Castell is pulling a Jennifer Holiday

da rattler

We wanted to update you on a story we published on April 30th, which suggested that our embattled interim president Castell Bryant would LIKELY be resigning at the end of the week. We'll it appears the very much a "lame duck" Bryant is still "holding on", despite the frequent calls for her to step down.

We'll keep you posted on any developments.

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  1. That's odd. I specifically recall the interim stating that she was in a hurry to get back to her couch and watch westerns.

    Maybe we ought to offer to pay the cable bill.

  2. Just like a haggard Jennifer Holiday singing this song on an abandon warehouse overlooking this year's Oscars, Castell also has no shame!

    Get to steppin Castell !!!

  3. Summer school is starting soon and many faculty do not have contracts. What is going on?

  4. This bull just won't go away. Casthell needs to "ride out" to the bottom and disappear into the infame "Bolivian" as Mike Tyson once said.

  5. I heard form a VERY reliable source that even though Castell was asked to submit her resignation, but refusing to do so, was delivered a document asking her to do just that. The woman simply refuses to do so and stated such a thing; she intends to fully exercise her sixty-day notice/clause to the BOT and will step down when Ammons steps in. I understand that the document asking for her resignation was hand-delivered by ol' foul-mouthed LizzieMac around May 1st, which would, essentially, be sixty days until the new president comes on bord, officially. Castell is a hellion.

  6. "board." apologies.

  7. If the BOT officially removes her then Debra Austin steps in. Any bets how that will turn out.

    I hope that someone from Dr. Ammons transition team is reading some of these comments.

    If you are, will you please help potential summer school students get into classes. Boyd/Lassiter team has refused to assist students in any way, no matter the problem.

    If someone can help us get in touch with members of the BOT because the June/Lamar-Kennendy team are no help, we would be greatly appreciative.

    I guess the motto "Excellence with Caring" has no menaing to any of them. I can't wait to see their faces when they are caught in a similar situation.


  9. Students, before you go naming names about what is not being done, you need to have a full understanding of how the system works at all universities, to your surprise you may find out that our financial aid office is on course and that Boyd is God sent. Stopping your bitching without the facts. This is my university and as a student, I refused that the dummies as anonymous 5/09/07, 11:22 keep shooting off their dumb mouths. Perhaps you need to get the steppin

  10. 10:01-Alright now Cassie or Liz, get to packin' and stop reading this board.

  11. To 5/09 5:14pm:

    Jennifer Holiday is not haggard looking. She is singing atop the Kodak Theater, not a abandoned warehouse. The content of the song is appropriate. Your assessment of the artist is not!!!

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