Ammons names transition advisory team

da rattler
1 minute read
Cynthia Hughes-Harris, (Chair) professor and dean, FAMU School of Allied Health Science; Phillip Agnew, immediate past president, FAMU Student Government Association and former Board of Trustee member; Dubose Ausley, local attorney;Barbara Barnes, FAMU professor; Dr. Alvin Bryant, president, FAMU National Alumni Association; Joseph Hatchett, former Justice of Florida Supreme Court and federal judge; Maurice Holder, chair, FAMU Faculty Senate; Bill Jennings, vice chair, FAMU Board of Trustees; Bill Johnson, retired Leon County principal and school administrator; Henry Lewis III, professor, FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Vernon Martin, director of Human Resources, Phillip Morris Corporation; Edward Scott, local dentist; Charles U. Smith, retired FAMU Distinguished Professor and dean; Barbara Thompson,, president, FAMU- United Faculty of Florida (UFF); Marjorie Turnbull, former Florida legislator and consultant; Joseph L. Webster, Tallahassee internist and gastroenterologist; and James Woody, president, FAMU- American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

Edward Penson, former president of Salem College (Winston-Salem. N.C.) and former Chancellor of Wisconsin Oshkosh, will facilitate the sessions. Penson is senior principal of Penson Associates, Inc., a Florida bases research and consultat firm.

Ammons plans to meet with the transition team twice a month until he officially reports to work on July 2

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  1. What? No Walter Smith?

  2. Please give us a break. LOL

    He's doing just fine with CastHELL!

    Catching I-10 to 75 to Tampa.

  3. Yeah, he wanted that woman from UMES, plus he got paid a nice piece of cheddar.

    IMO, he should pay every penny back, cause he didn't do s...

  4. The transition team looks like a roll back to the Humphries days of a male-dominated FAMU. 4 women out of 17 on the transition team--give me a break!!!!!

    I know Cast-hell was a BITCH, but all women aren't. The transition team should have at least 8-10 women; which is more representative of the % of FAMU's student body, faculty, and staff.

    I support Ammons and I am glad he's coming back but somethings have got to change. Hopefully his senior managament hiring decisions will be better.

    - ABWWC (A Black Woman With Credentials)

  5. I don't give a damn how many women he does or does not have. All that matters is getting FAMU back on its feet. Screw the rest of that nonsense...

  6. All that matters is are they qualified and capable of doing what they need to do


  8. PLEASE!!! Can we stop the bickering for a while? Let's watch and see what happens!!! Regardless of who took that position, someone is not going to like them! I live out of state and am a Rattler, a child of a Rattler and a former employee (and got late payments every now and then).

    From far away things don't sound good for the school. One thing I don't want to hear is that it has gone the way of a few older HBCU's than FAMU. Let's watch, hope,seek wisdom, provide effective remedies, and PRAY (for those who don't think it's an "uneducated thing to do") that we don't lose this school!

    Just think, there is a sound of success rising up 4 hours southeast of FAMU and is now a "University". It would be a travesty and disgrace to allow this school to go the way of the dust -BECAUSE OF ALL OF OUR FIGHTING and Monday quarterbacking!! We put holes in the ship before it leaves the harbor - and then have the nerve to expect a safe ride!

  9. 6:29--As soon as I finished reading the piece, i back up to count the number of women he appointed, and immediately said, "Damn, thirteen men and four women?" Surely there are more than four women on that campus who are capable of assisting in that transition. Of course, this is no suprise. James Ammons, as smart a fellow as he is and as capable as he is and as charming, charismatic as he is, is (and has always been) sexist. And what makes so many of these appointments disappointing is that the majority of the men he's appointed are sexist as well. I know many of them, and I know their ways of thinking about women.

  10. If he has capable and qualified people that's going to help him bring my beloved alma mater into good standings, then I dont care if there was just a 1/2 of a woman. That isht is so not important right now.

    ...Proud Alumna 2002

  11. i know that barbara thompson is the new president of the famuff, but the woman has degrees in physical education, for christ's sakes. give me a damn break.

  12. For all those people who were busy kissing Castell's rear, you know you're not going to get ANY appointments, so you can stop the wish factor, cause it ain' gone be happening. all that kissing for nuthing. damn.

