The latest issue of Diverse (formerly Black ) Issues in Higher Education, again, recognizes FAMU as the number one producer of African American with baccalaureate degree for the 2006-2007 academic year.
It is the 11th consecutive year that FAMU has held down the number one spot in the magazine's annual ranking. FAMU led the Diverse issues top 100 with 1,256 b.s degree graduates.
James H. Ammons, president of FAMU, said the recognition received from the recently published report validates the valued role FAMU plays in American and global higher education.
“This announcement by Diverse Issues in Higher Education speaks volumes concerning FAMU’s unique contributions to the nation and the international community at large,” he said. “I am pleased to learn of our ranking as we make enormous strides in our daily pursuit of excellence in everything we do.”
How many did FAMU produce?
ReplyDeleteHow many did FSU produce?
I can't find the numbers.
To hell with FSU.
ReplyDeleteGO FAMU!!!!
Congratulations FAMU for topping this list again with conferring the most bachelors degrees(1256) to african americans.
ReplyDelete2. NC A&T(1239)
4. Howard(1187)
8. FSU(861)
10. Hampton(849)
12. FAU(800)
13. Southern(794)
15. USF(785)
21. FIU(687)
23. UF(683)
27. UCF(667)
30. St. Leo(649)
Its obvious NC A&T will probably overtake us by next year because of our drop in enrollment due to those CastHell years. FAMU had only a 3% growth in the number of bachelors degrees conferred over the previous year whereas NC A&T had a 40% jump.
However, the two most disturbing facts about these statistics is the growing number of african americans getting degrees online. 2 of the top 10 were online schools therefore HBCU's will need to step up there game. And more specific to FAMU is 9 of the top 30(which includes those 2 online) schools conferring bachelors degrees to african americans were in the state of Florida. An clear fact of the competition FAMU has in this state alone. Therefore Rattlers we need to put on our recruiting shoes and talk up the school to prospective students
To see the statistics go to the website http://diverseeducation.com/top08/
On the race option select 'african american'; on the major option change to 'all disciplines' and leave all the other options as 'show all...' and you will see where FAMU comes up to the top.
6/13/2008 11:09 PM
ReplyDeleteThanks for providing that information.
The stats show that FAMU is still on top but that we have some fierce competition that might unseat us if we're not careful.
ReplyDeleteNCA&T experienced a 40% jump from last year! It went from 887 to 1239 and is nipping at FAMU's heels. If they experience a jump like that next year, while FAMU only goes up 3%, then we'll be looking at #2. We haven't been in that place for a long time on this ranking.
Yeah, the University of Phoenix, American Intercontinental, and Strayer are experiencing huge percentage bumps, as well, but they're online degrees.
We also have to watch Georgia State in the long-term. However, it didn't have as much of a percentage increase as one might expect (only 4%).
And lastly, it's very interesting to note that while FSU has a high black six-year graduation rate, it's overall number black baccalaureate degrees actually decreased by 8%.
I wonder if Tallahassee graduated more blacks than any other city in the nation....that's kind of cool.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you say "to hell with FSU???" That is unkind and an unsupportable position. Read this article in the Washington Post, about FSU's top notch students and programs. Fair is fair....Please.....
ReplyDelete"Carey's biggest graduation rate success story is, intriguingly, Florida State University. Most of us Saturday television watchers have never associated that famous school with anything more than the hard-hitting Seminole football teams. That shows how much we know. The big state school in Tallahassee has created the model program for reducing college dropout rates, which it calls the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement, or CARE. It has raised Florida State's six-year graduation rate for black students to 72 percent, higher than its white graduation rate and higher than the black graduation rate of its more selective in-state rival the University of Florida.
Carey reveals how Florida State's system works: "Using funds from the state-funded College Reach Out program, CARE staffers start recruiting low-income students from local schools in surrounding communities as early as the sixth grade, talking to guidance counselors and identifying potential candidates from the list of students eligible for the federal free and reduced-price lunch program. CARE meets with the students' parents, providing them with information about what they need to do to help their children get to college and succeed there. Beginning in ninth grade, CARE provides a series of summer and after-school programs that help students negotiate the often-baffling financial aid application process, complete college applications, and study for the SAT and ACT."
This is no fluke at FSU. The quality of the Black students admitted is so high, that they're almost bound to graduate, especially if they're given this level of support that first-in-family to go to college kids can use. FSU WANTS these kids to be successful not only in college but in life in general, and our kids want the same. Go over there and ride the Seminole Express sometime, and listen to our kids talking about classes, homework, studying, and internships. No trash talking and no actin up. Damn we are smart people, people...let's use these big brains we have...Next time you see a Black Seminole, say way to go brother/sister
ReplyDelete^^^Yeah we see them alot on our Set, Orange Room, Homecoming, etc...Yet our classrooms, libraries, and labs aren't/weren't good enough for them to attend FAMU...
ReplyDeleteLike someone stated previously...TO HELL WITH FSU!
You'll never get ahead with an attitude that says "To Hell With A School That Produces So Many College Graduates Who Are Black." Maybe it isn't our libraries and classrooms they don't like, maybe it's your attitude that anything associated with bringing Whites and Blacks together can't be accepted by so many of "you." I'm not going to say "us" because I'm not one of your bunch. Obama can't win if Whites won't vote for him; do you want to hell "to hell with White people" a little louder....so they feel like its okay to say To Hell with Obama beause he Black??????
ReplyDeleteThere's no "maybe" about it...I know for a fact that many black students at FSU and other PWIs think and possess an attitude that HBCUs are academically inferior because they've been conditioned all their lives to think that "white is right" thru primary and secondary education, and a lifetime of media brainwashing. Many that I know carry an illogic that just as long as their social lives are being facilitated by an HBCU (mostly because their culture isnt celebrated at PWIs)...and they can earn their "1st rate" education @ a PWI...then their whole college experience is balanced...I'M SO GLAD I'M FROM FAMU!
ReplyDeleteAs far as Obama...that's your bad for assuming that I'm an Obama supporter...