Tallahassee police today arrested FAMU basketball coach Mike Gillespie and charged him wil stalking.
The victim contacted Tallahassee PD in March 2007 complaining that Gillespie made numerous telephone calls to her home and showed up at her home in the middle of the night despite her request that he stop. She did not want to press charges for fear of ruining Coach Gillespie's career.
The victim claimed that she and Coach Gillespie had romantic relationship, which had ened.
Today TPD charged Coach Gillespie with stalking, after he refused to answer questions.
Tallahassee Democrat
ReplyDeleteArticle published May 25, 2007
Gillespie arrested on charge of misdemeanor stalking
3:05 p.m.
Florida A&M University men's basketball coach Mike Gillespie Sr. was arrested this afternoon on one count of misdemeanor stalking and taken to the Leon County Jail, according to the Tallahassee Police Department.
A police department spokesman said officers are reviewing a number of charges prior to releasing a statement to the press.
Gillespie's attorneys are attempting to have him released from jail this afternoon.
1:30 p.m.
Florida A&M University men's basketball coach Mike Gillespie Sr. was arrested this afternoon one and taken to the Leon County Jail, according to Gillespie's attorney, Tim Jansen.
A spokesman for the Tallahassee Police Department said he did not know what specific charge Gillespie is facing.
Earlier this year Gillespie led the Rattlers to the MEAC tournament title and a berth in the NCAA basketball championship.
According to a press release from FAMU, Larry Robinson, the university's chief executive officer, will be reviewing "the allegations surrounding Coach Gillespie's charges" with Athletic Director Nelson Townsend, FAMU police chief Calvin Ross and attorney Elizabeth McBride.
I trust that Dr. Robinson would not confer with Lizzie McBride to determine anything related to any legal issues concerning Coach Gillespie. Lizzie's past decisions have cost the University Millions of dollars and we still don't know whether there maybe other contracts and bills not yet revealed to the public.
ReplyDeleteThe entire document regarding the coach's arrest can be download at www.tdo.com
ReplyDeleteI agree, also, that Lizard McB should not go near anything of a legal nature, in view of the fact that she, as part of that Kitchen Cabinet, helped cost the university millions.
Liz McBride could only make the situation much worse.
ReplyDeleteThey took him to jail? That seems a bit extreme.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this story should have made it this far! Coach G, I hope it was worth it. That female better had been the bomb!!
ReplyDeleteafter reading the report it does not seem extreme. the basketball coach crossed the line!
ReplyDeleteThe police report/official affidavit can be downloaded from the tdo.com web site. It was posted on the morning of 5/25/07. I think Gillespie had indeed crossed the line, many times. The official police report outlines, from begining to end, the history of the case. It started back in 2005, and after numerous interventions and warnings from the police, the coach apparently couldn't contain himself, and the thing simply escalated. But the woman tried to keep this out of the paper, because she had reported the stalking on numerous occasions, and Coach G. always promised to cease the behavior, but he never would (or could). He would stop for a month or so, but then he would start it up again. According to the affidavit, the woman was greatly concerned about the media storm that would ensue if he were arrested, which she really did not want to happen. She was also concerned about the damage to his reputation if he were arrested. I would say, therefore, that based on the details outlined in the police report, Coach G. sort of placed himself in the situation in which he now finds himself.
ReplyDeleteLord, Jesus, can we just stay out of the paper for at least a couple weeks?? That's all I'm asking. What's next? The news media has reported the woman's name, but I'm afraid to put it here. It was reported that she is a 50-year-old woman, but her age at the time of the beginning of the affair would be about 47 and Coach Gillespie would have been 53, not that this makes any difference, mind you, because a few years have passed sinced the relationship first began.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't the lady call Gillespie's wife? Stalking usually involves:
ReplyDeleteRepeated threatening or harassing behaviors, such as phone calls,
Following or shadowing a person,
Appearing at a person's home or place of employment, Vandalizing property, and Any other activity that makes a person fear for his or her safety. Stalking laws vary greatly from state to state, with some requiring a minimum of two acts (or other proof that the event was not an isolated occurrence) and others specifying that the threat of harm must be imminent.