  13. 2002: you're just a kid who doesn't know what you're talking about. you SHOUL care, if you're a woman. Many women have paved the way for incompetent people such as yourself who simply don't know any better. you're of a completely different generation and simply doj't understand the importance of women in higher education positions and other positions in the workplace landscape. Appointments mean a lot in case you didn't know, and apparently you do not.

  14. Sounds like there are some people from Camp Castell and Camp Corbin that are ALREADY trying to stir up opposition against Ammons.

    They can't get him on track record, on recruiting, on financial accountability, on credentials, on the ability to inspire. But they think they have a wedge issue by saying that Ammons is a SEXIST.

    Two weeks from now they will say that Ammons is worse than Don Imus, Paul Wolfowitz, and the Vice President from 24 combined.

    Very smart tactic, but we ain't fallin for it.

  15. What role can Barbara Barnes play on this committee?

  16. call me naive, but this sounds like a good list of people.

    i didn't pay attention to the number of women before, but this merely the transition team.

    now if he puts only men in power positions once he takes office, then i'd worry. but let's see how things go before we break out picket signs...

  17. Who is on the committee that represents new and fresh ideas?

    Who is on the cutting edge of research or technology. What about young people like the Walter professor in Education or the Jackson professor in History. There is the Palm guy in Pharmacy, and the Friday lady in SBI, and you have two young deans.

    Transition implies change from one school of thought to another. I respect and acknowledge their wisdom, but they are going to be recycling old ideas.

  18. I second the idea on new and fresh ideas! Its like a breath of fresh air.

  19. any white folk on the transition team?

  20. Ammons has no problem with placing women in positions of senior administrative leadership.

    Both his provosts at NCCU were women. His VP for Institutional Advancement and Director of Public Affairs were also both women.

    And more over, Ammons has appointed a woman (Dr. Hughes Harris) to call the shots on the transition committee.

    5/02/2007 11:14 PM is right on point. This is a classic tactic used by Jim Corbin and Castell Bryant. When Barney Bishop cried foul, they called him a white racist. When anyone challenges Castell, they call that person a misogynist.

    Corbin and Castell are two selfish, lying, thieves. They try and tear down anyone who stands in the way as they try and fill their pockets with as much FAMU money as possible.

    We've had enough their cover-ups and rumor mongering. No one is buying it anymore.

  21. 12:02---Marjorie Turnbull and Dubose Ausley are white; they are both competent individuals, and have, for the most part, been supportive of the univrsity during their political years. I think Turnbull ande Ausley are good choices; while they may not have been my choice of appointees on the transition team, I still think Ammons has made a wise choice in these individuals. Ausley is an od-school Florida lawyer/politician; he is the father of State Representative Lorraine Ausley, who fights for the rights of state workers, and Turnbull is a veteran educator and political person whose academic and political chops were honed in the political circles
    here in Tallahassee as well as in statewide circles. What I don't know, however, is whether, as one poster has queried, any of these people are technologially avvy. C. U. Amith, while a smart man, retired many years ago from the uiversity, and if he has not ben keeping up with tehnological advances, would be, I'm afraid, out of the loop technology-wise. The man is in his mid-80s. this is not to say that he doesn't know this stuff, but what are th chances that he does. I also ask wether r o there were people in SBI who cuold have served in some capacity, in viw of the fact that fiscal management is, obviously, one of the uiversity's weak areas. FAMU has three levels of FAMUans: Old school, middle school and young school. For the most part, the appointees fall into the latter category, with one or two in the middle category, and only one--Phillip Agnew--in the new chool category. But hey, the team is what it is. We'll simply have to wait and see how all o these folks pan out and see if they ill be justly rewarded for their efforts.

  22. This list doesn't impress me and I'm definitely an Ammons supporter. I echo those who commented on folks who are fresh and really bring value to transitioning FAMU to where we need to be in the future from a financial and technology standpoint. I see frat brothers, old friends, and mostly the same ole, same ole. I question outside of a select few do many of those appointed to this team have any real value and a clue to FAMU current issues and best business practices. I'm optimistic that we are headed in a better direction but hope this isn't a reflection of where we're headed in the future. We gots to keep it real and make sure FAMU is better currently and in the future with talented staff, leaders, resources, fundraising, facilities, policies and procedures, technology, students, faculty, etc.

