OT: "We All Witnesses" the Darfur tragedy... except LeBron

da rattler

LeBron James and his Cleveland Cavaliers are not faring well in their playoff series against the Detroit Pistons, with LeBron being accused of key mistakes that may have helped Detroit win both games so far. The NBA superstar is also accused of dropping the ball off the court ... for refusing to take a stand against the human rights tragedy in Darfur.

James' teammate Ira Newble recently helped draft an open letter to the Chinese government, condemning its role in the ongoing genocide in Darfur. Every member of the Cavaliers signed the letter except for James and Damon Jones. In an op-ed in the Christian Science Monitor, New York University history professor Jonathan Zimmerman explains the dollars and (non)sense: James said he didn’t have enough information about the issue to take a stand. Mr. Jones wouldn’t comment. We can choose to take them at their word, of course—or we can follow the money. Jones has an endorsement contract with an up-and-coming Chinese shoe and apparel company. James has a $90 million deal with Nike, which has huge business interests in China.

Meanwhile, as LeBron James and others refuse to witness the genocide in Darfur ... the athlete now appears in Nike advertisements asking others to witness his basketball stardom.

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  1. Yikes! LeBron James is a young man who is listening to a lot of people who have monetary interests in his positions. He has not yet reached the point of maturity in terms of making or taking a political stand one way or the other. When James listens to his own head and heart and not to others, we can assure ourselves that he has indeed come of age. But right now, I believe that the almighty dollar sign--as well as his mother--is speaking louder than what LeBron James is willing to say publicly about the crisis in Dafur.

  2. correction on my aobve post: "Darfur," not "Dafur."

  3. the kid just doesn't know any better. he standing idly by as other peeps of color die.

  4. it is good to lend your name to a cause. it is better to give your time and money to the cause. King James has a cause and it is to win an NBA TITLE for the Cavs. How can he concentrate on BOTH. The public will castigate TIGER for such. TIGER HAS HIS OWN CAUSE. WHY IS IT THAT, IF ONE PERSON DOES NOT PICK UP THE CAUSE OR CALL OF ANOTHER THAT THEY ARE NEGATIVELY LABELED. HELL, IF IT IS YOUR CAUSE, YOU ANSWER IT, AND LEAVE ME ALONE. IF WE ALL ANSWER A CAUSE TO WHICH WE WERE OR ARE NOT CALLED,WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE ONE TO WHICH WE ARE CALLED.


  5. anon 4:37 who stole what?

  6. I'm just saying this blog took content that was on ThinkProgress two days -- the same exact thing. And didn't acknowledge it.

  7. click here and take a look for yourself. just be honest about where you're getting this stuff.

  8. Actually, I had never heard of think progress until just now.

    But will acknowldege the similarites.

  9. wow -- you'll "acknowledge the similarities"?? how dishonest -- it's clear that the entire content of your post either came from thinkprogress or another blog that stole it from thinkprogress. I had never seen this story until I visited thinkprogress two days ago and now a ton of other blogs have it (but most acknowledge where it came from).

  10. lebron is a professional ad as such he has to acquiesce the live up to that 90 million dollar contract please believe it!

  11. Always making the athlete unaccountable.., just as master wants. Just sign your name! You DIDNT write it, just sign it. I'm sure someone in his camp knows about Sudan and DARFUR! Our kids aren't trying to be like Tiger like they are LeBron. Blame it on the marketing-he should have signed. You should too.

  12. anon 5/29/2007 12:17 PM "Blame it on the marketing-he should have signed. You should too."

    OK, LeBron signs and I sign, then you sign, WE ALL SIGN. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?????

    There will be tragedy and travesty until JESUS comes. LeBron cannot change ANYTHING BUT Cleveland's chances at a TITLE!!!!

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