There was no report that Gillespie threatened the lady. The police report of Gillespie's behavior fits the legal definition of non-violent stalking. Unless these charges are dropped or changed, FAMU must put Gillespie on paid leave while this charge is being resolved. It is regrettable that Gillespie is facing this kind of charge, but this cloud around Gillespie must be completely cleared, if he is to continue as head basketball coach.
7:13, well, certainly if the woman wished to keep the media from the event and was attempting to "protect" Gillespie, I think she certainly did not want to involve the man's wife. While I'm certain that the coach's wife, in all likelihood, probably knew of his extra marital dalliances, the woman in question, it seems to me, simply didn't wish to go to the wife because she simply did not wish to "tell his wife on him." While it may be easy for all of us to sit back and make judgement on what the woman did or did not do, I think, for the most part, she was simply trying to handle things on her own, but, as we can see, things got a bit out of hand.
ReplyDeleteWhy she get involved with him to begin with? He's married. This is some mess.
ReplyDeleteGillespie is a goner. The guy walked out of the Leon County jail with a GPS device strapped to his ankle.
ReplyDeleteok, so now, my question is this, and I really hate to go there, but of course, I'm going to ask what others may be wondering, because I simply don't know but wish to know. Is the woman African American? I ask this because Gillespie, who is white, is accused of stalking a woman who has complained about him several times. Does the police have the authority to issue an arrest warrant even if
ReplyDeletethe victim doesn't want to do so herself? If the woman didn't want to have the man arrested--because of whatever--does the police just automatically arrest w/o the victim's consent, because there have been numerous complaints? I ask because it seems to me that if the woman is Af-Am, then Gillespie seems to have been getting off--prior to the arrest--with multiple warnings instead of an automatic arrest. My question: who gets off with multiple warnings? Another question: If the woman is Af-Am, does this mean that Gillespie has been shown favoritism because he is white and the woman--whose race I do not know--is black? Theoretically speaking, had, say the person doing the stalking a prominent Af-Am male from FAMU, and the woman were white, would these same courtesies have been extended to the Af-Am male, or would the woman have been encouraged to file a restraining order against the man for non-violent stalking--not that, perhaps, this present woman wasn't encouraged to do this. According to the media reports, this person's last name is "Scott." Are there any legal minds out there who can respond to these questions that I have presented? I'm simply curious about the level of protection that appears to have been extended the coach.
i suggest you read the police report before you start spewing conspiracy theories. in short, she did not want to go public or press charges because of his relationship with university. she simply wanted it to stop. the coach was warned and agreed that he would refrain from contact. however, as we know that did not happen. the victim felt threatened and decided that the only way to get coach to stop harrassing and stalking her was to press charges. she then contacted the police and they arrested him that friday.
ReplyDeleteC'mon...read the report. It says the woman is white with blond hair. It even tells how much she weighs!
ReplyDelete12:59 am you were up way to late and maybe that could explain your lack of coherent thinking, which is evident in your incomplete thought process in your writing. Simply READ the police report which can be found on the Dixie Rats(Democrat) online site. The victim was white, not that in this case it matters. Having read the report the coaches actions were abhorant no matter what! He is a married man, who also happens to represent a very important role at a university. Also, the disrespect that he has shown my beloved university with these outrageous acts warrents nothing less than him being fired or his contract not being renewed. Now, I will say had this been the coach from FSU in the same exact situation his black As* would have walked out of jail and been handed his walking papers from the Good Ol' Boy school and that is a fact. The truth is race matters and Gillespie was shown favortism because he is white not because he coachs at FAMU! We have enough problems of our own not to have to deal with a crazy as* white man's problem too!
