Student-run PR firm wins award


PRodigy, a student-run public relations firm housed in the School of Journalism and Graphic Communications, won a Judges Award for outstanding entry that achieved maximum results while using a minimum amount of money. They also won an Award of Distinction for meeting the standard of excellence set by the panel of judges.

The PRodigy entry will now compete for an Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) Golden Image Award on the state level which will be announced on August 5, at the annual FPRA Conference in Kissimmee.

PRodigy's achievement is especially noteworthy, considering the firm was re-launched only one semester ago. In spite of the incredible odds against first-time entries, and the reality that the students had never entered the company in a competition for anything before, they did it anyway. And they won.

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  1. Same old same old. lol Good going.

  2. Rattler Nation is B-0-R-I-N-G.
    Can you say: z-z-z-z-z-z-z????

  3. yeah it its, but it is summer school... when not much is going on.

  4. isn't anyone on campus cuttin' up? aren't there some shennanigans going on up there on the hill? is everone behaving themselves? isn't there some madness and mayhem to be reported??? goodness, give me something!

  5. why do you want bad news?!

  6. Go J-School! Keep on keeping on!

  7. people cuttin', shennigans on campus, madness & mayhem doesn't necessarily translate into "bad news." all of those things can actually be the cause of things getting done and accomplished in a right and/or positive light, because sometimes those things must be done in order for something else to be moved forward. don't be so limited in your view and/or definition of things, 9:22.

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