FAMU-SU game date still up in the air

da rattler

According to yesterday's Birmingham (Ala.) News, ESPN wants Florida A&M and Southern to play their football game Sept. 2, one day later than the date set in its contract with the Birmingham Park and Recreation Board.

But there’s a catch.

Miles College still plans to play Tuskegee University in a Division II game Sept. 2.

ESPN might convince Miles that doubleheader aggravations can be outweighed by money or national television exposure.

Southern hasn't played FAMU since 2001, when the Jaguars claimed a 17-14 overtime victory at Tallahassee, Fla.

See: Miles resistant to FAMU-Southern change

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  1. Uh, not to "p" on your parade but, that was set back in March around the 15th. ;-)

  2. hey, i'm just telling you what the B'ham (AL) News said yesterday. There appears to still be some problems with the Sept. 2nd date.

    From the story it seems that ESPN has to put some incentives in it for Miles College.

  3. I don't care if it's a 2AM in Tupelo, MS, we will beat Southern anywhere, anytime.

  4. Miles need to go ahead and move on out the way. Perhaps, they can reschedule their game for a local high school.

  5. The "incentives" need to all be coming our way.

  6. To all you viewer, maybe i'm missing something. because i'm still trying to figure out why is the Board still letting Dr. bryant make dumb decision. It is clear that she doesn't have a clue on how to run a University. Sixty days is a long time, and she is very capable of making a even bigger mess. why not pay her contract off and her be on her merry way. Or put a freeze on her decision making

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