  23. 1:09--Wow! Dr. Harris, a woman, is "calling the shots." I'm real impressed. Thirteen men and four women??? The transition advisory team should reflect the gender demographics of the university. I do support Dr. Ammons presidency and am elated to see him return, but let us hope that the transition team does not reflect the gender bias disparity that we see on the advisory team. And in response to one poster who responded about the makeup of his cabinet at NCCU who the man had in his cabinet: who was in in cabinet at NCCU has no bearing on who will be in his cabinet at FAMU. Apples & oranges, dear, in case you did not have an inkling.

  24. Barara Barnes? Please sat it ain't so.

  25. Typo...Please say it ain't so.

  26. I want to point out that Dr. Henry Lewis is on this transition team and that as the Leader of the College of Pharmacy He was key in its advancment and when it comes to Technology he proves that he knows a thing or two! Pharmacy has distant learning campuses all over the state and the ability for students in Tampa to take classes that are only offered in Tallahassee via technology...I am in the process of researching the rest of the list and preparing my $1,000 dollar donation to the University as soon as Dr. Ammons assumes office! I hope to have nine other rattlers under 40 do the same thing!

  27. It's a damn Transition team. It is supposed to have people from the Old Guard on it you dolts.

    You cannot transistion without the people who used to run things being there to help you out. That's how Gainous got in the clusterfuck that was his administration, he kicked out er'body.

    I swear it is the same person (6:29, 10:14, 11:33, 11:39, 12:02, 7:03) saying all these "sexist" accusations and this mess about his trans team, trying to pretend like they are multiple posters.

    Sucks to be on the wrong side of history, I know sweetie.

  28. You should check the records of NCCU the only female VC is the Provost. Institutional Advancement was an interim for several years and she never got the job a man was appointed. Once again check the records!

  29. 5/03/2007 7:03 AM

    Phillip Agnew? Come on. I hope Ammons does not show a bunch of loyalty to this group. Some of them were picked I'm sure to keep from ruffling a few feathers with key constituent groups, ie Phillip Agew. The kid needs to worried about trying to graduate.

    From Class President one-year, Vice-President one year, President one-year, now this. I am concern about the what's going to happen when this kid has to face the real world and do real work. In fact, maybe that's what he's avoiding.

    Phillip Agnew, next he'll be applying for a job on campus as Vice President of Student Life or something.

  30. If you look very closely at this team there are certain things that will jump out at you.

    (1) There is old political money; opinion/decision makers on this team (Ausley and Turnbull). All high profile candidates running for national or state elections have a conversation with those who make-up the inner circles of Dubey Ausley. Turnbull is an old and well recognized citizen of Tally with deep connections to the community. She broker the $10M gift to TCC as chair of their foundation. She and her husband are familiar faces around the capitol, local politics, and fundraisers. Do a search and see if there are any state building named after one or the other.

    (3) Good looking out for the common folk like me. Glad to see James Woody, a carpenter in physical plant appointed to this transition team. He represents the hundreds of workers on campus and many of which have been disenfranchised and have had their workers rights violated by this administration.

    (3) We have lost our inside connections to the Leon County public schools. Glad to see someone connected with the new superintendent.

    (4) Vernon Martin a Industry Cluster chair, glad to see President Ammons is already trying to reconnect to one of the most powerful and supportive groups external to FAMU.

    (5) During President Ammons' final visit, he spoke passionately about FAMU getting a VET and Dental school. Dr. Ed Scott (Harvard trained) is a member of the National Dental Association and has held serveral national positions. He is well-connected in his field professional.

    (5) There is a little something for everyone on this transition team.

    Remember these people are in an advisory capacity and their work will be completed on or before our president arrives on campus, July 2.

    Now, if some of you all know of some high profile, well-connected, qualified females in/outside of Tally that can help move our university forward, then I suggest that you contact them and have them to get those resumes ready.

    Right now it's about perception and we need to re-engineer how folks in this community view FAMU now. I strongly believe those on this team can help President Ammons begin the process of doing just that.

