse colors in the university, the band has played for politicians of different colors. How much more diverse can you get?

  4. Public universities should not be race specific.

    FAMU has never racially discriminated against anyone. There's nothing wrong with FAMU remaining majority black. No one has a problem with FIU being majority Hispanic or UF & FSU being majority white.


  6. We need a secure location to discuss issues in a productive manner. I don't care to eat with the morons at the table.

  7. 4/16/2007 7:10 PM wrote:

    "FAMU has never racially discriminated against anyone."

    Not officially. But yes, FAMU has discriminated, and it continues to discriminate against non-blacks in hiring faculty. Ask around.

    Heck, just look around!

    For that matter, reverse your argument: Nearly everyone interprets the lack of black students at a white university to be a sign of discrimination.

    What is the lack of non-black students at FAMU a sign of?

    Some days I worry about how isolated our students are, immersed with one another in a black teenage popular culture TV-dominated club scene campus.

    How little some of them know of the world. How little they are exposed to other cultures. How proud and ignorant some of them continue to be.

    More integration at FAMU just might be a good thing for those isolated black students who wrongly think they know all about the rest of the world.

    Black and proud, that's a good thing. Black, proud, and ignorant, that's not good.

  8. Anonymous said...
    FAMU is a sinking ship. Clinging to a historic past that serves no purpose in the 21st century. Public universities should not be race specific. Write your politicians and tell them that FAMU needs to recruit people of all color. If they don't want to then return the campus to the state and go private in a new destination of choice. It is that simple

    4/16/2007 6:42 PM

    You're obvious not a black person because you don't understand the beauty of diversity with Black people across the African Diaspora. There are Blacks of all hues at FAMU. Africans across the Diaspora comprise a beautiful spectrum of colors. And that's all there such be but we don't discriminate because we do allow non-color(pale or white people) into our school as well.

    And you can't deny the amount the Middle Easterners, the Asians and the Hispanics that are at our beloved alma.

  9. The 100 were great...as usual!

  10. Interesting observation -

    Hecklers/ haters are now on rattlernation since Ammons is coming. The reign of CAST-HELL made them easy-going.

    Conclusion -

    Dr. Ammons will have a lot to fight and do. Let's give him our support and give him some time.

  11. 7:10PM
    It is amazing what people POST in the comments section...

    Discriminating against non-blacks in hiring faculty... are you CRAZY

    You OBVIOUSLY don't know chit about the faculty make up at FAMU. FYI there is a shortage of black faculty nationwide, so why in the world would you think FAMU only hires black faculty. Once again your delusional.

    Check the facts before you post that nonsense. The only majority thing black about FAMU is it's history and students. It DAMN sure isn't it's faculty, which is majority non-African American.

  12. This talk about FAMU not needed to be race specific is extremely interesting to me.

    Do you white people realize that FSU is race specific?

    Your whiteness is understood. You do not have to say HWCU because it is understood that it is an historically white college.

    You all work to keep it that way, and you do so with the calculated selection of students, faculty, staff and so forth. You are comfortable only with maybe 8-10% of whites at your schools, in your country clubs and in your neighborhood, and even then their economic status is what makes you allow them to transcend their blackness.

    OJ had an honorary "white card" because he could afford and American Express "gold and black card."

    Face it. Whiteness is an identity too.

    Please please please xuead the Miseducation of a WASP, and try to understand an analyze your whiteness and your priviledge in this country.

    Bring on diversity at FSU, and not one of two tokens.


  13. Yeah, this propaganda being thrown up on here is stinking up thee place. Thik HOW not WHY. How IS inclusive. We focus on how. Non-blacks tend to think, why? Since you don't seek to understand, you naturally strive to destroy, because it is not of YOUR way. How dare you discount the cultural crossroads at FAMU! You obviously don't respect much about our people. Maybe if the community and "taxpayers" really cared about FAMU communication, among other things would be amazingly different. "Diversity"- you're obviously no anthropologist.

  14. Infiltration is what they really mean. Diversity has been hijacked to cover up the way the idea is to be applied. Look at Gaines street and the railroad area projects. If those were a more "diverse" group of artists and people, this whole plan and approach by the investors and the CITY would be amazingly different. BTW, I'm in Coleman library sitting near a window where I see non-diaspora students numbering beyond reason to track. While I sit comfortably next to an eastern european student. You see what you want to see, and you've done more to FAMU than you'd ever do for FAMU wether you know it or not. Willful ignorance people, willful ignorance. You know funding has never been fair. Diversify that trend! There ought to be a class-action suit on behalf of the university and other historically underfunded agencies in the stste. You know, since taxpayer dollars are historically invested, why should our government half pay for something and know that our expectations to be exceeded aren't real. Considernig that we taxpayers like to get what we paid for. You shouldn't have let Bush rid us of our high speed rail system, infrastructure and other necessary things are dismissed- to pay more attention to bells and whistle titles.

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