Mosley to head Allied Health on a full-time basis

Barbara Mosley, the currently interim dean of the School of Allied Health, will have her interim title dropped. Her appointment is effective July 11.

Mosley previously served as associate dean of the school and took over as interim dean when Cynthia Hughes-Harris took over as Provost in January. Mosley has been at FAMU for more than 25 years, and served as the director of Health Information Management.

Turner named Arts & Sciences dean
Over in the College of Arts & Sciences, interim dean Ralph Turner has been named the permanent dean of the College. That College has been without a permanent dean since Larry Rivers left to be president of Ft. Valley State nearly two years ago. Like Mosely, Turner's appointment is also effective July 11. Dr. Turner has been at FAMU since 1967.

Also see: Mosely to head national association

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  1. The new deans will be very good for their respectives divisions, because each has been at the university for quite a long time and knows the institution very well. Congrats to both!

  2. For Dr. Turner it is indeed an honor for him. But at 71 (1937)plus years old, I wonder where he is planning to take to take college.

  3. For Dr. Turner it is indeed an honor for him. But at 71 (1937)plus years old, I wonder where he is planning to take to the college.

  4. For Dr. Turner it is indeed an honor for him. But at 71 (1937)plus years old, I wonder where he is planning to take the college.

  5. I applaud Dr. Turner for his years of service. However, I think it is a mistake to reward him with the deanship. The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and most diverse school on FAMU's campus from an educational perspective.

    In so many areas, FAMU is still behind and current with other universities. We need energetic, creative go-getters to lead the university's largest school.

    Shame on you Dr. Ammons, we are sending the wrong message. There are tons of people qualified to lead and we take a has been. This is not meant as disrespect to Dr. Turner.

    We are not a status quo university and it is time Dr. Ammons look beyond the backyard and begin bringing the best talent to FAMU. Not who we know best.

    Education is now global. Maybe part of the reason we can no longer recruit the talent is because students and their parents now have access to the internet and can look at our faculty and leadership. Do we have outstanding faculty? Yes. Are they all impressive and well-respected by their peers and contributing to their professional societies? No.

    I am an alumnus and as predicted, Dr. Ammons is going with comfort vs vision. I am disappointed and I hope you reverse this trend and bring some dynamic higher level management to the campus that have outstanding and progressive credentials.

  6. Dr. Ammons will always do what is popular. Not was is right. Leaders should do what's right.

    Poor, scary and ill prepared Dr. Ammons does not want to be ostracized for going against the old rattlers. Being president of FAMU is a popularity contest. It is not for those who want to move us into the next millenium. Hell we still are using financial aid packets. Other SUS Schools are using technology.

    FAMU still has many serious problems, he just isn't going to tell us because we don't want to hear the bad news. We like living in LA LA land.

    The man has used more sick days than any other university president. He is wore out and sick because the problems were as real as people said the were, he just can't tell it.

    That's why we hated Castell Bryant. She told the family business and we know that is not allowed.

    Its's funny how Nu Rattler didn't mention we still have many financial problems and business practice shortcomings.

    I look forward to seeing Ammons first audit. The clean one was Castells.

  7. All of you idiots that are criticizing Dr. Ammons can go to hell. Castell Bryant was incompetent and mean spirited. If the clean audit was hers, then whose audit was it with the the 35 findings? Surely not Dr. Ammons. If you don't like it at FAMU, LEAVE!!! We would be better off without your undermining a$$es anyway. See ya!!!

  8. FAMU DOES NOT use financial aid packets or any other packets. I'm a FAMU parent and we have never received a paper anything on our child's financial aid, grades, etc. You can view grades, class schedules, financial aid, No Holds, honors and awards, and just about anything else on Our FAMU website. It works wonderful, it's current, and I'm extremely impressed with the technology. So whoever said that FAMU still does financial aid packets is lying. Stop the hate.

  9. That's why we hated Castell Bryant. She told the family business and we know that is not allowed.

    We hate Castell because she's responsible for the ONLY qualified audits that FAMU has ever received and left our school on probation from SACS.

    Its's funny how Nu Rattler didn't mention we still have many financial problems and business practice shortcomings.

    Nu Rattler did detail all of that information. He posted links to the most recent audit which shows that while Ammons and his team have cleaned up most of the problems Castell left behind, there's still more work to be done.

    I look forward to seeing Ammons first audit. The clean one was Castells.

    That is a complete lie. Ammons started at the beginning of the 2007-2008 fiscal year, months after Castell was gone. His first audit, which was released 12/07/07, was the first unqualified audit FAMU received in three years. All three of the qualified audits happened while Castell was in charge.

    The link to Dr. Ammons' first audit is here:

  10. Thank you 12:31 AM

  11. the great majority of you who are complaining are on the outside looking in. no one knows the real and unvarnished depth of the problems that dr. ammons faced when he came to famu. even he didn't know. and the person who's talking about the man's sick days. damn, can't a brother get sick every once in a damn while? i'm sure you take sick days, and i'm willing to bet your job -- if you even have one -- is not nearly as stressful. let that man take his days if he needs to. if he were to keel over, would you then be satisfied? probably not, because you are probably a person who complains about everything and is never, ever satisfied no matter what someone does or does not do.

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