  31. No Technology, No Finance, No Business Process Analyst, No Accounting. WOW. No wonder.

  32. I love the idea of a transition team in theory.

    I applaud Ammons' attempt to have a pluralistic group (men, women, legislators, adminstratoris, former professors, whites and blacks. Although I agree one commenter who asked about "new and fresh ideas." Regardless of which side of history you are on, you need people from both sides to help you to the next level. Regardless of how much knowledge I have just based on my years here on earth, I am sagacious enough to know that I need to keep smart, young people around me. A classic example of this was when Castell did her first presentation to the faculty. She passed out her ideas on a sheet of paper and kept running out. Vivian and Eva were running around trying to get more copies. All of "mid-old school folks around me kept saying that she needed a PowerPoint presentation).

    But I digress. I hope that we do not forget that this group's time to serve is limited to less than a year max. Cindy Hughes Harris is a brilliant lady. Just look at her CV. I don't know about how many "shots" she is gonna call, but she can handle this task. (She can handle the Provost position, since they claim Ammons likes to put women in VP positions).

    The transition team will help offer ideas and recommendations to help FAMU do just that -- "transition,"---- move to what Ammons thinks is the next level. After that, their role is over. Then we must focus on Ammons' "leadership" team.

    His team of vice-presidents and deans will be more "permanently at-will" so to speak. They should be the seasoned scholars "UNIVERSITY" adminstrators, who have gone through the ranks and who have a good understanding of how what the needs are for this HBCU as this critical juncture in its noble history.


  33. Well said 8:53 AM.

    I like the way you analyzed the composition of the group.

    This is the type of critical thinking we need to see on this board --- not just empty rhetoric and personal attacks on people.

  34. Wow the only NCCU VC is the provost -- the number #2 position in the entire university -- and Ammons appointed two women to the post.

    I swear, the anti-FAMU crowd never quits with its efforts to smear Ammons' name. The FAMU community wanted Ammons and not inept JUCO admins like Corbin, Castell, or Debbie.

    Yeah, Castell appointed plenty of women to university leadership positions -- and they (along with the men she hired) reported an $8M surplus when a $10 deficit really existed, failed to pay over 755 employees on time, inflicted an enrollment drop of 2,000+ students, fumbled the faculty credentialing process for SACS, and starved Pharmacy of critical resources until it was placed on probation.

    Please don't use Castell as a model of "inclusiveness." Ammons is a strong president and will take FAMU back to the top will to same quality hires he made at NCCU.

    Ammons knows how to run a university; Castell doesn't.

  35. Get real. U don't really expect to start a groundswell of opposition to Ammons based on lack of females on a friggin' transition team, do you? For Pete's sake, people find something more creative and impactful to criticize.

    That is soooooo lame.

  36. Yes, it is lame. Castell in all of her infinite wisdom named a slew of women. Most of them were Incompetents.

    At this juncture, we need competent people to become a part of Ammons' administrative team. I believe he will be thorough and inclusive in selecting the next provost, along with the deans and VPs.

    Unlike Castell, who appointed all of these females. If these famales had gone through a REAL search and screen process, I doubt seriously if the committee would have selected any of them.


  37. james ammons is going to do a good job in helping us get back on solid ground. let us give him and the transition team the benefit of the doubt. Hell, anybody except castell & her horrendous crew.i didn't think anyone could be worse than fred gainous until castell brought her sorry-ass, JUCO self to the university. i think, quite frankly, we might be headed in the right direction here. and all we can do is wait and see.

  38. Here's a piece of advice..... Why don't all of you stop judging Dr. Ammons and his decisions before he even has time to get his foot in the door. Be patient, FAMU did not become the way it is now over night; and I will not be fixed overnight either.

  39. Barbara Barnes was a finalist for the interim presidency. I believe she's very capable of assuming a spot on the transition team. All the people that were in Castell's circle need not apply for anything in Ammons' cabinet. I hear, however, that the applications are arriving left & right.

  40. well, the question isn't what barbara barnes will bring to the table but what thompson will bring to the table.

  41. Castell is the person who's guilty of keeping qualified, capable women out of FAMU's senior administrative-level positions. Just look at her incompetent staffers:

    Debra Austin - the JUCO administrator who shies away from tough decisions and can't distinguish a university-level research program from a doorknob.

    Vivian Hobbs - The SACS point-person who can't even comprehend something as basic as the alternative credentialing process.

    Altha Manning - the "yes-woman" who carried out Bryant's orders to hack apart the research division, which has led to a multi-million dollar drop in research contracts and grants. Have you seen the state of the alumni affairs office today?