ReplyDeleteI feel that if Coach had been black and was the Governor it would not have been anything about talking to nobody he would have been exposed from day one whether the one wanted him to be exposed or not---he would have been based upon his color--you know laws are made for both blakc and white--and that is black and white at different levels. Does anybody remember the Curtis Richardson incident---sprawled all over the paper--what about Rudy Maloy--remember him--no chance to defend himself--what about Bill Proctor writng a bad check had it sprawled all over the paper--hell I know other commissoiners dones wrote checks and other stuff---that wasn't in the paper---I know it hurts the school but hell Cassie and Henderson has done such a well job of hurting the actual school I don't think Coach's own personal legal problems can do a dam thing worst that has already been done--------note those are his personal legal problems--this is one crime that the university is not (not yet anyway) been tied up to or being sued for (note I said not Yet)
ReplyDelete1:24, I did in fact read the arrest affidavit, but it still does not answer these basic questions which I posed. There are no "conspiracy theories," these are simply questions that I wish answered. Do you know the difference between a conspiracy theory and a basic inquisition? You don't? No surprise there.
ReplyDelete10:54--forget about the coach "disrespecting you beloved university." What about the man disrespecting his beloved wife. You've got your morals twisted, honey.
ReplyDeleteWhy was the Gillespie news on the sports page? Yes, yes, I know the man is a coach, but this was not sporting news. With all of the bad financial and mismanagement business going on at FAMU, in theory, these articles should have been posted on the business page. If, say, Townsend or former coaches Billy Joe or Ken Riley were accused of such behavior, I do believe their arrests would have been front-page news, if not above the fold, then certainly below.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete10:54--forget about the coach "disrespecting you beloved university." What about the man disrespecting his beloved wife. You've got your morals twisted, honey.
5/27/2007 2:08 PM
Honey our concern is with FAMU. His family needs to be concerned about what he does behind closed doors.
Got it, honey?!?
You're a day late and a dollar short on this "disrespecting" deal, my friend.
ReplyDeleteCoach Gillespie didn't "disrespect the university." The university was already disrespected, long Before Gillespie's little two-bit, almost-forgotten dalliance. Castell & Co. did that. And speaking of dollars, Gillespie hasn't cost the university 4.3 million $$. CVB did. Or have YOU not been reading the papers yourself lately, Honey?
To add to my 8:41 post: In the next twenty-four hours, folks won't even be thinking about what Gillespie did or did not do; he will have to deal job-wise, and in other ways, with the fallout from that. The university is still reeling from the recent news that it will now have to pay nearly five million dollars to contractors who were working w/o contracts and who have not been paid for their work since December. Gillesie's behavior simply added another piece to the recent spae of articles about FAMU. But disrespecting the university? Hardly. The news was simply a juicy tidbit. Nothing more Nothing less. Even if the man is fired and the university has to buy out his contract, do the search thing and find a replacement for him, that doesn't even begin to touch on what has already been been presented to the world of academics in terms of the mismanagement of funds and dismantling of the tower that has occurred at the university that's costing (and has cost) so much money. The school has been disrespected, dismissed and disadvantaged so long in the rut that pointing out one person and claiming that he added to the ad nauseum is going way, way over the edge. So let us not even go there. Honey.
ReplyDelete9 pm that was as lame a retort as I have ever had the displeasure of reading in my life. Just because A happened does not excuse B because A was first! Therefore, not only has his illegal acttivites but his obvious disreguard for the University in light of all the negative press further proves the point that there is no defense of his unprofessional action "on or off the court". Hence,I do not care about his wife, who knew of the events read the police report, nor how they work it out.Furthermore, a "juicy little tid bit" who ever you are this is the man who tells parents why their young sons should come to FAMU for an education and to be under his personal leadership as a HEAD COACH! Now, lets paint a picture of a student basketball player stalking a woman? That makes the University look bad! So now we have a coach who does it and you attempt to dismiss it like he was jay walking? Masta sick gul' so I's guess wes' sick too.... FAMU has been drug through the mud but thank goodness when I visit my beloved university and visit old professors I can still find reason to give my money, because they continue to serve with pride and dignity! Now where is that in the Dixierat!
