From Regents to Trustees; FAMU tries to navigate new system

da rattler
Responsibility for oversight of Florida A&M lies with two boards. Both have let it down, many observers say - by alternately doing too little or too much.

The old Board of Regents was replaced in 2001 by boards of trustees at each of the state's 11 universities, designed to give them more local control. A year later, voters approved the creation of the state Board of Governors to coordinate, provide guidance and act as ultimate backstop for the university system.

"You don't have that kind of disruption without consequence," said Lynn Pappas, a Jacksonville attorney who's on the Board of Governors and leads its FAMU task force.

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  1. In this series, the author has interviewed Charlie Reed, the former Chancellor, State of Floridia University System under the old Board of Regents, James Corbin, former Chairman of the Board, FAMU BOT and Steve Uhlfelder, former Member, Board of Regents. It seems to me that the key underlying issues that everyone wants an answer to from the media, State leaders and stakeholders from FAMU is: Was Fred Humphries given a pass when he was President of FAMU for fear of playing the race card or any other strong arm tactic, in other words, was his administration a hoax? Was FAMU mismanaged and corrupt? And was the State Auditor in on the corruption? and if so, Why?? and if it wasn't, why has the bottom fallen out? So, Mr. & Mrs. TDO, 8 days of FAMU investigation, please ask these question clearly to Charlie Reed, James Corbin, Steve Uhlfelder and let's ask some other former State leaders, i.e., Dubose Ausley, Former Governor, Bob Graham, the lead Auditors from Humphries watch and let's ask the SACS committee members that approved FAMU's accredidation in the past under Humphries watch. Finally, provide some clear answers to some clear questions. Then let's move on to returning FAMU to its rightful place in the Higher Education Universe. Please stop skirting the $million dollar questions via inuendo and circumspect commentary. Everyone wants to move on! TDO are you up to the task?????

  2. 1:18 PM. I am interested in hearing the answers to those questions also.

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