    Grace Ali - the CFO who's made FAMU's financial situation progressively worse. She made multi-million dollar miscalculations in the books, did not properly account for millions in spending, and failed to turn in required financial information to the state auditors. To add insult to ignorance, she responded to the state auditor general's negative opinion on FAMU's finances by stating “at least it was an opinion.” FAMU would be doing just as well with NO ONE in charge of the financial books.

    Elizabeth McBride - the great legal mind that brought us the SBI 8, Billy Joe case, and botched Percy Luney dismissal - with over 100 lawsuits to go.

    Castell's administrative team sent the university backwards and made FAMU a public-laughing stock. Castell's supporters are the last people who should criticize anyone else for failing to hire qualified women. There were very few capable women (or men) in Bryant's administration.

  42. Barbara Barnes was a finalist for the interim presidency. I believe she's very capable of assuming a spot on the transition team.

    The 2005 interim presidential selection process was a corrupt piece of garbage that has absolutely no credibility.

    James Corbin, Challis Lowe, and R.B. Holmes schemed together to offer Castell Bryant as their first choice and Barbara Barnes as their second choice. Neither were qualified for the interim presidency by a long shot.

    To Holmes' credit, he cleaned up his act by voting for James Ammons. However, Corbin and Lowe never came to terms with the fact that FAMU is not a community college and JUCO administrators like Bryant are not qualified to run a university.

    Barnes has poor track record, at best. She's also a Corbin-ally. Ammons should keep his eyes on her at all times because she will stab him the back the first chance she gets.

  43. What's barnes' tract record? Also, I find it interesting that the transition team does not include one administrator from the College of Arts and Sciences, the university's largest academic division. The CAS is not a money-making division, so I guess none of the various departments count worth (or toward) anything.

  44. Oops! "...count toward (or are worth) anything."

  45. One thing is for sure. There are a lot of people who do not understand the difference between a transition team and a management team.

    but for all of you clamoring for women helping in the transition, ali, bryant, austin, manning, mcbride are all in positions that SHOULD participate in the transition. One or two of them is a little bit rough, but don't they count as women? Surely they are going to help out in the transition aren't they? Or are you saying they are going to be disgruntled, recalcitrant employees and not participate?

    You can't have it both ways. Either the incumbents help with the transition and therefore we have female representation or they are such poor losers that they refuse to help.

    I swear. Castell surrounded herself with a cast of clowns and low level thinkers.

  46. Except Debra. She had more class than those fools.

  47. Class has nothing to do with competence.

  48. Yall are fools. Eva Wanton is the only one who had considerable class out of them.

  49. Does anyone know if Ammons wants to make the law school a project to fix as well? I know that the main campus is in dire need but the law school is a like a diseased foot that might need cutting off if it does not get any help. We need some definate change of leadership here and some of the professors need to go due to lack of scholarship and credentials. I was wondering if help is coming soon or if Ammons intends to fix the main campus first before even looking at the law school.

    In other words, how long do I have to hold my breath before the ship comes, this year or wait till I'm graduating? LOL

    Love ya'll.

  50. Dr. Eva Wanton was the ONLY person in Castell's group who was always nice, pleasant and easy to talk with and to. Se has alway had a very pleasant and pleasing demeanor and has alays been very approachable, unlike the other heathens and scoundresses that work for "that" woman. Has anyone noticed that Dr. Wanton's name never surfaced in the shennigans that occurred under Castell? Dr. Wanton is th ONLY woman who ad and has any class and stature amog al of those other people, including the men. I'm sure that Dr. Wanton was highly disappointed with the nasty behavior of her friend and wished that she (Wanton) could disappear when the tihs hit the fan with her lontime buddy. I know she was terribly embarrassed and wished perhaps that she did not even know the woman.Dr. W staye out of the limelight, as we all saw.

  51. Anonymous said...

    5/02/2007 9:22 PM

    So Dr. Ammons shouldn't have anyone on the transition team to represent the students, the real customers of FAMU?

  52. Anonymous said...
    2002: you're just a kid who doesn't know what you're talking about. you SHOUL care, if you're a woman. Many women have paved the way for incompetent people such as yourself who simply don't know any better. you're of a completely different generation and simply doj't understand the importance of women in higher education positions and other positions in the workplace landscape. Appointments mean a lot in case you didn't know, and apparently you do not.

