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da rattler

+ Castell's perspective

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  1. DON'T GO THERE!!!! I got one last week and another one today. I can't believe anyone could beat politicians for handing out lies and deceit, but they have.

  2. This is the piece that Corbin's girl Leslie Steele supposedly put together and presented the University a huge bill for after Castell got the ax!

    They say she acted something ugly demanding her money too.

  3. LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This chick is incredible...she takes all the credit for anything good that happened to FAMU, and she is quick to blame for everything that went wrong. And the Board of Trustees dumb asses go along with it!

  5. Who is Leslie Steele?

  6. Leslie Steele did an OUTSTANDING job with this publication. The university should definitely consider hiring her to help with PR, it was professionally done and quite pleasing to the eye. Quit focusing on the negativwe folks and be proud of the accomplishments that are noted in the book....

  7. Leslie is the spook that set by Jeb's door and cried (on cue) any time some one called Jeb a bigot or racist.

    By the way, she was paid almost $58,000 (retainer and final payment) for this piece of crap and Queen Kimberlee Borland approved it and signed Castell's name while Ron Joe and Kent Taylor processed it just 2 weeks ago.

    Ammons better come quick and in a hurry, these folks are giving away anything that isn't nailed down.

  8. There is no virtue in spreading misleading half-truths, no matter how beautiful the document. And I for one am insulted when someone reaches back 10-years to try to tell me that things are better now, and thinks I am too stupid to see through those kinds of comparisons. I remember 3, 4, and 5 years ago when things like student enrollment, the foundation balance, and research funding were much better, so I can only see Castell's recasting herself as a success as the pathetic delusions of a tired old ne'er-do-well.

  9. The glossy cover and pretty pictures of "In Perspective" can't hide the rotting core of lies and distortions inside the pages.

    Castell's summary about SACS accreditation (page 33) is laughable. She claims that there were deficiences from the 1998 reaffirmation process. That is not true. SACS had no findings against FAMU in 1998 (an RN actually posted that document at one point).

    There were a number of areas from FAMU's own self-study and improvement plans that had not been finished. However, FAMU did not receive a "delinquent" audit from SACS as "In Perspective" claims. That is a clear misrepresentation.

    Furthermore, Bryant's claim that previous administrations had ignored the SACS process is also untrue. Larry Robinson and Walter Mercer had all the neccessary faculty/staff committees together under the Gainous administration and were completing the first drafts of the compliance documents.

    Bryant rushed in, trashed all Mercer's work, and then appointed Vivian Hobbs to start the process over from stratch. Things have been a mess ever since.

    "In Perspective" is another piece of propaganda that belongs in the garbage.

  10. Leslie Steele was fired from the "Big Bend Boys and Girls Club" after Jeb Bush left office and she was put on the street. She was hired to write grants for Buddy Streit and did not have the experience or credentials. Leslie is looking for work and as with all of Jeb Bush's folks, she is looking for work in all the wrong places. She does not belong in higher education. She is full of warm air with no substance to back up her claims. She would probable grow if she decided to seek a job in a firm starting in an entry level position. She is just not polished and ready for upper level management. It would benefit her to go into the real "World of Work" and get some meaningful experience.

  11. The Board of Trustees should make Cast-Hell Bryant pay back what it cost to publish In Perspective and mail it to alumni along with the bonus she received for the phantom $8M surplus that never existed. LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES!

  12. For all you Steele Haters, what are your qualifications? so many haters on this board, so many crabs...

  13. Ok, I asked the question, "Who is Leslie Steele," and I've still not gotten a clear answer. Does she have a law degree? What were her credentials for helping/publishing? this document? What bad thing did she do? I'm sorry. I've seen her name in plenty places--and generally the comments have not been good--so I'm just wondering who this person is that some folk like and other folk villify.

  14. Steele is a strong Bush supporter who worked with Jim Corbin to speak negatively about FAMU, Dr. Humphries and Dr. Ammons to Jeb Bush.

  15. No, she doesn't have an earned, degree. She is a political hanger-on from the Jeb era.

  16. Garbage, Garbage and Mo Garbage!

  17. After reading about the IG's report and how he tried to inform Cassie of the financial mess, I truly believe Cassie should be charged with conspiracy, perjury (to the BOT) and grand theft. A federal grand jury needs to convene ASAP to look into this mess. She needs to spend the remainder of her retirement incarcerated. And if not, then she can begin paying at least $2 million back to the university (of course she has cost us so much more). Hell, she can watch her westerns right out at FCI on Capital Circle where she belongs.

  18. Well is seems very clear that Leslie Steele got "hooked up" by Castell for being a republican supporter. How else can you explain someone, never associated with printing and producing publications getting $25,000 to do one???? It's riddled with errors and is clearly the work of amateurs. This may not be criminal, but should be. The school never sent anything else out to all its constituents until now and they get a non-famu-supporter to do it. That in itself is crazy!

    It is a smack in the face to the actual hard working men and women at FAMU when you give someone like Leslie Steele a $25,000 payout for a BS piece of propaganda. I guess everyone that works on campus needs to quit, become republicans and put down FAMU every chance they get to actually get paid well.

    There is a reason why Leslie Steele got hooked up, most likely because she's damn near broke and most likely still has a mortgage. If you peel back all the layers here you'll be amazed to find Corbin the reason for her getting this hook-up.

    I'm glad Castell is gone, I'm only upset that she is apart of FAMU's history and will be put on the same walls as former great presidents (and interims) like, Lee, Humphries and the old dean of Pharmacy (whose name just slipped my mind). If people like Leslie Steele are still allowed to leech off the administration, the only thing it will do it bring down the morale of the university faculty and staff even further.

    PS.....the only positive comments about Leslie Steele are most likely posted by her because she reads this religiously. Her comments alone should prove no one should be paying her to do any PR work period......LOL!!!!!!!!!

  19. ^^^^^^Henry, can't believe I couldn't remember that one!

  20. Leslie Steele is reading this site along with Dr. Castell Bryant. They are requesting that you mean and nasty posters please layoff.

    They have only tried to do what was in the best interest of FAMU.

    Why are you people so mean and hateful?

    I hope you are happy because their contracts both end on June 30.

  21. So paying someone with no experience in putting out publications on education $25,000 is in the best interest of FAMU???? Wow!!!! And excepting, while being nasty, the money knowing you're clueless about putting out publications is in the best interest?????

    Hopefully Leslie Steele can pay her bills now and hopefully, she can at least give FAMU a donation (which she probably never has!!!!) Luckily Castell's name will never be mentioned again at FAMU or in Tallahassee outside a court of law!

  22. Too bad Leslie Steele can't get a job in Tallahassee without a hook up. I guess some people don't care they are never hired based on their actual skill and merits.

    Maybe she should stop being so mean and nasty.

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