Ammons speaks to FVSU grads


FAMU President James H. Ammons, addressed the 250, or so , graduates at Ft. Valley State University 's 67th commencement yesterday, and challenged graduates to continue to be competitive in today's global economy. Ammons illustrated his charge with a story about two graduates who went exploring in a park.

The pair went into a cave, got lost but finally made it outside again. There, a bear stood on its hind legs, threatening the pair. One man put down his backpack and, rummaging around, pulled out a pair of tennis shoes.

"You're not going to outrun this bear just by wearing sneakers," his companion said.

"I only have to outrun you," the man replied.

"Take time this weekend to celebrate your achievement," Ammons said. "But come Monday, you better have your sneakers on."

Ammons plugs FAMU graduate programs
Then, while encouraging graduates to continue their education, Ammons sort of sneaked in a plug for the 30-plus graduate programs at Florida A&M, much to the delight of the crowd and a laughing Larry Rivers, FVSU president, who taught at Florida A&M for 24 years and was dean there, as well.

"You will work with people who are different than you - tomorrow's world will be more diverse - but there is no room for building fences around one's self," Ammons concluded. "You are descendants of people with great minds. Find your niche in this world of diversity."

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  1. Wow. Two-hundred fifty graduates. that's wonderful. I've had that many in a single class I've taught.

  2. don't hate. Small school does not mean bad school.

    With our 2,000 student commencements, many other schools could say they had 3000 students in one lecture.

  3. yeah small grads don't mean bad school...Fisk only graduates like 300 students every year, and they have the best graduation rates of HBCU's. I feel bad though i really like Ammons. To bad i'm transferring to HU though. Now i'm mad.

  4. Who's "hating"? I simply made an abservation. Or did you not see the comment, "That's wonderful."? I didn't say or mean anything negative. Just a comment was all I made. Which, by the way, still stands.

  5. It sure would be nice to have all those FVSU students enroll in grad school at FAMU this fall. Imagine if we had like 1,500 -2,000 grad students we would be the beast !

  6. It sure would be nice to have all those FVSU students enroll in grad school at FAMU this fall.

    The word is that Dr. Ammons has that very goal in mind. He encouraging students to consider FAMU's grad programs all throughout his stay at FVSU.

    More than half of FVSU's students come from the Atlanta metro area. That's always been a very strong market for FAMU -- with lots of bright young men and women who want to attend grad school but who don't always have enough money.

    FAMU's low tuition, generous financial aid packages, and rich offering of grad/professional school education makes it a perfect fit for many of these students. We really need to help Dr. Ammons get the word out not only to the graduating students at FVSU, but also nearby sister HBCUs like Albany State and Savannah State.


  8. Watch what u say about Sav. State our dump ass Business dean came from there!

  9. that's, "dumb ass"

  10. FAMU's very own Obama!!

    The tide is turning for the rattlers!!

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