    5/02/2007 10:31 PM

    We are not acquainted with each other in any form or fashion so don't make assumptions about my age. FAMU needs qualified people to help Dr. Ammons get us out of this mess we're in. That is my main focus right and as it should be the rest of us. The powers that be are attempting to dismantle FAMU at every turn and you think I should be concerned because of the lack of women on a transition team? Ok...

  53. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know if Ammons wants to make the law school a project to fix as well? I know that the main campus is in dire need but the law school is a like a diseased foot that might need cutting off if it does not get any help. We need some definate change of leadership here and some of the professors need to go due to lack of scholarship and credentials. I was wondering if help is coming soon or if Ammons intends to fix the main campus first before even looking at the law school.

    In other words, how long do I have to hold my breath before the ship comes, this year or wait till I'm graduating? LOL

    Love ya'll.

    5/04/2007 4:18 AM

    I heard through a grapevine at the Law School that Dr. Ammons has been in communication with those at the Law School for sometime now. What kind of progress they are making towards the accrediation and other issues, I'm not sure!

    Hold on, help is coming and good luck to you.

  54. 9:59, I've not made assumptions about your age. I've just call things as I see them. Please refute the comment on ageism, and I will stand corrected. And yes, I do think that women should be concerned about the lack of a balanced representation on the transition team. The transition team has the power to direct the academic, fiscal, managerial and administrative landscape of the university. Without an equal balance of voices from both genders, we set ourselves up the "male-based thinking" that undoubtedly will govern the university. While CVB's team of women were not up to the task, this does not mean that the transition team cannot set precedence and govern accordingly. I still maintain that the appointment of the transition team is gender-biased.

  55. You all are assuming that by adding more women on the transition team that the issue of gender will be addressed and that the women will stand up for women's issues.

    Don't forget that there are women out there --- not on the transition team necessarily --- who are more comfortable with men in leadership than with their own gender. I see it in the black church all the time.

    They have been so conditioned to think that men run things better and should be the head of everything.

    So don't think that if he piled the committee up with women, things will be smooth- especially if he piles it up with women from a certain generation.

  56. I don't think it means that women are more "comfortable," I think the presence of men in leadership roles has become such an entrenched, psychological and accepted norm until very few people question the necessity of having women in leadership roles and simply voice no objections to what is before them.

  57. When I read all the comments, I am certian that we don't want our students using such fowl language (alumus setting the example). Let's get away from the "do as I say do" However, the thing that strikes me the most is...we have not referenced what the LORD has done and it seems we have forgotten about what brought us nor do we acknowledge the past generations who struggled to get us "just educated" well.. now we are and we think we are the answer. Remember a house divided can not stand and if evil operate within us then we can not defend against evil. I want to encourage us to come to the table with the fruits of the spirit and allow the newness of life that is at the door step of our great university bring healing, deliverance and Excellence with Caring. Now I pray we will have God's favor with Him and among men and that our institution will continue to grow and educate beyond that we can ever ask or think and that the Lord will bless the work of Dr. Ammon's hand sregardless of whom he chooses knowing that man is not perfect but God IS and we shall rely on His ability to do what we can not.

  58. I understand what you mean (12:08 a.m.).

    The notion of men in leadership positions has been psychologically entrenched in our minds, and there is a serious historical basis for that. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    However, we are going to have to challenge this psychological impression made on our minds.
    Otherwise, women will never be seen as capable of leading.

    That's why when you have one woman like Dr. Bryant mess up the way she did, it damages the chances of women getting the presidency at FAMU for a long time.

    Yet men mess up all the time everywhere and they get another man without question.

    I heard people (men and women) say that FAMU does not need another woman leader. FAMU needed to bring a man in to handle things.

    One bad leader, and now all of a sudden all women have been placed in one category.

    Yet, you can have sexual harrassers and known philanders back in leadership roles --- on the transition team and I am sure in some of the other high positions very soon.

    Having Cindy Hughes Harris lead the transition team was a good choice. I hope it was not done just to placate those who would have questioned where women were (as is being done now on the blog). She is a good leader in and of itself, and that should be why she was chosen.

    In fact, I kinda hated seeing that she was on the transition team, because I would have loved to have seen her name in the hat (and not brim, but female going to church hat) for the Provost position.

