"We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved," the Arizona Republican said. "I am directing my campaign to work with the Obama campaign and the Commission on Presidential Debates to delay Friday night's debate until we have taken action to address this crisis."
Obama rejected McCain latest publicity stunt. "This is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible for dealing with this mess," Obama told reporters in Florida.
Some people cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. John McCain can monitor the financial crisis from the road but pretends his physical presence is needed in Washington to do—to do something. McCain originally planned to skip the vote on the $700 billion Wall Street bailout and continue campaigning. Now he wants to stop campaigning and "focus" on the crisis. John McCain may need a refresher course on directions to the Senate floor because the last time he voted in the Senate was April 8.
McCain hasn't voted since early April now he wants to show up now? WTF?
ReplyDeleteToo little, too late!
McCain's bail-out is another of his too-obvious publicity stunts. This one, however, has more to do with his plummeting poll numbers than any real desire to make a contribution to the discourse regarding the the nation's financial straits. Has anyone forgotten McCain's role in the Keating 5 scandal? He was "participating senator" and a principal player, and while he wasn't sentenced to the big house or fined by the "government," he was part of the financial mess that can be seen, quite frankly, as a precursor to this current crisis. I'm sure McCain doesn't want the Keating 5 scandal to resurface more than it already has. My major concern, however, is that instead of making himself more prominent during this national crisis, he has elected to "suspend" his campaign. It's the equivalent of what GWB did during Hurrican Katrina. Does anyone remember the "cake photo" of the two men yukking it up during the precise moments of HK? It was not an endearing photo, to say the least. Obama is correct in his assessment that the public needs to see the person who is going to be in charge of the most powerful nation in the world at the forefront of this mess of a situation. McCain does more flip-flopping than any candidate in recent history, presidential or otherwise. Whatever is convenient for him, he attempts to capitalize on the circumstances. This time, however, it's not working. The "American People," which he is so fond of saying, can see right through his old-school shennanigans, and we're not having any of it.
ReplyDeleteObama's response to McCain going to Washington and suspending the campaign: "Call me if you need me."
ReplyDeleteCall me if you need me?
If you are not needed, if you are that ineffective, then what kind of leader are you?
Democrats did not call him - they don't need him. What is he going to do? Vote "present?"
Bush called him as a civil gesture - for the photo op to make himself (Bush) look like he was doing something constructive. What a waste of jet fuel.
What would mccain do? We already know, he's voted with Bush 90% of the time!!!!
ReplyDelete4:11 Yep. That's pretty much the way things work in complex organizations. Nobody and I do mean nobody ever wants the highest officer of the organization getting involved in hammering out the details. To bring in the highest officer says "we failed. we cannot do the job we were assigned to do."
ReplyDeleteTypically in complex organizations, the chief comes in to review the work that has been done and give approval or redirect the efforts of others.
Obama is right in saying "hey MY guys can get this done." I don't know what McCain is saying when he has to problem solve for his team.
For future reference, you might enroll in a basic management class , seek employment in a more complex organization or attempt to enter the managerial ranks within your current organization.
6:14 Obama is paid $175k per year to solve problems like this... he IS the grunt that is supposed to hammer out a solution. That's what working senators do. To absolve himself of responsibility "call me if you need me" is beyond irresponsible. God help us all if he suckers the American people and becomes president.
ReplyDeleteMr. President... we've just been attacked by the Russians... otay... call me if you need me... I'll be toning my abs...
what a goof.
Illinois should be so embarrassed to have elected him.
To 11:06 PM:
ReplyDeleteObama a "goof"? Oh, and YOUR $400K a year president and his GOP cronies are geniuses, right? I lay this mess, and rest of this country's financial ills at the feet of you GOP free market Einsteins. It's bad enough being greedy. Being greedy AND morons is unconscionable.
the fact that there are lots of goofs in Washington in NO WAY distracts from the fact that Obama is in fact a goof himself.
ReplyDeleteHe gave a great speech at the 2002 convention and ... uh... um... organized a community... and.. um... voted "present" in the state senate.. and edited the Harvard law review (no articles by him)...and has been running for president ever since he was elected to serve the people of Illinois. Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and scores of other democrats had it right in the primaries...HE IS NOT READY NOR IS HE CAPABLE OF LEADING.
Case in point: He opens his mouth at the Bush meeting yesterday and the whole meeting goes to hell in a hand basket. He is NOT a leader. He is an agitator ... I mean Acorn community organizer. Definitely not presidential material. Even the first black president...Clinton... is not supporting him (half ass support is no support).. because Clinton knows what I know.. that OBAMA IS A GOOF.