Lowe was one of the biggest supporters of former Interim President Castell Bryant, defending her even as her administration received the first and only qualified state audits in FAMU’s history.
Alumni-led efforts to hold Lowe accountable for her poor oversight attracted fierce opposition from the St. Petersburg Times’ editorial board. When alumnus and state Senator Alfred “Al” Lawson pointed out that Lowe’s appointment had not met the deadline for Florida Senate confirmation, Times editorial writers accused him of “political interference.”
But much to the disappointment of Lowe’s backers on the Board of Governors and the Times editorial staff, Lawson succeeded in blocking the then-chairwoman’s reappointment in April, 2007. Two months later, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools verified that FAMU’s BOT had been asleep-at-the-wheel during the Lowe-era, citing the lack of an “active policy-making body” as one of the reasons behind its decision to place FAMU on probation.
Maybe there is something to this "karma" thing...
ReplyDeleteLets be better than she and wish her much success in this bad economy.
ReplyDelete3:15, how noble of you. But, no, I will not wish her "much success" in this "bad economy." Lowe's salary at DG was on the extraordinarily very high end of six figures, something to the tune of $990,000 plus. So I'm sure girlF doesn't need our blessings in this "bad economy." If she can't handle her biz with that kind of salary, then hey, she gets no symp from me. She & the ol' sorry arse CVB got rid of good, decent, hard-working folks who had served the university well in a number of capacities. So, sorry, sis, but you're on your own on this one.
ReplyDelete3:15PM, how about this for a "best wish":
ReplyDeleteI wish Challis Lowe great success in pushing a buggy across the Venetian Causeway as she departs her foreclosed home on Star Island, on her way to living under an I-95 bridge. Is that good enough of a wish?
hey, 3:15. i've got your "much success" wish for Lowe. Do you think that horrible, awful pitiful excuse of a human being would give you two nickels if your were out of a job.\? Better yet, did she at any one time during her sorry tenure on the BOT offer those folks that her equally sorry friend, CVB, offer those fired workers any condolences? Wish her well?? You've GOT to be kidding?? Your comment is a trick statement, right? We don't really care to be "better than she" is and wish her 'much success.' In the words of my ex-husb., that woman wouldn't give a crippled crab a crutch. Challis Lowe doesn't know a thing about these hard times that folks are suffering under; and even if she did, she wouldn't give a blue patooka. Ain't nobody studdn ol Challis. And the worst thing about her is that she didn't just start making this kind of $$; her old tired arse BEEN making it. Wish her well? i think she's been living pretty damn good for quite a number of years, and she doesn't need or want anything from us, least of all our good wishes. wish her well in this 'bad economy"??? i've got a wish for her. and it has absolutely othing to do with the "bad economy."
ReplyDeleteKarma is truly a BEOTCH!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd no, FAMU don't have a job for ya!
I know that's right. You both 5:30 and 9:53 have won my heart.
ReplyDeleteCVB and CL, didn't give a care about anyone but,they made sure that they were straight. now they are both straight out the door. In the mighty word of Huggy Lowdown, "Challis you are BAMA of the week!"
Why are we still talking about Challis Lowe? If we won the fight, fair and square why is she still bothering us. Move on she is old news. We don't even talk about the board or meetings anymore on this blog. Well I guess that's why we are still talking about Challis. I wish Diallo was feeding you information like she used to. That kept this blog so exciting.