  59. I am also disappointed with the transition team because it truly lacks diversity. As someone pointed out there are few, maybe only 1 person on the team under 50-55. We should be hearing the viewpoints mostly from the group who are still in the world working and understand the needs of our country for qualified workers and employers. We really need only two old-heads for a historical perspective.

    Also, most of the people are residents of Tallahassee. FAMU is bigger than that and needs diversity from people around the country who have seen the relationship of various universities to their communities.

    Tallahassee is a very closed and small thinking society. We need more people with breadth and depth of experience to help us become the 21st century university that we need to be.

    I see a lot of same old same old on the committee members as well. We need creative people with vision to help us transition. There also should be people from the current administration to also update where we are with certain activities. For successful transition you need conversation with the old persons who are sitting in the job as well as others.

  60. To: 5/06/2007 11:00 AM

    That is an interesting perpective you have about people in Tallahassee.

    Are you talking about the natives or Tallahasseeans in general? I am asking because a lot of people in Tallahassee are from all over the world.

  61. Irreplaceable
    Dedicated to Castell & Co.

    To the left
    To the left
    Everything you own in the box to the left
    It’s in the audit
    That’s our stuff
    If FAMU bought it
    Please don’t touch

    Keep talking that trash that’s fine
    But could you board your broom at the same time
    And it’s FAM’s name that’s on that Tag
    So get to steppin you triflin’ Hag

    Standing up in Lee Hall
    Tellin us how we just a fool
    Talking bout –
    we’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you

    You got us twisted

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We can have another Prez in a minute
    Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We will have another Prez by tomorrow
    So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
    You’re irreplaceable

    So go ahead and get gone
    Call up Challis and see if she home
    Oops I bet you thought that we didn’t know
    What you think we are firin’ your ass for
    Cause yall was untrue
    Lyin and stealin and doin what you want to

    So Casty drop off them keys
    And hurry up before yo broomstick leave

    Standing up in Lee Hall
    Tellin us how we just a fool
    Talking bout –
    We’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you

    You got us twisted

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We can have another Prez in a minute
    Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We will have another Prez by tomorrow
    So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
    You’re irreplaceable

    So you robbed FAMU of everything
    But how about she’s still something
    Though she’s nothing at all to you
    But we won’t shed a tear for you
    We won't lose a wink of sleep
    Cause the truth of the matter is
    Replacin you with James was so easy

    To the left
    to the left
    To the left
    to the left

  62. In a few years, yo'll be looking for male influence attached to a great CV. You'll be hard pressed to find it if everyone in the administration is female for the sake of it. We all know where we live, and in many cases, our people have control issues which go deeper than gender(sex). BTW, sex, is the word we should be using-gender is a role. Speaking of roles- who is going to recruit the young men? That is MUCH more pressing and permeating of an issue. We ALL should be asking HOW, isntead of why. Free your minds, we'll get more done around here. When you ask why, you don't want to hear an explination really. You just don't agree.

  63. Only men harrass sexually, only men are biased, only men run thick, ONLY men are moving up the ladder and there is no end in sight for the madness. ALL MEN think alike and agree based on MANLaw(whatever that BS is){probably impresses some women}. I'm offended, as any woman should be too. You mean that despite all of the female greats, no man has ever been influenced? Some of us have been raised well and have well-raised men, some climb in and roll out of bed with them in, and, out of marriage. Yet, men are prone to falling into the comfort zone of anglo-sexism, just to keep women out of the loop. Get outta Dodge... 8-10? So, look for a female(sought for sex) then edify her with CV. {Isn't THAT sexist} I'd look for the CV/etc. and then if the make-up fits, GREAT! I'd really understand if this was blatant and regular, but sometimes it's just YOU. Part of the "transition" team is the current administration. Count them now. Since you mention GENDER...HOW does one certify/account for that?! Just curious if this is as big as some make it. It's definitely not perfect in the academy, as is the case through this society, I wonder if, when this changes, will the gender/sex govern with the same inclusion. I want to ask how, as opposed to will, but that remains to be seen.

  64. 4:14---What the hell?????
    Next time, just don't even bother with trying to respond. Just read the post and scroll to the next comment. We'll all be better off.

  65. TO: 5/07/2007 10:19 PM

    I am with you on 4:14. What the heck is he saying. And 4:43 needs to ease up off that pipe.

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