ReplyDeletePoint #1: No one has claimed a defense of the man, his behavior or anything else associated with what he has done, #2: I don't know the man's wife and don't care anything about what they may or may not be going through, #3, believe it or not, parents will still send their young sons to the university to play ball, despite what the coach did--now, if he were accused of stalking a young female student, well, now, that is a completely different thing--but folks are not going to turn down a three and four-year scholarship simply because the man has been accused of stalking. Parents see (and want) opportunities for their children; they aren't trying to moralize the coach, and if he continues to be employed at the university, students will still play for him and listen to what he teaches them--or have you not heard his players' reaction and those of the parents?--on camera--to the news of his arrest?, #4: I'm certainly not attempting to treat the incident in any way other than what it is: a case of misdeamor stalking by a university employee. Long, long, long after the coach's case has been settled, closed, de-mediated or he has been fired or suspended or whatever, FAMU will STILL be reeling from the madness and the mayhem of fiscal misadmanagement, madness and mayhem. And Coach Gillespie's actions will simply be another footnote.The man's actions, while certainly atrocious, pale in comparison to the fiscal affairs of the university. Coach Gillespie's tidbit of news--and I've never said that the behavior wasn't serious--I said that the News Reports are tidbit--not what he has done, tidbit. Comprehende'? Honey.
ReplyDeleteI love RN 1:11pm jolly good verbal joust! Not that I know who you are or what your intentions are whether you are a RATTLER or not, now I still do not agree with you but I agree with your right to print it...and thats why I enjoy RN! Now the Dixierat on the other hand is but I will address that at a later time. Have a great day and enjoy your day off...
ReplyDelete12:59. you are a racist and you represent all that is wrong with our country and this university. Go away. We don't want your kind in here.
ReplyDeleteGillespie must leave. He is on film wearing a gps device around his ankle leaving the Leon County Jail.
ReplyDeleteWhat an embarassment. He was warned and continued to do it. He makes the University look bad, not that it needs any help in that category.
2:24, gillespie does not "make the university look bad." I think we were pretty much looking that way before he was ordered to wear ankle jewelery.
ReplyDelete12:59, why do you call me a racist? because I pose a couple questions that perhaps a few people may also be wondering about but dare not ask?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:19 pm. I am a dues-paying Rattler. I assure you I am. I love the university and have, in fact an undergraduate degree as well as a graduate degree from FAMU. My daughter is also a graduate, as well as my brother. Believe me, I have no "intentions" or ulterior motives other than to offer a commentary on the issues. The exchange, however, has been good, I think. Bye.
ReplyDelete8:55- iread the report, but i didn't see anyting about the race of this woman, only identfying stuff about Gillespie, which, of course, we already knew.
ReplyDeleteGillespie's behavior, as indicaated by the police report, is a serious matter. A coach who disregards the police warnings about stalking and repeatedly stalks a woman can't be a role model for the good behavior that he should expects from his players. FAMU can fire any employee whose behavior violates the law. Gillespie should be put on paid leave and not allowed to recruit untill this matter is resolved.
ReplyDeleteGillespie is a narcissistic idiot. If Ammons has any integrity he will fire him. I don't even want to hear his side of the story. His conduct sickens me and is a poor example for FAMU students.
ReplyDeleteCan we just get Liz McBride out of the system first?!
ReplyDeleteReading is fundamental.
ReplyDeleteThe incident report cleary shows the victim to be a white female, born April 22, 1957 in Brooklyn, NY.
This man needs to resign before he is fired. If he has any honor left, this is what he will do. If there is any consolation, no student was involved, but this affair occurred right through the 2004-05 season.
Gillespie is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteThats what the Egghead gets! Karma's a MF, ain't it! Remember when he reneged on a scholarship offer to Antawn Dobie, who ended up at LIU. He now plays pro ball overseas unlike the guys he took instead, some people give this guy too much credit!