100rd's ATL Classic performance

da rattler
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  1. The 100rd was ok, but not great. However, TSU was pathetic.

  2. We have in access of 400 band and 400 band instruments, but Julian White chooses to sing in concert formation. And in my opinion, the woman has a terrible voice and can not sing.We are a marching band, got dammit, not a choir. Stop singing and play those damn instruments!!!

    Julian White, get it together or step aside.

  3. I agree 4:52pm! Please step aside Dr. Julian. The lady was horrible... it was embarrassing! It would've been better if a recording was played. Take a look at DRUM LINE, fresh blood and fresh sound... Also, stop jirating it is not attractive! What are you teaching the children -- sticking private areas toward the crowd. NO CLASS!

  4. DRUMLINE!?!? AWFUL reference. Just awful. If anything that movie is a MAJOR part of the reason that the "kids" could only sing in the first place and they can hardly perform to FAMUs marching standards. Now, I'm not the one to defend Dr. White but, the student has got to own the band again. If a band owns a performance, they can be playing "It's a Small World", and it'll come off as the greatest ever. The
    "kids" aren't in shape worth a darn, considering what is required physically either. Be encouraging and expect more. You'd get more as a fan, trust me. Band members get receptions from outsiders that are nice but they'd love that from hometeam! That goes for all young Rattlers on the campus. If you have no clue as to what is going on in the marching band world (which is NOT limited to the HBCUs) just keep the venom for the opponent! Thanks. Hubba Hundred. Take it to the NEXT level, I support you!

  5. NO MORE SOLO SINGING, 100!!! If Julian White wants to be a choir director, I understand that position is open. It was embarrassing for our band to go into concert formation in Atlanta and let that hoarse voice woman sing. No more singing.

  6. You people are killing me. The 100 has been singing during concert selections for years. Also, a lil tidbit you probably didn't know, upon coming in 1946 Doc Foster was over the chorus as well. Don't you all know that playing an instrument is an extension of your voice? That woman that you all are criticizing has a wonderful voice. She's a Famu grad, former Marching 100 member and she's saved. Put your hate aside and support these kids. Hubba Hundred. Keep doing what you do.

    "Highest Quality of Character"

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