Off topic: The end of Omar on "The Wire"

Perhaps you missed it during last night's nonstop Oscar telecast and coverage, but, your Sunday night television viewing will forever be changed. Omar Little—the gay homothug and stickup artist with the heart of gold played to perfection by Michael K. Williams—was killed.

The character saw his demise in the most mundane and ordinary of circumstances—buying his usual pack of Newports at a corner store—and lost his life to the most extraordinary of killers: A boy who was no more than 9 or 10 years old. Editors at The Baltimore Sun declined to report on the "routine homicide", but, luckily the crime scene yielded a clue that is sure to take down the Marlo Stanfield crime family.

The shootout in the corner store was one of the most compelling television portrayals of how little the life of a Black male is valued.

Also see: Rattler's 6-year run on "The Wire" comes to an end.

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  1. This season is taking us through many strange twist and turns. I can't wait to see how it all ends.

  2. Man this is F8cked up. How can they kill off Omar. I mean damn. I was looking forward to the showdown of Marlo and Omar. Hell, a lot of us were thinking we would enjoy a series about Omar sticking up thugs all day.

  3. Yeah, I had hoped that Omar would go out in a blaze of glory and take Marlo, Chris, and Snoop with him.

    But that would have been a Hollywood ending. The Wire always resists such familiar plot devices in favor of a more realistic portrayals.

    The recurring theme in Omar's confrontations with the Stanfield Organization was that he'd finally come up against his match. There was no way a lone stick-up man could take down that institution.

    That's the job of the city hall and police department: two institutions that are failing to get the job done because corruption, bureaucratic incompetence, shrinking budgets, and voter apathy.

    In fact, Omar's death at the hands of a young boy demonstrated just how much of a grip the Stanfield Organization has within the community. Marlo got more youth involved in drug distribution and banging, knowing that they will only be tried as juveniles in court and are easily replacable.

    Still, with all that said, Omar remains one of the most memorable television characters in history.

  4. Only reason I got HBO was to catch the WIRE. Engaging, well written --it's TV at its best!

    When I can get TRULY upset over the demise of a drug dealing homosexual murderer --- you got to admit thats some GOOD WRITING!!

    Reminds me of OZ before they got a little crazy.

  5. OZ was on point. I loved seeing Ernie Hudson (the black Ghostbuster) as the warden.

  6. The WIRE is getting real raggedy! Just like real life.

    I'm lovin' it. Can't wait to see where they go with this story.

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