About 12,000 people filed in to Jacksonville's Metropolitan Park yesterday (an estimated 8,000 stood outside the fence) to hear Barack Obama tell folks that he is the best equipped to get the country out of the economic meltdown. Obama was in a city where just Monday John McCain proclaimed that the "fundamentals of the economy are strong."
Among some of Sen. Obama's most memorable quotes yesterday are:
-- "We can’t steer ourselves out of this crisis with a driver who wants to go the same way -- into the ditch. And that’s what this election is all about."
-- "The events of this week have shown that the stakes of this election could not be higher, they could not be clearer."
-- "I think it’s pretty clear Sen. McCain is a little panicked. At this point he’s willing to say anything, do anything, change any position."
-- "Don’t believe those commercials. I'm a tax cutter. I'm going to put some money in your pockets."
A vote for Obama is a vote against everything that this country was founded on. He will enslave your children to the biggest, most over-reaching, most intrusive government this great country has ever known. You HAVE read his policy statements haven't you?
ReplyDeleteSimply being black does not qualify him to be president.
^^^Over the top....but true